White supremacists to converge in Brisbane in 2012

A convergence of racist white supremacists is expected to occur under the guise of a music festival "Hammerred" in Brisbane on April 21st this year.

Australian Federal Race Discrimination Commissioner Dr Helen Szoke this week labelled the event as "abhorrent to our community", while Queensland Police and the Brisbane City Council are allowing the event to go ahead, claiming it is legal.

However the organising group,Southern Cross Hammerskins, are associated with international white supremacist group Hammerskin Nation, and both have outspoken views on Hitler, racial vilification of jews and connections to Australian groups assoicated with racist attacks in the 1980s.

The 'Hammerskins Nation' website that represents the views of white supremacists such as the Southern Cross Hammerskins claims it's goal is 14 words: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children." In the US Hammerskins groups have been associated with the KKK and many members have been gaoled for assault and murder of black people.

According to the Anti Defamation League (US) the Hammerskins are "the most violent and best-organized neo-Nazi skinhead group in the United States. A number of its members have been convicted of harassing, beating or murdering minorities. Many popular racist rock bands are affiliated with the Hammerskin Nation, and the group regularly sponsors concerts. Though internal dissension and a civil lawsuit currently threaten its continued strength, the Hammerskin Nation remains active and dangerous." http://www.adl.org/learn/ext_us/Hammerskin.asp?xpicked=3&item=15

The Australian Racial Discrimination Act (1975) says it is unlawful to "to do an act, otherwise than in private, if:
(a) the act is reasonably likely in all the circumstances to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or group of people, and
(b) the act is done because of the race, colour or national or ethnic origin of the other person or some or all of the people in the group."

It is highly likely that this event will cause public offence, as it is being publically advertised on internet forum and through websites and is already being exposed in the mass media. The 'whitelaw' blog advertising the event features links to youtube videos promoting hitler and glorifying racial violence.

That the police, the Brisbane City Council and the Queensland State Government are letting this racist event go ahead is against the spirit of the Racial Discrimination Act, and would likely be attracting tourists to the region that may have been involved in racist or possibly even violent acts.

It's time we stopped this hangover from the White Australia Policy and made it clear to the world that Queensland and Australia will not tolerate people continuing to spread racial hate as these groups do. To allow this event to go ahead is to condone racial vilification and incitement to racial vilification.


The author of this article is urging all free thinking and egalitarian people to write an urgent complaint to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, the QLD Premier, the Queensland Police Force and the Brisbane City Council. This racist event must not stand.

QLD Police complaints "Policelink"

Premier Anna Bligh


Brisbane City Council



Dear QLD Police Force/Premier Bligh/HREOC/Brisbane City Council,

It has come to my attention that a racist event is being publicly advertised and mentioned in the news media. The “Hammerfest” event is being organised by a white supremaist group who align themselves with the Hammerskins Nation, as US network of racists who promote racial violence and vilification.

I am deeply offended by the fact that Queensland and Australian authorities are allowing this event to go ahead. I believe that this event will attract undesirable visitors to Australia, many of whom advocate racist violence and some of whom will likely have been involved in racist violence overseas. This event, though billed as a music festival, can only lead to inciting young Australians to take in racist views and perhaps lead to racist violence.

I call on you to take a strong stand against this event and condemn racism in all it's forms, including musical. Condoning racist sentiments contributes to an increased sense in the community that these views are valid and normal. They are not, they are dangerous and divisive and can lead to criminal acts.



read this then make up your mind who are the racists in this world -

Southern Cross Hammerskins claims it's goal is 14 words: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.".If their goal was We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Aboriginal Children."I bet no one would call that racist!
The Australian Racial Discrimination Act (1975) says it is unlawful to "to do an act, otherwise than in private, if:
(a) the act is reasonably likely in all the circumstances to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or group of people, and
(b) the act is done because of the race, colour or national or ethnic origin of the other person or some or all of the people in the group."
So when Aboriginal groups refer to white Australia as invaders which offends a lot of white Australians because they arrived in this country well after the British settled Australia why do you not recite The Australian Racial Discrimination Act (1975)?The answer is because you are racist towards the white man.

In saying all of that I must say I have nothing to do with this group and never will have just asking for a level playing field when it comes to the whole racist issue.

