Over 500 people at the inaugural Anarchist Melbourne Bookfair

A large and diverse crowd participated in the first anarchist bookfair in Australia, held on Saturday 13th August at Abbotsford Convent in Melbourne. Over 500 people visited the open, welcoming, and child-friendly space filled by twenty-seven stalls of activist groups and political bookshops and publishers. Workshops ran all day on the theory, strategies and tactics of the struggle against capitalism and for a world of social and environmental justice. They included 'Apocalypse Now or Community to the Rescue?', 'Beyond the Gender Binary', 'Genocide, Sovereignty Treaty', 'What, no bosses?' and much more.

Before next year's Anarchist Melbourne Bookfair there will be Camp Anarchy: three days of discussion, music and films to strengthen networks and move from ideas to action.



Most popular title (The Unabomber Manifesto) which outlines a plan for militant war against lefties.