
The Shortwave Report 11/11/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (November 11) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

Shut down ex-gay clinics in Ecuador that are using torture to "cure" homosexuality

Paola Ziritti is unthinkably brave to speak publicly about the “clinic.” She endured physical assault, sexual abuse, and a constant battery of insults. Guards would even throw buckets of cold water and urine on her. For two years, this was Paola’s waking nightmare... because she’s a lesbian. The “doctors” and guards at the clinic were trying to “cure” her.

Draft declaration for Occupy Melbourne

The following declaration prepared by the "Declaration Working Group" will be presented to the Occupy Melbourne General Assembly on Saturday 12th in the Treasury Gardens.

DRAFT First Declaration of Occupy Melbourne

We stand in solidarity with the people in the Occupy movement in Australia and across the globe. In the name of freedom and democracy, we stand resolutely in opposition to unjust, unrepresentative, and unsustainable systems and practices world-wide.

Our Vision


Your honour will see that we are in for some inclement weather: Occupy Melbourne and the right to protest

Below is a repost from the blog of Raili Simojoki. It provides some good coverage of the case made on behalf of Occupy Melbourne as part of its injunction in the Federal Court against the City of Melbourne's compliance notice. A result is expected today (Friday 11th).


It’s official – the key to conservation lies with indigenous peoples

India's Soliga tribe recently secured unprecedented rights to a tiger reserve © Kalyan Varma/Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, November 10, 2011 - - Indigenous peoples are key to preserving the world’s forests, and conservation reserves that exclude them suffer as a result, according to a new study from the World Bank.

How democratic was the decision to reduce General Assemblies at Occupy Melbourne?

I attended Occupy Melbourne last weekend and had a very positive experience including attending a GA and staying over on Saturday night in the Treasury Gardens. I was pleased to see positive proposals being made and people working so hard to keep this movement going. A couple of days later I checked out the website and now I feel compelled to write about how whether deliberately or not, General Assemblies have been undermined by some people working within the Facilitation Working Group. I am referring to the decision at the GA on Sunday 6th Nov to only hold General Assemblies twice a week.


Invitation to an international uranium conference in Germany 4 Feb 12

On 11 March 2011 Fukushima became the new symbol of the uncontrollability of nuclear installations. In Germany powerful protests have achieved the closure of several nuclear power stations, in some countries nuclear programmes are being cut back, but in several others nuclear energy production is still being expanded. And in Niger, Congo, Namibia, Canada, Australia, Kazakhstan and elsewhere uranium continues to be mined unscrupulously and almost unnoticed.

It all starts with uranium!

IEA: Bold change of direction needed globally to meet climate commitments

A Bold change of direction is needed to limit global average temperature rise to a 2 degree limit as per the commitment made in Copenhagen in 2009 and re-affirmed in Cancun in 2010, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA) World Energy Outlook for 2011.

Skinner granted stay; Buck denied hearing

By Tennesseans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty

(Conversation between Skinner and German filmmaker, Werner Herzog.)

November 8th, 2011

According to a CNN report, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals halted the execution of Hank Skinner on Monday afternoon, ruling that it needed time to review the state’s revised law on DNA testing.

How to use a bikelock to save the Great Barrier Reef - protest halts Gladstone dredging

Derec Davies used a bicycle U lock to attach himself to a dredger in Gladstone Harbour this morning. The direct action was taken to protect the Great Barrier Reef against the development of Gladstone harbour liquefied natural gas facilities on Curtis Island to export Coal Seam Gas. Massive Dredging of the Gladstone harbour is occurring which fisherman and environmentalists say is causing turbidity in the water and causing illness of fish effectively closing down the local fishing industry. Development is endangering the World Heritage status of the Great Barrier Reef.

Related: In 2010 Conservationists criticised government over coal ship grounding on Great Barrier Reef near Gladstone | Capricorn Conservation Council: The LNG invasion of Curtis Island | ABC TV Four Corners: Great Barrier Grief | Getup! petition to Save the reef


Mutiny Zine #62- paper of anarchistic ideas and actions

Mutiny Zine, a paper of anarchistic ideas and actions, is now available for October/November 2011 (issue 62). Find the zine online at This months zine includes analysis of the global occupy movement, as well as info on activism by the 'Superfluous ones' in Germany, a report from the Cancun climate summit protests in Mexico 2010 and from the rally to save Political Economy at Usyd.