One last thing has Southern Cross Hammerskins ever being convicted of racial violence?don't know the answer to that one, but if they haven't you should be careful on what you say it was this type of talk that started the whole Jewish thing in Germany in 1933 which would make you no better than the Nazis

You cannot deny that Australia was invaded and the people who owned it were slaughtered, starved, enslaved, raped, stripped of their culture, dispossessed of their lands, which were their sustenance and their spirituality.

Those who came after the initial invaders are living on the spoils of that invasion, to this day refusing justice and a fair share to the Aboriginal people.

I imagine you to be one of the people who think 'it's all their own fault'.

Join the struggle to put things right.

Yes the British did invade Australia in 1770 so how can you blame all white people in Australia for that we are all victims of circumstance if you were born here.That argument is as silly as saying all Aboriginals are drunks that sit in parks and don't want to work or that all aboriginal men bash their wives.
Also you might not want to forget that the convicts that were brought to Australia were slaughtered, starved, enslaved, raped, stripped of their culture, dispossessed of their lands, which were their sustenance and their spirituality,it wasn't just the Aboriginals that got this treatment and I think it is shameful that people forget this.
Those who came after the initial invaders are living on the spoils of the hard work that our forefathers did like Fighting the British at the Eureka stockade building roads cities and all the infrastructure that we all benefit from today including the Aboriginal people.
This is why I find it offensive that people like you try to blame white Australia for the situation the aboriginal people are in I think it is racist.
Its o/k for the blacks to be proud to be black but when a white man is proud to be white that is wrong this is racist to white people.A good example of this was Muhammed Ali in the 70's he could say what he wanted about white man and no one called him racist he even attended a KKK meeting saying that whites should marry whites and blacks should marry blacks the Klan loved him but no one called him racist because he was Black there were others like Malcom X and Martin Luther King all racists but no one called them racist because they were black and dont start they were treated worse than whites because that is crap the Irish copped it just as bad if not worse so black people of this world do not have a monopoly on being treated bad.
So I can see no problem with the Southern Cross Hammerskins being proud of being white and fighting for white rights just the same as Aboriginals should be able to be proud of being black and fighting for their rights just as long as they don't break the law unfortunately I see the The Australian Racial Discrimination Act (1975) been broken by a lot of people including Aboriginal groups that say white Australia is responsible for the invasion when it just offends, insults, humiliates and intimidates white Australian people, and is done because of our race, colour and ethnic origin in other words it is breaking The Australian Racial Discrimination Act (1975)Which is wrong no matter who does it

I "blame white Australia for the situation the aboriginal people are in" because white Australia keeps perpetrating hideous crimes on them and people like you and most Australians at least look the other way, if not actually applauding.

There's more to these racist thugs than "being proud of being white", they are murderers. You either didn't read that bit or you chose to ignore it.

Which tells us where you're really coming from.

Anonymous your racist comment is a good example of the point I am trying to make let me tell you how.
I grew up in a neighbourhood that was built in the late fifties early 60's and most of the people in that neighbourhood parents were new Australians including my parents we lived nextdoor to people from south Africa who were black, over the road was a Indian family we also had Greeks Italians and families from Egypt and Lebanon in the same street I would say we all arrived in Australia at the same time.You say that " white Australia keeps perpetrating hideous crimes on them and people like you and most Australians at least look the other way, if not actually applauding".I would say we just did not see what was happening to Aboriginals rather than looked the other way,but I will grant you may be we looked the other way by not speaking up for them, when I say we I mean all the people in our street but people like you would walk down my street and point my family out as people you blame for the Aboriginal situation because my family is White even though all the other coloured families in the street did or did not do the same as my family what the fuck has my family done different to all the other families in the street?Nothing is the answer, but we are singled out because we are white Australians Go fuck your self you racist prick my family as white Australians did no more or no less to the Aboriginals than any of the other family in the same street that are not white Australians but are Australians.People like you are breaking the The Australian Racial Discrimination Act (1975) by offending, insulting, humiliating and intimidating people like my family because of our ethnic origin,race and colour you are just as racist as the white supremacists but are too racist to see it you pig

"Its o/k for the blacks to be proud to be black but when a white man is proud to be white that is wrong this is racist to white people."

- Explain yourself. You said you are proud to be white - for what reasons?
You only bitched and moaned about black people.

