
Our part in nuclear fire is fuel for thought

Below is an article by Dave Noonan from ACF which explains the Australian connection to current nuclear disaster in Japan

The nuclear emergency that is compounding the human tragedy of Japan’s earthquake sends a clear warning to Australia to steer clear of the risks of nuclear energy. The terrible human cost of the earthquake in Japan is being made even worse by radiation escaping from damaged nuclear reactors and the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people who live around the nuclear reactor sites.


Japan nuke crisis sparks rethink of nukes globally

“Fukushima is everywhere – We will get in the way,” says the yellow part, “Switch off all atomic installations worldwide,” says the red and white part. From a demo in Gorleben, a German nuclear waste dump.

The unfolding disaster of earthquakes, tsunami and nuclear meltdown in Japan has stirred up debate about the future of the nuclear industry while the Japanese government and pro nuclear advocates continue to minimise the situation. The nuclear situation is further intensifying the country's woes as thousands of bodies of tsunami and earthquake victims are being recovered.

Related stories: Fukushima radiation spreading worldwide | 250,000 in "biggest ever" anti-nuclear protests in Germany | German government looking to insure new quake-vulnerable Brazilian nuke | Germany temporarily switching off seven nukes, may rescind longer running times
| Nuclear suspension faces court challenge by power company RWE | Merkel aims to speed Germany's nuclear energy exit | Uranium - Our part in nuclear fire is fuel for thought | Indigenous communities getting dumped in it. Again. | Nuclear waste an ever-growing problem for the US | Battle-proof Wind Farms Survive Japan's Trial by Fire | Japanese wind farm owners have been asked to step up production to help cover energy shortages

Japan IMC: Fear Mushrooms in Japan as Nuclear Cataclysm Spreads | Truthout - Greg Palast on Tokyo Electric to Build US Nuclear Plants: The No BS Info on Japan's Disastrous Nuclear Operators | Indybay: Political Debate Unleashed in California by Devastation in Japan | Phillipines: Network Opposed to the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant | Linksunten IMC (Germany): Wave of anti-nuclear protest after reactor accidents in Japan |Helen Caldicott offers dire warnings


Tear gas used on detainees on Christmas Island

In yet another disturbing incident within Australian detention centres, tear gas and possibly even rubber bullets have been used by the Australian Federal Police on Christmas Island against protesting detainees. With over 6000 people being held in detention and an increasing cycle of protests, escapes, hunger strikes, self-harm and repression within centres it is clear that the ALP has delivered a detention regime every bit as soul destroying as Howard.


Freedom now for Simos Seisidis - international call for solidarity



On the 30/3/2011 the trial for the case of “the robbers in black” will take place in the first degree, regarding the January 2006 National bank robbery on Solonos st., central Athens, and six more bank robberies. It is the same case for which Yiannis Dimitrakis was finally sentenced, in the second degree, to 12,5 years of imprisonment. This time Simos Seisidis, who had been a fugitive for 4,5 years, is in the place of the accused.

Crack down begins on Christmas Island – refugee supporters say open the gates

Refugee Action Coalition Media release March 14, 2011 There are disturbing reports from Christmas Island asylum seekers that a number, perhaps 20, of the people who escaped from the detention centre on Friday night have been handcuffed and taken to the high security management unit, Red Compound, last night (ie Sunday night).

Some reports indicate that up to 20 people may have been taken to the Red Compound. At least two Afghans, one a teacher, inside the detention centre, were handcuffed and taken away last night.


Sunday March 20 - Callout for Solidarity with Bradley Manning - Quantico! London! Australia?

Brad's in there for us, We're on the loose for him!

On Sunday March 20th. - around the anniversary of the 2003 invasion of Iraq - anti-war activists will be going to Quantico U.S. Marine Base, Virginia, U.S.A. to demand the end to the torture of Bradley Manning. In London, we will be heading to the U.S.Embassy!
***Footage from the January 17th., the last time anti-war folks went to Quantico

LINK - Bradley Manning's recent letter from his cell in Quantico regarding his treatment and conditions

Hunger strike at Villawood ends

The hunger strike at Villawood has ended on Sunday March 13–below is the text below of a letter sent by the strikers to the Immigration Department to inform them.

Villawood IDC
15 Birmingham Avenue
13 March 2011

Deputy Director – IMA
Villawood IDC
Villawood NSW

Dear Sir,

Concluding the fasting vigil

We, Thillainathan Suthakaran, Kokilakumar Subramaniyam and Suvendran Kathirkamaththamby, are writing to inform you that we are concluding our fast on 13 March 20^11, which started on 1 March 2011.


