Footage of Rupert Murdoch getting pied (because its funny), plus some analysis

Australia’s most venal export was given yesterday a taste of justice as he appeared before a UK Parliamentary Committee, when Anarchist comedian Johnnie Marbles threw a cream pie in his face. Unfortunately, this is probably the only justice this all powerful billionaire will face. Whilst the worlds media has condemned Johnnie for his actions and the left doesn’t seem that interested, I say bravo Johnnie, you gave that union busting, right-wing, war mongering, corrupt power hungry billionaire a custard pie on behalf of all of us! Check out Johnnie’s Anarchish Blog and he his

Check out Johnnie’s handiwork and the counter assault from Rupert’s wife below

Now for some serious analysis

For some serious analysis of the corruption scandal engulfing Rupert Murdoch’s News Ltd corporation and the entire British political class you should really check out the World Socialist Web Site
For example the World Socialist Web are one of the few media outlets to be raising questions over the highly suspicious death of the whistleblower who originally brought to light the endemic nature of phone hacking within News International in the UK.
Why did UK police declare death of News of the World whistleblower “not suspicious?”

Other background articles from the WSWS
Commercial rivalries underlie conflict with Murdoch Empire
Britains police chief resigns over hacking scandal
UK select committee continues cover up
From the Indymedia newswire
Also check out this article published on Australian Indymedia a few days ago
Murdoch scandal hypocritical warmongers exposed


Media Matters for America have an interesting commentary on the bias inherent in Murdoch's Fox News Channel on climate change. Well worth a read: It's Hot! But Fox Only Talks About Global Warming When It's Snowing, or watch their mini documentary - A climate deception: How Fox News Distorts the Climate Debate.