The racist murder of Stephen Lawrence & institutional racism in Britain

18 years since the murder of black teenager Steven Lawrence, Gary Dobson and David Norris have been sentenced to a total of 29 years for this now notorious murder and race hate crime in 1993. Judge Lord Justice Treacy handed Gary Dobson, 36, a minimum 15 years and 2 months and David Norris, 35, a minimum 14 years and 3 months at the Old Bailey on Tuesday 3rd Jan 2012.

Despite the conviction of 2 of the group now due to new evidence and the overhaul of the double jeopardy law, the actual assailants in the murder remain at large.
See also: "The nine other suspects in Stephen Lawrence’s murder"

Detectives say a gang of at least five young men were involved in the unprovoked attack on Stephen at an Eltham, south London, bus stop. Neil Acourt, his brother Jamie, David Norris, Gary Dobson and Luke Knight – were the prime suspects in the Lawrence case. A bungled police investigation at the time of the murder meant there was a critical 2-week delay in following crucial leads in the investigation and gathering evidence. Despite numerous leads including witness statements and a letter left in a phonebox written anonymously naming the 5 suspects, police only started survelliancing the addresses of the 5 accused 4 days after the murder, witnessing men carrying black bin bags out of the houses. Inexplicably, the police never asked them what was inside. They just watched. Subsequent deliberate sabotage of evidence which was thereafter recovered including clothing with bloodstains (such as by Met detective Paul Steed, who tampered with key times and dates on an evidence log) officially excused as incompetence in the gathering of evidence thereafter allowed those guilty of this evil crime to roam free for over 18 years.

The deeper exploration of the facts surrounding the murder of Stephen Lawrence & the expose of institutional racism in the UK, most particularly the revelation that whilst the original prosecuting officers were knee deep in association with criminal activity with a father of one of the accused (David Norris), one can also question how at the time of the non-investigation into Stephen Lawrence's murder, a public trial into the death of young David Norris' uncle also called David Norris who was a police informant which was happening at the same time may have threatened to expose criminal cartels operating in 3 specialist police squads operating in south-east - one of which included association with gangster Kenneth Noye (who is/was also a freemason).

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Greatly Written Article.
huge info
Thanks For sharing