You pointed out there are racist black people - Yes, there are racist people of every colour.

I have a Caucasian complexion (white). I WOULD be proud to be white except I don't see myself as a white person. I see myself as human being. Including you brother.

You are divided, conditioned to hatred. I see my fellow people as oppressed. We have short memory of world history, educate to consume and not question.
African, Asian, European, American, Australian, everywhere.

Blacks oppression is one of the most obvious via the systems discrimination - legislation & societal attitudes (lack of education) leads this on.
But it's everywhere.

Including in suburbia -
Illusion of choice (Corporate dominance through monopolies, government silence of alternative political and non political protests/movements.

Media monopoly and control - but you should know this being on this site.

I will be proud of you, for being white, when you have an excuse like being oppressed by a group of blacks. Youre just hiding/or in denial of your inner fears and misconceptions.

Racism exists in all of us, it is just a defensive move to something you aren't familiar with - in this case, the values & beliefs of Aboriginals.
Race is a stereotype any way, we have a bit of everything in us.
Almost every white tradie I see is almost black - from the sun - which is why Aboriginals evolved skin that could handle the conditions of the land.

Give it another 1000 years and we would of all adapted the same way. Our skin will be classed as what you define as 'black'. Under the Sun mate.

I only feel sorry for the way you feel towards other human beings.

Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est

Hey I know it's not my question but I will answer any way because I see Dons point.I am proud to be white because of the contribution white man has made to the world Lets see ,space flight,Aeroplanes,cars,Telephone,movie camera,fridge,microwave,television,computer,Air Con,atom Bomb,motor bike,Light Globe ,electricity,washing machine,cloths Dryer,printing machine,Biro,flushing toilet as we know it,pencil,telephone you get it you know all the good stuff may be not the atom bomb but it did slow those Japs down hey!
"Media monopoly and control" Yeah those fucking Jew scum bags run that show or is that anti-semitic for telling the truth about those fore skin Chopping Terrorists or am I a holocaust denier?
"I will be proud of you, for being white, when you have an excuse like being oppressed by a group of blacks"Hey man I'm Irish we have been oppressed by the Poms for 800 years and in the final stages of kicking their bums for good, give it another 20 years and Ireland will be rid of those Bastards for ever.You must be proud of me for being white now so I thank you for your support.
I only feel sorry for the way you feel towards other human beings.Hey man us whities are just returning the favour, go to Africa and see the racisim there your feelings will change or go to Iran or Iraq,No you better not go their they will kill a whitie like you but save your sorrow for them because their countries are all fucked up like most of the middle East, Asia and Africa.

Can you tell me of one black country that is not fucked up that is run by blacks?No neither can I

"Give it another 1000 years and we would of all adapted the same way. Our skin will be classed as what you define as 'black'. Under the Sun mate".Do you think we will be able to handle our grog or does the sun fuck that up too?And will we become lazy?

Racism exists in all of us, it is just a defensive move to something you aren't familiar with. what like marrying your cousin or chopping your foreskin off or stoning some sheila to death because she had a good root or maybe killing your daughter because she was not a Virgin when she gets married or may be because someone thinks I am not a chosen one and are just a Goy that I can be treated like shit ? This racist gig sounds like a good defensive system how do I become one?Or is it only Niggers,Gooks,Wogs,Curry Munchers, rag heads Oh and Jew cunts that can be racist?

All the things you claim to hate about other cultures here are not the result of racism, but of extreme religious beliefs. People of any skin colour can find themselves born into or join an extremist cult that advocates brutal treatment of people not like them. Can't you see how white supremacy is the same as the extreme practices of religous bigots? Hating doesn't stop these things, in fact hating makes people with crazy ideas cling to them even more irrationally.

I thank you, however, for making it clear to readers here that people like you do exist, that this is not just a 'free speech' issue.

whatever happened to freedom of conscience or free will?

"Pure" irish hey? You have more european swimming in your blood than us wogs - just the same blood and genes as the western europeans, as the basques, portuguese, french, italians and moroccans thats who.
But then race and colour is really only just skin deep isnt it?

well put

What a load of shit, those of us that grew up knowing these people, the fucking hammerskins and the other bowling balls that hang with them, know exactly what they are about. You aren't fooling us with your bullshit.

