Break the blackout, donate for Internet freedom

By Access What a year! In 2010, our small room of Access servers kept the internet open for thousands across the world. Real people in places like Venezuela, Egypt, and Iran had their internet censored by their governments. But by using our servers, people were able to get around their country's firewall to access the web, upload videos to YouTube, and post information to sites like Twitter and Facebook. Sadly, we may now have to close those servers.

With all the numerous challenges before us in 2012 -- jailed bloggers, activists being targeted, governments choking off the internet -- we'll have to scale back on all our hard work because we simply do not have the resources to keep this going.

In order to maintain these servers, we rely only on a few regular donors. And we still refuse to receive funding from the U.S. government. That's why we're turning to you to give the gift of internet freedom to real people who are silenced online.

A contribution of $10 a week or a one-off donation of $100 could literally help thousands of real people break through the firewall to freely express themselves and access information that has been blocked. Click below to make your donation:

These repressive governments are doing everything they can to block the internet. By lending your support, we can give thousands the chance to be free on the web. Thank you for all your dedication this year. Have a good holiday season, and have a happy New Year.

Our best,
Brett Solomon
Access Executive Director
