
Australian courts ruling against Aborigines without jurisdiction

A political activist, Mr Anderson is the last survivor of the four young “Black Power” men who set up the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra in 1972. Of Euahlayi and Gumilaroi descent, he is the leader of the 3,000 Euahlayi whose lands straddle northwest NSW and southwest Qld.

Goodooga, northwest NSW, November 8th, 2011.
By Michael Anderson
It appears that the courts of NSW are standing firm on their consistent practice to exercise jurisdiction over Aboriginal people despite the amended 1872/75 Pacific Islanders Act.

Robbing Peter to pay Paul - Timber supply crisis to cost taxpayers millions

Court documents obtained this week confirm conservation group South East Forest Rescues claims that Forests NSW are unable to meet timber commitments and are having to pay out for logs that never existed. In light of these documents SEFR are calling on the State government to end native forest logging.


Rote Flora: Access all areas

Cities are the location of economical constraints and repressive policies all over the world. But at the same time they are contested areas characterised by the fight for self-determination and participation. Presently, we are experiencing crises, social protests and new movements. In order to multiply these conflict lines on the city’s terrain, a day of action against capitalist urban development and gentrification is going to take place.

Unlawful FMG heritage dealing & massive sites damage at Solomon Project

By Michael Woodley, CEO, Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation 7 November 2011. The Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation is calling on Tony Burke, Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities to take action under the emergency powers of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act to stop the destruction by Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) of Yindjibarndi sacred sites and ‘living heritage’ areas that are used by Yindjibarndi people each year for their Birdarra religious ceremonies, which date back thousands of years.


Refugees are welcome here! - Rally and march, Melbourne 5 November 2011

The Refugee Action Collective (Victoria)organised a rally and march reiterating demands for an end to mandatory detention and offshore processing. This came in the wake of two events: the High Court decision ruling the government’s intended Malaysia deal illegal, and the drowning deaths of asylum seekers off the coast of Java a few days previously.


My Money - Occupy This ! mp3

Refresher course on banks, debt finance and change

Anonymous Message to Zeitgeist and Venus Project Followers, various excerpts of Public Credit - A Solution by Richard C. Cook, Euro Demise by Clarke Dawe

music: Herd, Atmos, True Vibenation

33:40 min 128 kbps stereo 31 MB


Death in custody, number unknown

by Ray Jackson, President, Indigenous Social Justice Association it is with an ongoing sense of horror and disbelief that thanks to ms. pc i have been made aware of yet another gaol death of a young Aboriginal man in Borallon Gaol in Queensland on 27 october, 2011. The unnamed young man, from Mt. Isa, was only 25 or 26 (reports differ as to his age) when he was found dead in his gaol cell at 0915 and gaol staff (officers/nurses/a doctor perhaps?) proceeded with CPR until the ambulance arrived and pronounced him deceased at 0952.


Indonesian Commando Btn 755 brutalise Puncak Jaya villagers

by Nick Chesterfield at - November 5, 2011 Indonesian army (TNI) commandos have terrorised and severely beat villagers in Kurulu District in Puncak Jaya in another show of extreme brutality against West Papuan civilians.

Soldiers from the Kostrad (Strategic Reserve) Battalion 755 stationed at the Kurulu army post stormed the village of Umpagalo, near Wamena, on the night of November 2, breaking up a meeting and severely beating 12 men, including 3 West Papua National Committee (KNPB) members.


Ned Kelly Occupies Byron Bay

Ned Kelly, Australian bushranger and icon of the underdog, made a special appearance at an anti big banks and corporations action in Byron Bay on Sat 5th November.

Ned's message to the people was: " Move your money out of the big banks and put them in credit unions. I won't rob them and they won't rob you and your children's future by investing in toxic shit."


Save Abbotsford Convent precious open spaces from private Steiner school land grab

Dear fellow community activists, The Abbotsford Convent is again under threat with the Sophia Mundi Steiner school’s proposal to take over public land for their own fenced playground, build four additional classrooms and associated structures – including some on St Mary’s paddock (the “goats paddock”): See: The plans are objected to by the local community, the local council (C


WGAR News: "Congress joins opposition to big stick policies in the NT" - NCAFP media release

