Hear the younger brother describe the night Rex Bellotti Jnr was run over by a WA police 4WD
by ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association
i have posted previously on the social and cultural disaster that arose from a dangerously driven wa police car driving on the wrong side of a curve/corner and smashing into the lower body of rex bellotti jnr. this occurred some 2 1/2 years ago but still the bellotti family, and especially rex jnr, are no nearer to a justice outcome or even some proper compensation to be paid.
neither the wa police nor the wa government, their employer, will come to a justifiably satisfactory result that will allow the bellotti family to be able to move on with their lives, and again especially rex jnr. he will need specialist accommodation to suit his future needs but it seems that the wa government is only willing to suggest that rex jnr can move into an elders accommodation unit or some other style of nursing home. this putrid reply from a government drowning in mining dollars is nothing but an insult, not only to the bellotti family but to all aboriginal people throughout this country.
is it any wonder that the family are angered by such an answer? how long is the family expected to be on the receiving end of this racist treatment? where is the apology from both the wa police and the wa government? where is the rightful compensation for the family brought about by this criminal act of the police? where is the justice?
the family have every right to show their righteous anger and frustration at the callous treatment being forced upon them because of actions of the wa police. that rex jnr was not killed in this dangerous driving event is a real miracle. that he and his family are absolutely due their rightful apology and compensation goes without question.
again it seems that the police are able to call the shots and dictate to the wa police minister, rob johnson, how this case is to be dealt with. i very much doubt that the bellotti family will receive an apology from the wa police as such a word is not in their lexicon to those that they kill or damage. that being so we then need to put pressure on to rob johnson to settle this case fairly and with just compensation. and an apology being he is the police minister and their ministerial representative.
write or post to rob johnson calling for real justice for the bellotti family.
join your anger at the family's racist disrespect shown by the wa police and the wa government.
Dear All,
How racially motivated was this email in regards to finding Accommodation for Rex Jr, with most of the places you looked at were for the old black fella's, like Jewel House, Allawah Grove, Ebenezer, why don't you all go there and live in them yourselves.
What a load of the old proverbial brush off, high lighted by the political rhetoric once again. As how dumb do you think I am as an Aboriginal Man/Father/Parent/Husband, who cares greatly for my son, but once again this Westernised System does not work for us, and you let Rex Jr down, lock, stock and barrel.
As I have approached the places that you have just quoted, and I looked at it like would you all like to live in it approach, as would you all live here. The answer would be probably not, as to think and suggest that would be outrages for you all.
Why have you not mentioned the Department of Housing, Noongar Mia Mia, Foundation Housing, Access Housing, Disability/Mental Health, all of which are owned and still controlled by the State Government.
Regardless of all your bureaucratic bull dust that you are continually giving us. Yes DCP also needs to get involved and pay for something to hold Rex Jr over, until he gets some form of Compensation payout.
You pack of bastards, you have all abandoned my son for what this animal in a Police uniform has gotten away with, and done to my son, and you expect us to take this load all on our own. Yes we are very angry, that a WA Police Officer can do this, and the State does nothing to make life better for us in any way.
Rex Jr is becoming violent, and no thanks to any of you, we have to deal with it ourselves, further traumatising all my Family, which is why he needs to be placed somewhere for his needs / therapy, which we do hope will rehabilitate him along the way.
Once again this Systemic Racism has shown its ugly face,( and none of you have the qualification to make that call on that either ), and you think you all have done your utmost best for Rex Jr.
We don't care for your Policies that we are continually being quoted as to why we as a People here in our own country do not qualify for your services. As they were all made to keep us from accessing them services in the first place, and secondly what pleasant stories do you all expect to get in cases like Rex Jr with the chain of events/trauma it has made for him on the end of Racist attitudes/actions.
Now we Promise to take this to the world starting at CHOGM, because there is a Pandemic around this country with Aboriginal Youth taking their lives because of situations like my sons, and we are to self medicate, try to self determine, and get on the best way we can. The Stolen Generation again comes to mind.
Pretend my son has come in on a Refugee Boat and make the changes happen for him, like you aways accommodate them, or are you all just the big hypocrites that you are portraying forever in a day.
As for some of you big shots Minister here, how come we have not heard from any of you, why are you all not engaging with us, as to work on obtaining closure for us as a Family.
As your are all very opinionated when there are non Aboriginal People being lesser victims than our son, with other crimes out in the wider Australian Community, and you are all on the band wagon in supporting those families.
Or is it just that, they are considered to be crimes committed, and our sons case was a justified run down on the other/wrong side of the road, and as your police officers have all been quoted in the West Australian, Sunday Times and the Albany Advertiser, that they were cleared of any wrong doing.
This is not considered to be a criminal act by being on the wrong side of the road without it being an emergency of any kind, for the Police Officers to be where they were. I am being sarcastic by the way, as this officer should be charged with Dangerous driving, Causing Grevious Bodily Harm, Causing Death.
Rex Jr needs to get his case to the Courts, so he then can buy his own home, as you all will leave him for dead before you do anything to help him. Or make the decisions that we all know you can, and get Rex Jr this Accommodation he needs.
I Pray that God Blesses You All
Rex & Elizabeth Bellotti