You can talk all you like about 'free speech' but you aren't talking about 'invaders', the whole culture is about white fucking supremacy. So can it with your bullshit techniques of trying to legitimise your fascist crap. WHY? Because there is a bloody agenda and you fucking know it.

Take your whining little bald head and fuck off out of our neighbourhoods, you aren't fooling anyone.

Anonymoose I got hair on my head and always have no tatts and used to love to bash skin heads and punks in the late 70's so you have pegged me for someone else.
All I'm saying is that white racists and black racists and Asian racist and Arab racists any racist should all be treated the same. It is not just white people that are racist do you have a problem with that or are you just another person that thinks it is only white people that can be racist and that is what pisses me off no bullshit techniques, bloody agenda or fooling anyone here!

Sounds like you know this group hammerskins where are they from and what crimes have they committed?so I can investigate them before I start calling them racists.

I found the term bowling balls quite funny we used to call them pricks with ears when we were fighting with the skin heads.These white skin heads used to fight in Gangs and were piss weak by themselves most people would agree with that statement right? but if I say the Asians were the same as the white skin heads but those gutless pricks needed knifes because they were even piss weak in gangs every one calls me a racist, thats the point I am trying to make, you can hang it on the white man thats fine but if you do it to anyone else thats racist, that is what I fined to be bullshit and racist in itself.Do you have a problem with that or do you think that only whites can be racist too?

Hey, I hate racism in all it's forms. YOU are the one saying I am hanging it on the 'white man', whatever the fuck that means. I am talking about organised, political groups such as the Hammer Skins, that actively seek to promote racism.

So what the fuck are you jumping in and making the argument? What's your point? I hate racism, or do you just hate racism against whites? I don't see there being your red herring of an asian organised political group bringing about 'asian pride' it's just bullshit.

Stick to the point, these are racist arseholes and should be treated just like any other racist arsehole, and arguing that there is 'racism elsewhere' doesn't mean shit to the issue.

Race is a really stupid concept. We are all genetically so similar that any alien looking at earth would see no difference at all. The fact that we all continue to talk about race just shows how divided we still are. I have friends of many nationalities, and I feel sad when I imagine there are people out there that don't know the joys of a truly multi/racial/cultural/national/whatever you want to call it, experience. On a side note, I wouldn't buy a pedigree dog, and I can't imagine why people would want to only breed in a small and select gene pool. Too much in-breeding makes pedigree dogs stupid and weak, and it does the same for humans too! So for the sake of a happy, interesting and healthy future, chill out, breed with a person from far away, have a dinner party and lets leave racism in the past! oh, and by the way, have you ever thought that while we are all busy fighting each other about race, religion or whatever, there is some guy/corporation, totally screwing us, stealing our money and maybe even planning some nasty war for us to die in?

This whole blacks and whites dichotomy you are trying to set up is inane. We are all people: we all have the same needs and drives. Anything outside same species biology is artificial acculturisation. To create divisions based on skin type are meaningless to biology and insulting to our basic humanity. Our interests are shared. We have a mutual interest in surviving, having a healthy planet, living free from violence, achieving our potential as human beings. Take off our skins and tattoos and we are all the same flesh and blood. The colour of our skin is a chance result of genetics, it means nothing about our intelligence or our rights except what society gives it.

Racists have some need to feel superior despite knowing we are biologically the same. Maybe the world has given them a raw deal and they think that's not fair but they don't understand why. So they find a scapegoat to alleviate their feelings of powerlessness and worthlessness. They use violence to vent the subconscious knowledge that telling themselves they are better than blacks doesn't make it true. They shave their heads and get tatts to look scary, and they are because most of them enjoy being violent and the feeling of superiority it gives them.

What they don't try to understand is that the capitalist system that chews up and spits out people, makes them interchangeably worthless, is the source of their oppression.

you sir or madam are a genius and i agree with every word u have written there.

Yep to the stuff people said about why lots of disenfranchised people are racist and conglomerate in hate-based tribes.

Yep to the stuff about corporations and other selfish lobbies controlling the agenda and manipulating dissemination of information.

