Adam Bandt must do the right thing and pull the pin. Adam must bring on history and the tumult

The Human Rights Alliance, and every right minded person in Australia calls upon Adam Bandt to exercise his moral and legal propriety, his moral and political convictions and pull the pin on the ALP, a government representing a malaise of indifference to people, representing inhumanity.

Adam Bandt has the capacity to bring the warranted voice to our suffering Asylum Seekers.

Adam Bandt must not put his tenure as a parliamentarian before the warrants of the people.

Adam Bandt must withdraw his support of the ALP, of the incumbent Australian Government, as long as they support Mandatory Detention and as long as they support sending 800 Asylum Seekers to the brutal camps of Malaysia where thousands have died, 1300 since 2002, Adam and the Greens cannot remain in support of the Government.

Adam Bandt has the opportunity to create history, to represent the tumultous times that we live in, to declare to the Australian Government that there are significant numbers of right minded people who dearly believe and live by our unfolding human rights language and that it is not on that Australia incarcerates 7,000 Asylum Seekers, for extraordinary periods of time, in 23 Detention Centres with more of these to come nor that we approve of our Australia sending people to the possibility of brutal suffering and death in far off camps for instance in Malaysia.

Adam Bandt must put people before any excuses, before the Greens.

Adam Bandt and the Greens must not tolerate a partnership with a Government that has degenerated into the worst forms of racism.

Adam Bandt must act now.

Gerry Georgatos
Human Rights Alliance


Also signed by Sean Scullion, Author, Coogee

Yes Adam there are no excuse, signed by me too

Gerry's right, Adam please listen.

Far better to cross the floor on this specific piece of legislation to retain credibility but without bringing the government down completely.

Tony Abbott would win any election now in a landslide; Bringing the government down would gaurantee Abbott's ultimate ascension to power.

Far better for the Greens to campaign against Labor on this issue and take more inner suburban seats at the next election. This would be a principled stand also in extracting a price from the government for their refugees policy...

But the Greens should use their bargaining power to bring about significant changes - but changes which would not necessarily bring the government down - with the alternative of Abbott as Prime Minister.

In response to new 'Work for the Dole' measures - the Greens could demand a $50/week increase for Newstart; and $100/week for those on 'Work for the Dole' programs.

And a behind the scenes understanding that compulsory Work for the Dole will be withdrawn ultimately in the future.

That and a National Disability Insurance Scheme implemented 2012 at the latest - bringing in billions in new revenue to bolster disability services, pensions, and support for carers. (without being counter-acted by tax cuts elsewhere) *Actually Labor could do to pursue this sooner rather than later - as a big ticket reform item being enacted would lend them crucial credibility*

And further progressive reform elsewhere to fund significant new renewable energy projects (but not via the Carbon Tax as overcompensation for middle and lower income groups is the only way to sell the tax to the public and keep the Liberals from winning the next election)

re: Refugees - once the public "outrage" over detention centre riots whipped up by the right-populist monopoly media dies down a compromise policy could be to establish 'hostel' type living arrangements in major population centres. Applicants could be easily kept track of with midnight 'curfews' - but with relative freedom to come and go this would have a positive psychological effect - very likely preventing further suicides.... And I know there will be people who take offense at the idea of a 'curfew' - But such a policy would be *do-able* - and would make a great difference to refugees' real quality of life... Refugees would no longer be locked up with no freedom of movement for months or even years on end...

Pls note also I'm only referring to people whose applications for refugee status hasn't been decided on yet; Those whose applications have been accepted should of course have complete freedom of movement and should be provided with social housing.

All well and good, however when the opportunity to consider who could ascend to government the pressing issues should have been the treatment of our Asylum Seekers and their increase in numbers accepted and the end to Mandatory Detention. I will never understand what happened for this opportunity to be missed. Tristan it does not matter who ascends to government they will never have clear mandates without the Greens and the Greens need to represent the tumult of our times in that it is not acceptable to treat people in the ways they are being treated, it should not be there concern who is the government, other than at all times they remain principled to the core, to the letter, and that they grow in numbers. Let Labor or the Liberals form government or be government however if the Greens withdraw their support and future government will better treat our Asylum Seekers and the Greens will have won more Seats and maybe worth more than 15% of the vote.


Adam please do it, pull the pin, put this government out of its misery and out of our misery. Much love to you Gerry, good for you Gerry. Peace and love, Carla.