WGAR News: Aboriginal leaders call for apology over NT intervention; Darwin launch of Walk With Us

Newsletter date: 9 November 2011

* Aboriginal Leaders call for apology over NT intervention
* Report on 'Consultations' - "A flawed process and not what people said"
* Darwin book launch of 'Walk With Us' - Aboriginal views on the NT Intervention
* Video: Yuendumu Voices - Reflections on the Intervention
* National Health Leadership Forum (NHLF) to be voice to govt
* Interview with Jonathan Nichols, Editor of a APY Project
* Project: Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud exhibition
* Jon Altman: The intervention is dead, long live the intervention

American, French, German, Italian firms selling Syrian regime Internet use tracking systems - sign to stop them!

It wont be long before the Syrian regime, with the help of four Western companies, sets up perhaps the world’s most sophisticated online tracking and surveillance system. Its goal? To assist Syrian security forces in their door-to-door hunt for activists.

Yindjibarndi message to FMG investors at 9 November annual general meeting

Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation MEDIA ADVISORY 9 November 2011

On Wednesday 9 November FMG is holding its AGM.
Michael Woodley, CEO of Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation, and a dozen traditional owners from Roebourne, and friends, will be holding a peaceful vigil outside the AGM this Wednesday morning.

While FMG reports its yearly profitability and progress, the Yindjibarndi people want to draw the attention of investors and broader public, to the fact that this has come at a terrible human cost.

Riot police brutally break up Occupy Sydney housing protest squat

On the 8th November five occupy Sydney protestors were arrested. The arrests came after the riot police usinig police dogs and chainsaws forced their way into an unoccupied Sydney building Occupy Sydney had began to squat that day as a protest against unaffordable housing in Australia. A banner had been hung from the building declaring "Housing Crisis solved".


Call for international day of action to help save the Egyptian revolution and end military jailing

About a week ago Alaa Abd El Fattah was arrested in Cairo and abducted into a military prison. He is one of the best known activists and bloggers of the Egyptian uprising. He was called to appear before a military court to respond to trumped up charges to have stolen weapons on 9 October, to have attacked soldiers and to have called for violent actions. A call out for an international day of action has been made by the No Military Trials for Civilians Movement on 4 November 2011 in Egypt to occur on November 12th to defend the Egyptian revolution and end military trials. They demand the immediate release of Alaa Abd El Fattah and all others incarcerated in military jails. It would be great to see solidarity from the Occupy Movement in Australia on this day for our Egyptian brothers and sisters who have inspired us with their continuing brave struggle for freedom.


Seven billion ... and rising

By Walden Bello

The world’s population surpassed 7 billion on October 31. But except for perhaps the anti-family planning lobby, this was a milestone that few were in a mood to celebrate.

Concerns about overpopulation were present when the world hit the 6 billion mark in 1999, but they were subdued in that era of growth and — at least in the North — optimism. There was a sense then that although there would be major hurdles along the way, the world’s future could only get brighter.


When Speaking the Truth Becomes a Crime,

Even if you are NOT in the UK, please NETWORK FAR AND WIDE. This COURT CASE has profound implications for FREEDOM OF SPEECH for ALL. Robert needs ALL our support.

When Speaking the Truth Becomes a Crime,
Freedom of Speech is on Trial

Monday 14th November, 10 AM - Stonehaven Court, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.

Robert Green stands ALONE in a Stonehaven Court accused of "breach of the peace"
for reporting the TRUTH. If you can get there please attend your presence
and support is NEEDED in this landmark case.


Occupy Melbourne challenges City of Melbourne in federal court

Fitzroy Legal Service have filed documents in the Federal Court seeking that the court make a declaration that a Notice to Comply served to Occupy Melbourne participants by council officers on Friday the 4th of November was “ultra vires” and hence “null, void and of no legal force or effect.”

Occupy Melbourne seeks to uphold the right of all Australians to protest as enshrined in the constitutional right of political communication.
