Signs of hope for the Egyptian Coptic Nahal family


There's good news about the Egyptian Coptic Nahal family's struggle to prevent being expelled from Australia.

While we don't have a final decision yet, things are looking hopeful.

Thanks to an eleventh-hour surge of signatures to their petition, Tony and his family went to their meeting with the Department of Immigration armed with the support of more than 7,500 other signatory Australians. Early signs are positive.

The Nahals have been asked to fill out a series of forms that are the first step in Minister Bowen granting them permanent residency. We know the department is carefully and seriously considering his case, and they realise there are compelling reasons to let the Nahals stay in Australia. Your support has been vital in getting the Nahals this far -- so thank you.

We’re keeping a close eye on developments, but this process could take months to complete. As soon as we find out more we’ll let you and all of the campaign’s supporters know.

Until then, keep your fingers crossed for the Nahals, and thanks for being a part of this.

Nick and the team