Awareness of race surely serves a purpose in rational thought, though. It should not be taboo to mention race, yet racism is such
an emotional topic that people don't want to acknowledge diversity, and some people who claim to despise racism seem partial to breeding genetic diversity out of existence and into history.
And on the other hand: I have one friend, a hypocrite, who claims it is racist and a shame to declare that one does not find the
opposite sex of a foreign race sexually attractive. I say: In spite of what you've heard from California, individuals do not need to be desired by you or me in order to realise their worth as sentient animals.
I would like to see the same cringing that happens when one uses the word 'racism' when one says 'culture', 'postmodernism', or 'personality'. OK, people already cringe when one says 'postmodern', but not because they've bothered to study the interconnected trends which that only-somewhat-vague term attempts to contain.
Of course we must sustain a dialogue with racists in our communities, which includes hearing their opinions, but no, we don't need to sit on our hands while they advertise to publically congregate in order to plan or even implicitly endorse acts of violence, destruction and particularly unfair discrimination. We absolutely SHOULD deny them any opportunity to turn a profit by branding and selling those opinions. By restricting those tribal activities we can prevent racists from effectively recruiting and grouping to mutually reinforce and 'legitimise' their hate, thus 'dampening' race hate. I do not propose a volksverhetzung-style blanket restriction of speech, which is a wide net and catches all sorts of delightfully frank and colourful fish and has the potential to ensnare a genuinely inquistive mind, but I do propose prevention before cure.
Can we make racism yesterday's topic now? I want to get through capitalist 'representative democracy' so we can talk about population control.

Complaining to the council, police and/or premier will accomplish absolutely nothing. It is not unlawful to hold such an event.

Complaining to HREOC/AHRC depends upon gaining access to the event. In the event a complaint is heard, it will be after the gig is over.

The petition too is a useless device.

A better alternative to these options would be for a concerned person to become more informed about the neo-Nazi groups in question, to understand that at this event the SCHS will be celebrating their 20th anniversary and that the reason they're able to do this is because they're not stupid.

The mere existance of groups like this is seditious and villifying. The fact that these groups have managed to stay around for 20 years is because they hide. They hide because what they are doing is wrong.

"It is unlawful for a person to do an act, otherwise than in private, if:
(a) the act is reasonably likely in all the circumstances to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or group of people, and
(b) the act is done because of the race, colour or national or ethnic origin of the other person or some or all of the people in the group." Racial Discrimination Act.

No one needs to know the ins and outs of these groups - their intentions are clear enough and it's abhorant.

Stop fooling yourself.

these people have aright to believe whatever they want as long as they do not violate the rights of other people via violence.
the only time people unify is under the same belief system, ie religion or cultural practices.
as far as i am concerned and in my experience i have seen good and bad in every culture and race.
i do not agree that we are all the same, yes we are the same species but we are all different and unique individuals.
i have experienced the greatest racism from people from eastern cultures, particularly asiatics, orientals and arabs and some jews.
these people i held as friends have an underlying and deep hatred of the west and the western europeans.this includes australia and its culture.
my father is is very dark brown due to his many years under the australiam sun and my mother very fair and i have very fair skin and dark features, what does that make me then when they are both from the same country and same culture - a hybrid or an outcast, which group do i fall in or am i in a league of my own?
I have deep respect for aboriginals and do not agree with people who marginalise them, nor do i agree with generalised attacks on all whites, labelling them racist and violent and unsympathetic.
if you pay taxes in this country you are supporting aboriginals and other ethnic minorities as well as other australians on welfare and most people want a peaceful australia not race wars and other garbage.
I am proud to be an australian and will never be guilty for crimes that i did not commit.
freedom of speech and freedom of conscience is what i say.

Freedom of speech does not entail being free to organise and promote removing that from other groups you consider subhuman.
Would you allow your 'eastern group racists' to organise in your neighbourhood to remove your rights? To subjugate you? To promote their hate?
There is a difference between free speech and hate speech, and organising to subjugate another is a political action of suppression of basic human rights, and nothing to do with free speech. What part of nazism confuses you?
They have the right to think however they want, but they should be prepared that working class people don't want them in their neighbourhoods.

