
Asylum seeker protestors disrupt Chris Bowen's speech at University of NSW

On June 17th, refugee and asylum seeker advocates stormed a speech by Federal ALP Minister for Immigration Chris Bowen at the University of NSW. About 30 protestors forced their way past security and were able to heckle and interupt Chris Bowen's speech for over 10 minutes before police back up came to eject them. The protestors labelled PM Gillard and the Malaysian solution as racist. My favourite was the protestor dressed as a cow carrying the placard "End human live exports to Malaysia!!


Ballerrt Mooroop Campaign Update 14th June 2011

Gary and Dottie have asked if people can continue to come to Ballerrt Mooroop College and support the picket, especially over the next few days. While there hasn’t been any direct threat communicated, it is important that we remain vigilant. It is possible that work could commence tomorrow (14th June) after the long weekend.


Media Release: March on World Refugee Day June 19

Refugee Advocacy Network Press Release Mandatory detention is an inhumane policy that victimises vulnerable people who have committed no crime. It is time to end this unjust policy. In the name of protecting Australian borders, innocent individuals have been deprived of their right to freedom, separated from their families and endured severe mental distress.


WGAR News: NT nuclear waste dump protest and debate in Senate

Newsletter date: 18 June 2011

* NT nuclear waste dump protest and debate in Senate
* Central Land Council critical of Muckaty proposal
* Background to Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* Native Title
* Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other Aboriginal articles


- Speeches

Greens: Scott Ludlam: The debate on the Radioactive Waste Management Act

'Drawing that line in the Arctic ice' - Greenpeace CEO arrested on Arctic oil rig

In the chilly waters of Iceberg Alley off the Greenland coast a little drama played itself out today between Greenpeace and oil explorer Cairn Energy over deep sea oil exploration in the pristine Arctic environment rapidly warming through climate change. Greenpeace are demanding the oil spill response plan for the rig should be made public. Kumi Naidoo, International Executive Director of Greenpeace, personally boarded the oil rig Leiv Eiriksson today with another Greenpeace activist, Ulvar Arnkvaern to deliver this message, with both being arrested.

Related: Arctic Deep sea oil: Cairn Energy oil spill response plan missing | Greenpeace: Help us protect the Arctic

Make superannuation progressive (at GetUp!)

Although the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) is mandated by the Federal Government, it isn't classified as a tax because it isn't paid to the Government...

In all other respects, however, Australia's federally mandated, employer-funded 9% superannuation contribution is equivalent to a federally-FUNDED 9% contribution (whereby the highest-paid workers get the biggest subsidies to their saving), financed by a 9% federal payroll tax (which is regressive and inefficient...)...


Make payroll tax progressive (at GetUp!)

There's no excuse for payroll tax on entry-level jobs.

Payroll tax is an indirect tax; it is nominally paid by employers, but "passed on" in three ways:

(i) fewer jobs for the unemployed,
(ii) lower wages for workers, and
(iii) higher prices for consumers.

All three effects are regressive...


Kevin 11 Get the t-Shirt

To the factionistas and thuggerists, we’re taking it back. We want a Prime Minister made of skin and bone, not wood. We want to know our leader is smarter than us, or at the very least smarter than the NSW right. Bring Kev back before it’s too late. Before Tony Abbott and Andrew Bolt lead the country back into the dark ages.


The Shortwave Report 06/17/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (June 17) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

This week's show features stories from NHK Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

Judge rules in favour of Hunter Valley coal protesters

Charges were dismissed against 49 climate activists under a section 10 ruling by an East Maitland Court magistrate yesterday. The protesters had committed non-violent civil disobedience at a climate camp against a new coal fired power station being built in the Hunter Valley in December 2010. The section 10 ruling means they have no conviction recorded, no criminal record and their fines dropped.


Blue Wedges June 2011 update on the state of Port Phillip Bay after dredging

1. Portsea beach….or what used to be Portsea beach

As reported in previous newsletters, ever since dredging enlarged the entrance to the Bay, ocean swell has pounded in through The Heads and Portsea beach has been on the slide. It’s still happening.


Demand Equal Pay in 2011 - ASU rally and march, 8 June 2011

8 June was a National Day of Action, with rallies across Australia demanding pay equity for workers in the community and health sector. The rally in Melbourne was held in wet and wintry conditions, but as one speaker said, these did not dampen workers’ resolve to pursue the pay increases that Fair Work Australia had just announced they were entitled to. Several thousand gathered outside Trades Hall to hear speakers before marching through the CBD to Parliament House to make their voices heard there.


Locking up Indonesian children in adult Australian jails: Mandatory detention claims more victims

Mandatory detention is claiming more victims than most Australians realise, it is not just the six and half thousand folk seeking Asylum, having fled war and devastation and the direst of circumstances and are now incarcerated in Australia's mandatory detention network - 24 concentration-like facilities on our soil - we are also incarcerating the poorest of folk and youth from Indonesia in our gaols.


Australian Labor Party government commits a crime against society

Labours – people's party or criminals? Open letter

Crime against society


Adelaide 31/5/11




Is it possible to represent and fulfil everybody's wish and desire?

Don't labours claim that they represent all of us? Don't labours take all of our money in taxes and other charges? Don't labour make rules affecting all of us?

What are the duties and responsibilities of the labour rulers?

Operation Empire State Rebellion

Just wondering if Australia is to join ranks and protest against the Big Banks. This is not just a yankie problem. If anyone has any information please post here it would be much appreciated. We Are One. Thanks.

On June 14th at 1pm EST, a group of activists will begin occupation of Liberty Park (recently renamed Zuccotti Park) in lower Manhattan’s Financial District, a few blocks from Wall Street (14971 Broadway, 10007). A Google Map featuring the event states the following:

“This Flag Day, Tuesday June 14th, we will launch a non-violent movement with this list of demands:


NSW police break up Palestinian solidarity protest outside Max Brenner in Parramatta

A group of students gathered outside of one of Max Brenner's franchise cafes in Sydney in protest at its support for the Israeli army. The protest is part of the global Boycott Divestment and Sanctions, or BDS campaign, which was called from a broad cross-section of Palestinian civil society organisations in 2005.

Max Brenner is a chocolate retailer owned by the Strauss Group, which is the second largest Israeli food and beverage company and is largely touted as one of the greatest successes of Israeli industry.


Account of latest repression of asylum seekers on Christmas Island

The article below is from the WSWS website and gives an account of the extreme police violence used against the latest protests on Christmas Island and gives a background to the cruel policies that have caused these and other demonstrations by asylum seekers.

Police attack protesting refugees at Australia’s Christmas Island

By Will Morrow
13 June 2011


Fear of freedom: collectivist bill of rights reducing New Zealanders to dependency.

Australia could be landed with a dependent NZ if we become part of Australia. In my view, we will be like 'an anchor around your neck'. Our collectivist bill of rights, Australia is also seriously considering a bill of rights, is reducing the population to a state of dependency. I consider, if we join with Australia it should be a matter of mutual choice and not out of our desperation by our being reduced to 'third world status' and the 'begging bowl'. But I do think God is defending New Zealand.

Fear of Freedom: collectivist bill of rights reducing New Zealanders to dependency.

Italians reject nuclear power, water privatisation, court immunity for ministers in referendum

In a referendum over the weekend Italians have rejected plans by Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi for nuclear power and water privatisation. More than 50% of the electorate needed to vote, including the estimated 3 million Italians living overseas, for the referendums to be binding. About 57% are estimated to have participated with official projections showing that 95% rejected water privatisation and 90% rejected Berlusconi's plans to build 4 nuclear power plants.