criminal justice system

WGAR News: Culture Is Life campaign - Promoting community led solutions to Indigenous youth suicide

Newsletter date: 14 August 2013


* Culture Is Life: Promoting community led solutions to Indigenous youth suicide [Launch of new campaign]
* YouTube: Culture Is Life Campaign video
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Australia's Aboriginal children - The world's highest suicide rate
* Background to Suicide and Self-harm in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Communities

* The Wire: Indigenous children dominate out-of-home care [Featuring Frank Hytten, CEO of SNAICC and Rachel Siewert, Greens Senator]

War on drugs breaches separation of powers

If you are on the jury in a drug trial, and if you are told that the defendant must prove that he/she knew nothing about the drugs, it is your civic duty to put the onus of proof back where it belongs (on the prosecution), raise it to the proper standard (beyond reasonable doubt), and reach a verdict accordingly.