Newsletter date: 29 October 2011

* What’s Working: Animation of stories
* "Congress Joins Opposition to Big Stick Policies in the NT" NCAFP Media Release
* Background to National Congress of Australia's First Peoples (NCAFP)
* Occupy Melbourne calls for Treaty with Indigenous Australia
* Interview with Brian Devlin on cuts to bilingual education in the NT
* Prof Jon Altman: Governments can not afford to neglect homelands
* UTS Lecture by Dr Miriam Jorgensen & Prof Stephen Cornell:
Indigenous Government - A Solution in Settler States

Global warming in Antarctica: Glaciers accelerating, west Antarctic ice sheet losing mass

Scientists have been studying the climate change impact on ice shelfs and glaciers for some time in Antarctica, and particularly around the Antarctic Peninsula where there is substantial warming occurring increasing ice shelf melt and the speed and discharge of glaciers. The most recent studies predict a faster retreat for the Thwaites Glacier and that warm ocean currents are already speeding the melting of the Pine Island Glacier and Ice Shelf and Getz Ice Shelf. A NASA Icebridge flight detected a major new rift in the Pine Island ice shelf on October 14 - the start of the calving of a massive iceberg. A recent paper in Nature Geoscience discusses the Stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet in a warming world and the likelihood of collapse that would raise sea level by more than three metres over the course of several centuries or less.

Related: Record Increase in Greenhouse Gas Emissions for 2010 | The Wilkins ice Bridge collapsed in April 2009 as Polar regions felt the heat of climate change. I reported as far back as 2004 that warming in Antarctica was cause for concern with ocean food chain crashing due to Antarctic warming. More recently in April 2011 I discussed Penguin numbers suffering with krill decline due to Global Warming.


Record increase in greenhouse gas emissions for 2010

Greenhouse gases increased 6 per cent during 2010, one of the largest annual increases on record according to the US Department of Energy. In 2010 about 512 million metric tonnes more of carbon was emitted to the atmosphere than in 2009. Total emissions for 2010 were 30.6 Gigatonnes, 5% higher than the previous record year in 2008, according to an International Energy Agency report in June 2011. The latest figures put global emissions on track with the worst case projections from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2007 report.

Related: Carbon Emissions need to peak this decade to meet 2 °C temperature goal warns new study

Australia mining aid for Philippines questioned – ATM

Melbourne, Australia – Filipino and Australian organizations criticized Prime Minister Julia Gillard for launching a $127 million ‘smart aid’ for poor but mineral-rich nations during a forum at the University of Melbourne.

Recently, the Gillard government has launched ‘Mining for Development Initiative’ which aims to help more than 30 developing countries, including the Philippines, address mining related challenges, including everything from managing environmental impacts of mining to governance issues.

Statement by Northern Territory elders and community representatives - No more! Enough is enough!

Melbourne 4 November, 2011

United First People’s Law men and women who are born leaders representing people of Prescribed Areas in the Northern Territory make this statement. Once again, they have gathered to openly discuss the future of our generation who have been subjugated by the lies and innuendo of the Federal Government, set out in the Stronger Futures document (October 2011).

The Stronger Futures report has created a lot of anger and frustration due to the lack of process and the ignorant way in which the views of the people have been reported. We therefore reject this report.


Occupy Melbourne defying council notice. “Abhorrent” attack says ASU.

Protesters who are peacefully assembled at the Treasury Gardens as ‘Occupy Melbourne’ are currently resisting (potentially unlawful) harassment by officers from the City of Melbourne and Victoria Police. The Australian Services Union (servicing Melbourne City Council workers) has called the Council actions “abhorrent”; is not imposing bans but will discuss the matter at its next executive meeting. Protesters earlier today asked people to get to the Treasury Gardens as soon as possible to help them resist this arbitrary abuse of state power.


Occupy Melbourne turning into important test case for freedom of speech and assembly as harrassment continues

The Occupy Melbourne Movement is turing into a vital test case for free speech as the Melbourne City Council abuses its bylaws to harrass protestors. This Notice to comply was served on protestors in the Treasury Gardens on November the 4th. Its claims that protest signs are advertising without a permit and that people are breaking the by-law against camping in a public place. People are currently discussing what to do about the notice.


Tell G20 leaders to end conflict between tank and plate

Dear Friends of the Rainforest,

Anyone who produces fuels from food plants offends ruthlessly against people and nature. Because food prices are rising, hunger is worsening, rainforests are cut down and their inhabitants chased away.

Agro-energy is no solution to our energy and climate problems because just the clear-felling pushes more CO2 into the air than agrofuels save.

Ten international UN organisations clearly and emphatically urge the biggest industrial countries (G20) to stop producing socalled biofuel.