Lock on occuring at Save the Kimberley blockade: September 7th update

Direct action continues at the Save the Kimberley blockade. A protestor, "Rolly", has been locked on since 2.50PM to a drill at the Manari Rd camp, werhe support and live music accompanied the protest. The level of police repression continues to increase though, with police denying Rolly any assistance. The following message was received from the protesters

"We continue to hinder, waylay with perfect eventuality we will stop Woodside destructive plans to destroy Country, Community and our Culture. It has been confirmed, we have a Lock On, under a drill rig on top of a low loader. 2:50pm today Rolly locked onto a drill at James Price Point in a desperate attempt to stop Woodside. The police will arrest anyone who attempts to help or assist him. It is getting cold there now, and the police have denied him food, water and warm clothing, and basically his democratic right to peacefully protest. The Blockade are asking for ALL MEDIA to be informed.

Word has recently come that the police have relented on denyig Roly water as word of their abusive behaviour began to leak to the outside world, however they are still threatening protestors to stay away from him or face arrest.

Police have also been issues elder issued with another traffic infringement today. Protestors have also taken to wearing disguises as the Woodside has began handing footage to police of demonstrators for prosection.

Visit Save the Kimberly on Facebook for more updates and photos of the days actions.

Images courtesy of © Murranji Photography via FaceBool
