
Understanding financial reality mp3

exerpts of media, youtube samples "Quantitative Easing explained", "Plunder The Crime of the Century", "Damn it feels good to be a banker", "A Parody Management vs Investment Banker", sounds by Waxaudio, and others...

20:35 min 128 kbps stereo 18.9 MB

Text written by Graham

Is the Structure of Our Economy Beyond our Cognitive Capability?

All money in our economy is created out of the financial-value of an asset.
Two forms of this money are discussed here.


WGAR News: Australia rejects international calls for action

Newsletter date: 14 June 2011

* Australia rejects International Calls for Action
* Endorsing 'An Alternative to the NT Intervention' document
* Funds needed to take delegates to Darwin for Prescribed Area Peoples’ Alliance gathering
* 'Our Generation' awarded ‘Best Campaign Film’
* Aboriginal Rights - Upcoming events around Australia - From 14 June 2011
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other Aboriginal articles


- Media Statement

Israel kills protesters on Nakba Day/Israeli murder machine goes on and on


''How many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?
How many deaths will it take till one knows
That too many people have died
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind''

Free after Bob Dylan's, Blowin in the wind

Dear Editor and Readers,

World Bank dirty investments fueling climate change claims Friends of the Earth report

Amid the latest UN climate talks taking place in Bonn Germany Friends of the Earth International have released a report highly critical of the role of the World Bank in continuing to fund dirty energy investment in developing countries and continuing to push carbon markets and offset programs which essentially privatise developing country forests in the process of generating carbon offsets.

The World Bank was made interim trustee of the new Green Climate Fund in December 2010 in Cancun. The Fund was established to assist developing countries to adapt to the impacts of global warming.

Related: Interview with Sarah-Jayne Clifton, coordinator of the Climate Justice and Energy Program of Friends of the Earth International | Follow the Bonn climate talks: Adopt a Negotiator Project; Climate Action Network; Friends of the Earth.

Amnesty International candle day in Melbourne - 27 May 2011

The RMIT branch of Amnesty International Australia marked the annual candle day and the 50th anniversary of the movement with an information day outside the State Library, ending in the evening with speakers and the formation of a human candle on the lawns.


Is China's strategic culture anti-militaristic?

The strategic culture of the People's Republic of China (PRC) is a contested spiritual concept that is being debated both inside and outside of China and I hope my contribution will help add to this debate. In this paper I will explore the two main variants that go into making up the dualistic concept that is Chinese Strategic Culture so as to ascertain whether should be considered as anti-militaristic.

Justin Arnold

America’s unnerving celebrations post Bin Laden's death

"Rot in hell" screams the front page of the New York Post. “The Butcher of 9/11 is dead”, “We got him”, “US nails the bastard” as the United States of America basks in bloodthirsty revelry, tabloid antics went into over-drive. Spontaneous celebration filled Times Square, crowds gathered in front of the White House euphorically cheering “USA, USA, USA”. Mass hysteria broke out on the social networking scene with Twitter reporting 4000 tweets per second as news of Osama Bin Laden’s murder broke out.

Greenpeace targets BHP Billiton over carbon pollution

A Busy week for the activists of Greenpeace Australia who did a banner drop outside BHP Billiton headquarters in Melbourne on Monday and followed it up midweek with erecting a Pollution Tax Collection Point at BHP’s Mount Arthur Mine in the Hunter Valley holding up a BHP coal train temporarily.

Youtube Video: BHP Billiton: The Polluter must Pay

Arctic deep sea oil: Cairn Energy oil spill response plan missing

Activists from Greenpeace have been harassing the drilling program of Cairn Energy in the Arctic off the Greenland coast citing the lack of a publicly available oil spill response plan for drilling in the sensitive Arctic environment. Cairn Energy, an Edinburgh registered company, is presently involved in exploratory deep sea oil drilling in the Arctic in the Davis Strait (Iceberg Alley).

