Tent embassy leaders demand an end to the NT Intervention

Press Release:

Tent Embassy Leaders demand an end to the NT Intervention

Aboriginal leaders, academics and participants at a symposium in Canberra have passed a resolution in support of a rally in Darwin today calling for an end to the Intervention.

The resolution included support for the Statement Rebuilding from the ‘Ground Up’ - An Alternative to the NT Intervention which is being launched at the Darwin Rally.

The Symposium expressed strong solidarity with Aboriginal people struggling against the Intervention which is an attack on the gains of the rights movement of which the Aboriginal Tent Embassy is a crucial part.

The statement calls for the full repeal of Intervention laws and policies. It lists 11 demands that are in the spirit of community empowerment.

Sam Watson said 'The Black political struggle is supremely committed to ownership of our cause and we are here in Canberra to look at the last 39 years and to prepare for the 40 year anniversary of the Embassy next January. We salute and stand in solidarity with Indigenous nations who have the courage and tenacity to fight this horrific regime, a regime that was proposed initially by outgoing Howard government and the current Labour government. We say to our family in NT, fight on, you have our support, our love and absolute commitment. Your struggle is our struggle, our struggle is your struggle, in truth we fight together, one time.'

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The above press release was posted by WGAR as a community service with the kind permission of Nicole Watson. WGAR is not the author of the press release.

About the Darwin Rally (supplied by WGAR):

Tue 21 June 2011: Darwin, NT
Rally: 4 Years Too Long - Stop the Intervention
Including launch of "Rebuilding from the ground up" document
Event details: [scroll down page] http://rollbacktheintervention.wordpress.com/
Endorsing alternatives document: http://rollbacktheintervention.wordpress.com/alternative-to-the-interven...
Endorsing alternatives document: http://stoptheintervention.org/alternatives-to-the-intervention
Alternatives document plus extra references: http://stoptheintervention.org/alternatives-to-the-intervention/rebuildi...
Alternatives document plus overviews, references and videos: http://www.jumbunna.uts.edu.au/researchareas/alternatives.html
Poster: http://rollbacktheintervention.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/darwin-poster...

About the Symposium (supplied by WGAR):

Mon 20 - Wed 22 June 2011: Canberra, ACT
Aboriginal Embassy symposium
Event locations and details: http://acih.anu.edu.au/events/aboriginal-embassy-symposium