Australia rallies against live export

Animals Australia report Thousands of people across the country have united in a public call for an end to the cruelty of live export at the Ban Live Export National Rally

Massive crowds in capital cities across the nation exceeded all expectations today as Australians publicly expressed their opposition to live animal export ahead of a vote next week in federal Parliament which could end the live trade.

The overwhelming public response has sent a clear message to federal politicians that Australians will not stay silent while animals continue to be sent to countries where they risk brutal handling and slaughter while fully conscious.

Caring Australians flocked in their thousands to hear Animals Australia investigator Lyn White address crowds in Melbourne and Sydney. The steps of the Victorian Parliament House overflowed while overwhelming support for the Sydney rally required the event to be shifted to a larger venue.

Huge thanks are due to the amazing volunteers who helped make these rallies a huge success, and to the inspiring speakers: RSPCA Victoria's Dr Hugh Wirth, Federal Member for Melbourne Greens' Adam Bandt, Peter Stevenson - Compassion in World Farming Policy Advisor, Senator Lee Rhiannon, Clare Mann, Animals Australia President Joy Verrinder, Andrew Bartlett, Lee Norris (AMIEU), Independent Senator Nick Xenophon, RSPCA SA President Sheree Sellick, Mark Parnell MLC from the SA Greens, MC Stephen Kenny LLB, Lisa Baker (ALP), Lynn MacLaren MLC, RSPCA President Lynne Bradshaw, Mayor of Fremantle Brad Pettitt, RSPCA Australia Chief Scientist Dr Bidda Jones, RSPCA ACT President Sue Gage, Independent MP Andrew Wilkie, RSPCA TAS CEO Ben Sturges, and Brightside Farm Sanctuary's Emma Haswell.

Animals Australia extends a heartfelt thank you to every single person who made time to attend the rallies and give millions of animals a strong voice. But the protest is not over yet.

With bills that could end the trade scheduled for a vote on Thursday August 18, it is critical that this week politicians continue to hear the pleas for compassion from those who they were elected to represent.

As Lyn White said on the steps of the Victorian Parliament House, "No phone call you make, no email or letter that you send, no petition that you deliver will be wasted this week."

Reposted from the Animals Australia website Visit the site for more information on the campaign



There are some photos from the Melbourne rally on Melbourne Protests - and on the Animals Australia Facebook page -

How many Aboriginals will that put out of work on cattle stations? Fucking Morons cattle are bred to die thats the way it is you city fuck witts have no idea.

Ban Live Export cruelty yo Animals is not on.But abortion is O/K because Animals are more important than Babies.What has the world come too?