Stand up and be counted at James Price Point

Join 20 days of entertainment for Ancient Mother Earth and the New Dreaming, from 10th to 30th October 2011.

Centuries ago you white people chose the path of science and technology. That path will destroy the planet. Our role is to protect the planet. We are hoping that you discover this before it’s too late. - Reuben Kelly, Aboriginal Elder.

We pay our respect by acknowledging the elders, the traditional owners and our ancestors of the land.

Stand Up!

The world's oldest surviving peoples, animals, water, land, culture and legacy for future generations are in great despair. We are rising one by one to defend ourselves and mother earth. Brothers and sisters please stand together peacefully and speak for our mother and all her children. This is enough senseless destruction of our pristine beauty, we know a better way than the current, we must present it at the global table for discussion.

James Price Point - '10,000 Amend' Gathering - Peaceful Protest against destroying 'country' for mining - 10,000 spiritual warriors for our Ancient Mother Earth and the New Dreaming.

When: 10 – 30 Oct 2011 Where: James Price Point - Western Australia (map)


Centuries ago you Black people chose the path of not advancing yourselves.That path will destroy your people.Our roll as White people is to educate you before it is too late.
Are you suggesting we turn back the clock on time and go back to living like primitive people?because you are dreaming if you do!
It would be good for you to rise and defend yourselves instead of getting walked over,But just think you will use white peoples science and technology to do it e.g computers Television newspapers, so white peoples science and technology aint so bad after all.Statements like this just make you look like dick heads

to ' Anonymous'

Your final abusive comment alone makes your post unworthy of response, other than to suggest that you learn to spell when referring to the *role* of education. ;-)

All strength to the defenders of country, culture & law, & all of their supporters. If you are able to get to Broome to help, to provide solidarity, you will be made most welcome.