Save Abbotsford Convent precious open spaces from private Steiner school land grab

Dear fellow community activists, The Abbotsford Convent is again under threat with the Sophia Mundi Steiner school’s proposal to take over public land for their own fenced playground, build four additional classrooms and associated structures – including some on St Mary’s paddock (the “goats paddock”): See: The plans are objected to by the local community, the local council (City of Yarra), the National Trust and more recently to parts of the plans by the Collingwood Children’s Farm. The plans are now with the Baillieu government awaiting decision, which is expected shortly. Please consider objecting. Click on the link to the GoPetition at: and support this campaign to save our precious inner urban heritage open spaces and places. Please pass this message on to as many people you know that may be interested in signing the petition. Numbers are crucial. Thankyou, Jill Koppel Secretary, on behalf of the Committee Collingwood and Abbotsford Residents Association Website: Facebook Fan Page: 'Save St Mary's Paddock: Our Open Space for Farm and Convent' PO Box 304 Abbotsford 3067
