
Nonviolence Activist Disarms Helicopter in Rockhampton

Bryan Law is currently in police custody after using a garden mattock to smash a military helicopter in Rockhampton Airport during the Talisman Saber US/Australian wargames.

Bryan caused a stir in Rockhampton by announcing his intention to disarm a military helicopter to the Rockhampton Airport, Defence Dept and QLD Police many months prior to the Talisman Saber military exercises.

Related: Listen to Bryan Law's CIB interview | Graeme Dunstan - CIB interview | Youtube - Win TV News coverage


Melbourne antiwar activists call for surge in peace movement on 8th anniversary of Afghanistan war

Antiwar activists are holding a two day vigil outside Flinders Street Station to mark the eighth anniversary of the war in Afghanistan. From 8am until 6pm on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th October under huge a banner reading, "End the Afghanistan War" they will recite the names of those killed on all sides of the war.