Current Affairs Lite mp3

We Are Family Kaputt-Remix, a sample of the Now Show, Charlie Broker versus Colonel Gaddafi, more media mash, Tony Abbott by Clarke n Dawe, Nimbin bashing

music by Sister Sledge, and Supahempadoxical

29:00 mins 128 kbps stereo 26.6 MB

Rising Tide harbour blockade a success

Rising Tide Media release 13th March Australia's export of coal is recognised as Australia's largest contribution to climate change, we have been joined by hundreds of people and have successfully stopping all coal ship movements.

This blockade in the world's biggest coal port sends a strong message to the community, government and coal industry that there is to much at stake for the coal industry to expand.


Report on Adelaide 2011 World Nude Bike Ride

On March 12th, nude cyclists joined the worldwide movement for peace, sane transport and cyclists rights by cycling through Adelaide. After meeting up in Vic Square, we made off for the Secret HQ and got stripped down and painted up. I think I speak for everyone when I say, this was some serious, hardcore fun. Slogans from ranged from "I heart Cycling" to "C ME NOW?".

We headed through ALL Adelaide's most densely populated streets, ensuring plenty of exposure. This included some on the fly organizing, which ended in photographers waiting for us out the front of the Advertiser building.


Coalition’s 2km wind farm veto sets a risky precedent

Media Release:Friends of the Earth 11 March 2011 The Coalition’s proposed right of veto for residents within 2 km of planned wind farms highlights worrying double standards on development, according to Friends of the Earth (FoE).A spokesperson for the Victorian Planning Minister Matthew Guy told the Weekly Times that residents within 2 km of new wind farms would be able to veto a development if they couldn’t reach an agreement with the proponent.


Asylum seekers break out of Christmas Island detention centre

Sydney Refugee Action Collective Media release, 12 March 2011 Reports from asylum seekers on Christmas Island indicate that at least 150 asylum seekers, believed to be mostly Iranian, have broken out of Christmas Island detention centre.
All Serco guards have withdrawn from the detention compound and are believed to be searching for the escaped detainees.

The trouble began around 11.30 Christmas Island time and seems to have been concentrated on the main compounds of the detention centre. All compounds have been locked down, leaving remaining asylum seekers unattended.


Three Villawood detainees on hunger strike

RISE media release 09/03/2011Three refugees in Villawood immigration detention centre are on day 8 of their hunger strike. The men have been accepted as refugees by the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship (“DIAC”) but have been given adverse security assessments by ASIO.

World Naked Bike Ride in Newcastle broken up by police

8.9 km into a 12.6 km bike ride to protest for peace, sustainability and cyclists rights, Police broke up the 7th annual World Naked Bike Ride in Newcastle, NSW Australia.

The group of about 15 bike riders, some clothed and and others naked and decorated in body paint promoting their protest message rode along the Honeysuckle harbor side cycle way, down Hunter St (the main street of the city) and through on o...f the busy the restaurant and cafe precinct of Darby St. The ride was cheered and applauded by members of the public.


Price on Pollution rally: Melbourne

Approximately 7500 people attended the Price on Pollution rally at Treasury Place, Melbourne, attended by an estimated 7,500 people demonstrating their support for a fixed price on carbon pollution.

The rally was called by Get UP as a response to anti-carbon tax rallies inspired by Tony Abbott's call for a "peoples revolt" against the proposed ALP policy.

Images courtesy of Nick Carson


WGAR News: Aboriginal women of Lake Tyers are staging a blockade

Newsletter date: 12 March 2011

* Petition to Support the Northern Territory Elders' Statement
* Aboriginal women of Lake Tyers are staging a blockade
* More on 'racist' Alice Springs TV advertisement
* More on the UWS Anti-Racism Research Project
* More on the Reconciliation Barometer
* More on the ACTU’s Indigenous Conference
* Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention


Friends of Australia’s First Peoples petition:

43 million refugees, a billion in abject poverty, the facts on asylum seekers & refugees and Australia's shameful record.

by Gerry Georgatos
At least 43 million people displaced. At least 16 million refugees. Only 800,000 Asylum Seeker applications per year. Millions have not been counted. Millions are trapped. If you are a Hazara in Quetta, Pakistan there is are no holding camps, no UNHCR, no queues. My sister-in-law is of refugee-origin, Vietnamese, having arrived as a baby on a 'boat' in 1980. Afghanis, Tamils, Iraqis, Iranians are fleeing civil strife, persecution, war. Let us not forget anyone. Let us embrace the ideal of helping out one another.


VIictims of war - Iraqi children and families - Depleted uranium and trauma

Riyadh describes, "The years of sanctions have deeply affected Iraqi society and people have learned to survive individually and have lost the sense of community and caring for others."

"As a result of the 1991 Gulf War the province of Al Muthanna is littered with thousands of unexploded landmines and missiles." "There are many heartbreaking of disabled children in Iraq."
