Burma: 27 years jail for taking a couple of videos and driving an unregistered motorcycle

By access

When we think of crimes worthy of 27 years in jail, taking a couple of videos and driving an unregistered motorcycle isn’t exactly what comes to mind. But that’s exactly what’s happening to 27 year-old Hla Hla Win, a video journalist in Burma, one of the most repressive countries in the world.

She’s facing twenty years for using her video camera to interview Buddhist monks about their desire for justice and equality with the intent of uploading them online, including an additional 7 years for driving an unregistered motorcycle at the time! And she’s been sentenced without the benefit of a lawyer or any semblance of a fair trial.

The Burmese military junta is looking for international legitimacy after their flawed attempt at elections last year, and they’re particularly conscious of their image right now as they head to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit, a group Burma is hoping to chair in 2014. It's high time Burma released its over 2,000 political prisoners, including Hla Hla, and show the world that they're turning their back on their shameful past.

We are working with a coalition of groups to put global pressure on the Burmese government to release 20 video journalists like Hla Hla. Please sign this petition, which we’ll deliver at international protests happening on Friday in London, Paris, Geneva, and Bangkok:


With hope,
The Access Team

P.S. If you would like to take part in the protests taking place on Friday in London, Paris, Geneva, and Bangkok, click https://www.accessnow.org/page/s/release-hla-hla-now for details of where and when.