Blue Wedges

Westernport Bay legislation sets government on collision course with environment and community groups

Thursday, 30 June 2011: Media release New legislation due to be debated in State Parliament today will set the Victorian Government on a collision course with environment and community groups over plans to expand the Port of Hastings in Westernport Bay.

The legislation will establish a new Port of Hastings Development Authority to fast-track port expansion plans and transform the area into a highly urbanised industrial zone, projected to be busier than the Port of Melbourne.


Blue Wedges June 2011 update on the state of Port Phillip Bay after dredging

1. Portsea beach….or what used to be Portsea beach

As reported in previous newsletters, ever since dredging enlarged the entrance to the Bay, ocean swell has pounded in through The Heads and Portsea beach has been on the slide. It’s still happening.