They don't want to take away your rights. If you knew anything about the white nationalist movement, then you would know that most of them are paleo-conservatives. Paleo-conservatives oppose government coercion, so they don't want to use force to take away rights. You are the only bigot here. Lean something before you assert your arm chair nonsense,

mooser you havent read the koran with jihadists or talmud with elitists or been to an anti west fascist or communist meeting in russia or china have you - if you hadve then you would just see the way the teachers think of the westerners, in my collective experiences im not attacking individuals i am highlighting what political correctness takes away from us. at the end of the day its up to you what you believe, i know what i experienced time and time again and racism is everywhere, these supremacist people just make it their full time job.
as long as you are free to believe what you want to so should they, i dont agree with unwarranted violence against others and people going around committing violent actions against others when not in self defence are criminals.

Actually yes I have read the Qu'ran, and it is very similar to the bible. The bible gives orders from god in what to do with unbelievers in the 'True God (tm)' as well, and it ain't pretty.

I could also mention that the Lords Resistance Army, a christian sect, has killed more people than Hezbollah, Hamas and Al Qaeda combined in trying to bring about the ten commandments as law in Uganda.

They are all as bad as each other, and every place they organise to push an agenda of racism and fascism they must be kicked down the street and out of working class neighbourhoods. Their false set of values, their violence and hate, can only be met with the full force of our understanding of what it means if we let them grow. They aim to remove rights and replace with their boot. Fighting fascists is protecting the rights of all. There is a big difference between free speech and hate speech, and these people are hiding behind the free speech banner, until they have a chance to remove the right of freedom from others.

mooser - never mentioned the bible in my reply to you but since you have, let me draw your attention to the fact that Jesus himself rejects nominal christians who dont do his will, or keep his commandments.
see revelation for further information.
Did you ever read in the bible that Jesus went around murdering people who did not accept His divinity and teachings?
Where and how can you compare the teachings of the bible to that of the koran - beheading infidels, raping their women and loitering their lands and property - ie to people who dont forcibly accept the teachings of mohammed, confiscation of property, starvation and human rights abuses they call a " divine" authority and religion.
all started by a man who claimed to have been chosen by god and spoke to his angel, in deed a pedophile who had sex with a minor and then married the girl, murdered thousands of people to name a few of his lifestyle choices.
Millions of people bown down and follow this faith out of "surrender", they are brainwashed from youth to hate the west, and if your so versed on nazofascism mooser, you would identify its reemergence in many forms and religious guises today not just white supremicists.
so your worried about some lunatics in africa who want to live by the sword, well how many christians died, raped and pillaged in the history of this world, and most recently all over africa and in other middleeastern countries at the hands of jihadists moving in to islamacize the continent? innumerable.
You are doggedly determined to win your debate but you fail to see the woods for the trees, we are surrounded by billions of non white, non christian and non western friendly neighbours and your worried about a private gathering of hammerskins? Dear o' dear.

Dont be to concerned with these hate groups, they are emotionaly frail people who need large groups of like minded people to have the balls to say what they believe in, a bunch of cowards that have done nothing for this world or this country, they wont even face the people they claim to hate, always hiding, no white supremacy group has ever done anything, pathetic really, I pity them, must be a sad exsistence being consumed by hate while being such cowards to act upon their (weak) beliefs

Ironically, the only nazis are the ones who seek to ban this event from taking place. There is nothing more antithetical to a free society than dissenting opinion being shut down by 'fascists.' Anyone who seeks to ban this is more like a nazi than the white nationalists. Shame on all of you

More nazi than thugs who beat up and kill blacks? I think not.

Can you provide newslinks to when this has happened? I remember a couple of cases from the US 20 odd years ago, but lately when Hammerskins make the news its always these bitch fests from anti's.


Paul Lucas rejected calls for legislation to prevent the Hammered Music Festival, the Brisbane Courier-Mail reported Wednesday.

"If they want to make total fools of themselves and demonstrate their mentality, then that's for them," Lucas said. "But if they incite people to violence or breach the anti-discrimination provisions ... then we will refer the matter for investigation and prosecution."

The white supremacist festival has been held on the Gold Coast the past two years. It is organized by the Southern Cross Hammerskins and the "white-resistance" group Blood and Honour Australia, which states its mission is to "secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

"We are not in the business of banning people who express moronic, stupid and wrong points of view," Lucas said.

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2012/01/10/Aussie-AG-No-stopping-...

You shouldn't assume that because a person is Jewish they agree with the treatment of Palestinians. Websites run by extremist of all kinds are not representative of the general population.