Kalgoorlie-Boulder, and the racism that impedes advancement by Aboriginal peoples and the enrichment of multiculturalism

It is sadly unbelievable and appalling in the fact that those with the capacity for change and progress argue that they are lost for solutions. Steve Pennells writes a good descriptive piece, page 28 June 11 in The West Australian, however despairingly quotes the confounded WA Indigenous Affairs Minister Peter Collier, the WA Nationals Brendan Grylls and Kalgoorlie MP John Bowler. In terms of Aboriginal disparity they agree that they do not know what the solutions are. How dare Peter Collier maintain the Indigenous Affairs portfolio?

UPDATE on attacks on Assange in England, Manning in U.S. Solidarity at Leavenworth

In England,the left liberal (this maybe not the ideology of those who run this rag, but they definitely know their niche market!) Guardian/ Observer continue to run an "ASSANGE IS BAD, MANNING IS IN MAD"

In the U.S., Manning is being pitched pre-trial as "an angry gay man seeking retribution on society".



Earlier this year on the 1st March 2011 I published NSWLEAK (1) and on the 9th March 2011 I published NSWLEAK (2), and today I will publish NSWLEAK (3).

In NSWLEAKS one, I published finding an inconsistency in the area of Law under which complaints about police are made and investigated by the NSW Ombudsman. I based the inconsistency I found on there being in force at the same time a section of a police Act, indicating under the Ombudsman Act the Ombudsman could investigate the conduct of a complaint made against a police officer.


WGAR News: NT traditional land owners claim they were not consulted about mining deal

Newsletter date: 11 June 2011

* NT Traditional Land Owners claim they were not consulted about mining deal
* Prime Minister faces protests on last day of NT visit
* New campaign to cut Aboriginal prisoner numbers
* Background to Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and incarceration rates
* Official Launch of the National Congress Meeting
* Background to National Congress of Australia's First Peoples
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other Aboriginal articles


The ethics of meat eating, by Helen Lobato

My daughter’s been a vegetarian since her early teens. Her reasons are ethical, based on her love of animals. So I was rather surprised that she could watch A Bloody Business, which exposes the brutal killing of cattle in Indonesian abattoirs.


Citizen Inspection Team on the scent of war profiteers in Rockhampton

Peace Bus Press Release June 8th A Citizen's Inspection Team will be demanding entry to the premises of Serco Sodexo, from noon Thursday 9 June 2011 at Building 23, Western Street Barracks, Rockhampton. Serco and Sodexo are global corporations which in return for tax payer dollars provides management services for army barracks, refugee detention centres, prisons and the like.

Serco Sodexo Defence Services holds the service contract for the Talisman Sabre war games and it is the newest member of Capricorn Tourism and Economic Development Ltd.


Burmese asylum seeker on hunger strike over ASIO clearance delay

After 11 months waiting for his ASIO security clearance, with his wife and four children barely surviving on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, Villawood refugee Sayad Kasim, has reached breaking point.

“When I visited Sayad yesterday (Wednesday 1 June) to take him photos I’d taken of his family whilst in Malaysia, he told me that on 25 May his wife tried to commit suicide by lying on a road. Distraught, he tried to kill himself on the same day. Fortunately he was stopped,” said Mark Goudkamp of the Refugee Action Coalition.

ANU accuses student of plagerism for publish essay on Indymedia

the Letter

Dear Pr McIntyre,

I am writing to you to register a formal complaint about my treatment at the hands of teh Strategic defence Studies Centre at ANU.

This matter started durign a winter unit STST 8027 Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in an Age of terror offered through the Strategic Defence Studies Centre.


STICS media release: Gillard can’t face gruesome Intervention facts – Sydney protest planned

Stop the Intervention Collective Media Release
10/6/2011 for immediate release

Gillard can’t face gruesome Intervention facts – Sydney protest planned

Closing off her recent trip to the Northern Territory, Prime Minister Julia Gillard cited “recent statistics” to support her claim that the Intervention is improving lives for Aboriginal people.

But statistics from the governments' latest ‘Closing the Gap in the NT Monitoring’ contradict every one of her claims and demonstrate the increasingly desperate conditions in Aboriginal communities.