Nazis terrorising a German town

(Picked up from German IndyMedia

There are areas in Germany in which it is more difficult than in other places to spread libertarian ideas or to make them visible in everyday life. These are areas in which everybody who does it is in danger to become a victim of Nazi violence or to get prosecuted by the German state.

Example Limbach-Oberfrohna

Limbach-Oberfrohna is a city near Chemnitz which has become famous due to open Nazi structures on its streets. People who are against it have a difficult life. It is very hard to offer alternative ideas in an environment which is very open to right wing ideas. Three years ago, an info-shop had to close because massive Nazi attacks frightened the house owner. A new info-shop (Doro 40), where people established a social-cultural centre, was seriously damaged by an arson attack at the end of last year.


Yet there are people who won't give up. They keep on fighting so that the Nazis do not completely overtake the area. It's a hard struggle, criminalised and hampered by the German state. On July 7th, when people tried to make an opening ceremony of the new info-shop, the city government stopped the ceremony and justified it with building laws. But there are still a lot of efforts to change the situation and to create an open alternative meeting point to increase the courage and number of people who are willing to fight against the right wing mainstream. They are still trying to build up the autonomous centre “Doro 40” and they organise information evenings and concerts like the Stay-Rebel-Festival on August 20th. And there is a new unionist alternative in the city, which is part of FAU Southwest-Saxony.


People's perserverence is not without effect. But they have only been supported
from the direct neighbourhood of Limbach-Oberfrohna. We, the FAU-groups from eastern Germany, think this should change. We will no longer stand by while the lives or physical condition of our colleagues and alternative youth are threatened. In an environment moulded by right wing normality, it is important to give dissidents the opportunity to meet and organise. Although we know that a charity campaign is just the beginning, we hope to unburden our collegues there, so they can continue with their union work because this is what is needed in an area with an extremely high percentage of temporary work and low wages.

FAU-IAA Eastern-Region
