Massive cost of housing and living protests in Israel - why not in Australia?

Israel has become the latest country to be swept by a citizens uprising. On July 30th 150,000 Israeli's both Jews and Arabs marched to demand the government act on the cost of housing and the cost of living more generally. Other specific demands of the protest movement include more affordable child care, more money for public hospitals and opposition to the policies of privitization and the free market that have exacerbated the gap between the rich and poor.

An excellent article on the protest can be found at the World Socialist Web Website. What I found fascinating about the article is that so many of the greivances that people are taking to the streets in Israel about can be found in Australia. The protests in Israel were started by largely middle class young people who set up "tent cities" to protest over the cost of housing. Why haven't we seen similar movements start up in Australia where the cost of housing and living in general are going through the roof for ordinary people. How long before a movement independant of the ALP and the Unions calling for social change and justice spring up in Australia.

Jewish, Arab workers, youth protest against social conditions in Israel

Update from World Socialist Web 7th August

Largest-ever social protests in Israel



Flowerpower if you stopped traveling around Australia to go on protests and got a job and got off welfare then you could save for a house!
Maybe we should protest against dole bludgers like yourself and make you look for a job.

fail troll is fail

Kevin I think we found another dole bludger.We should make them look for a job and if they are caught at protests stop all payments it's that simple, why should we pay for people who don't want to work?

Anonymous, It shows that your unable to assess and address the article intellectually in a proper way...why don't you go to work and stop wasting your time dropping bullshit on this server?

and yes...troll is a fail..Kevin stay at topic or be silent

it's price gouging, greedy real estate agents need to be named and shamed, build a black list of the bastards.

if this shit continues then we seriously need to look at US style rent controls and better protection for tenants, personally i want a long term multi year lease... fearing what's going to happen at the end of your 6 month lease is beyond just degrading.

Since 2008, surging prices have devastated even better-off layers of the working class. House prices are up 55 percent, rent is up 27 percent, and prices for key food staples have surged 40 percent.
The Israeli protests and the reemergence of the working class