
Reject the Liberals' message of hate on refugee funerals

If, like myself, you are sickened by Liberal opposition spokesman for immigration Scott Morrison's claim that it is unreasonable for the government to pay for relatives of those refugees killed in the Christmas Island boat tragedy to attend their funerals then send this cold bastard an email, as I have just done, telling him so. His email address is


Valentine's Day – for the love of the forests

SFER Press ReleaseToday South East Forest Rescue have halted logging operations in Bodalla State Forest in the foothills of Gulaga Mountain, south of Narooma, and presented Forests NSW and the logging contractors with a Statement of Guarantee. The Statement of Guarantee sets out terms and conditions requiring Forests NSW to guarantee there will be no impacts on the environment as a result of the logging and to guarantee any logging Forests NSW and their authorised contractors undertake will not impact on the health and wellbeing of the citizens of New South Wales, being both present and future unborn generations. There are three machines attached by cable to a structure in a tree thirty metres off the ground, and an erected banner stating “Carbon Criminals”.


Fighting for positive body image for young women

Equality Rights Alliance are running a campaign to fight negative body image for young women. We want positive body images in the media that show the diversity of natural, real beauty. So we’ve got postcards distributed through AvantCard, and online (


ANIMA MUNDI - David Holmgren, Vandana Shiva, Michael Ruppert, Noam Chomsky, Garbage Warrior, Permablitz

ANIMA MUNDI - documentary due for release in 2011 - Permaculture, Peak Oil, Climate Change and the Gaia theory featuring David Holmgren (co-founder of permaculture), Dr Vandana Shiva, Noam Chomsky, Michael C Ruppert, Michael Reynolds (Garbage Warrior), Dr Stephan Harding, Permablitz and others. ANIMA MUNDI trailer:

3,000 demonstrated against nuclear transport at 23 locations in Germany

Media release translated by Diet Simon

Anti-nuclear activists demonstrated at 23 locations across Germany on Saturday (12 February) against the imminent delivery of waste to a storage hall at Lubmin on the Baltic coast.

The Northeast Anti-Nuclear Alliance reports at least 1,000 protesters in other locations and about 2,000 plus six tractors at Greifswald, the nearest larger town to Lubmin and former location of a nuclear power station.

Sydney celebration of Egyptian revolution

In Sydney on February 12th, what was scheduled to be another rally in support of the Egyptian people's revolution against the hated Mubarak dictatorship turned into a spontaneous celebration after the hated dictator was toppled overnight. As on sign declared: "Congratulations Egypt - never underestimate people Power".
Photos by Peter Boyle on Facebook
Text and photo by Peter Boyle via Facebook


Exclusive: Massive corruption causes DoCS NSW holocaust of families


"Angels for the Forgotten"
Melina is a DoCS NSW victim of corruption and devotes her life to Child Protection Reform.


Pamphlet guide to revolution in Egypt: How to protest intelligently

The San Francisco Indymedia site ( has published a translated nine page Guide to intelligent protesting, which was distributed widely on the streets of Egypt. The guide shows how to non-violently defend yourself from riot police. As this Blog article states, we shouldn't just be cheering on the Egyptian revolution but learning from it.

Julian Assange solidarity vigil - British Consul Brisbane 7th Feb 2011

Yesterday afternoon a handful of people held a vigil at he British consulate in Brisbane to mark the attempted extradition of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. We held signs reading, "Free Julian Assange, Free Bradley Manning" and "In An Age of Universal Deceit Telling The Truth is a Revolutionary Act"

It was a bit of a disappointing turnout, but the vigil was not advertised other than by our email network. However the police must have been taking lessons form Wikileaks, because they knew all about it, and well outnumbered us!


UNITE is launching the 'Respect Workers Rights' campaign

UNITE is launching the 'Respect Workers Rights' campaign, focusing on Brunswick Street, Fitzroy. Many workers in the fast food, retail and hospitality industries do not receive their full legal entitlements at work. Recently, UNITE has recieved an increase in complaints on such basic issues as pay rates, workplace health and safety and bullying and discrimination.

In response, UNITE is launching the 'Respect Workers Rights' campaign to force employers to provide their workers with at least their minimum entitlements.


Thug war and hemp psychosis mp3

Nimbin village is under heavy police presence once more. Australia's mass media campaign against hemp with the latest twist to link hemp and schizophrenia and psychosis. Dr Mathew Large from University New South Wales, the author of a recently published study linking hemp and schizophrenis speaks with Bob from the Hemphour show aired on 11 Feb 2011

This podcast is an excerpt of the above mentioned show. Music by Spliffmasters, Nimbin --- [ site could be down ]


Mumbulla protesters case dismissed

Two members of South East Forest Rescue who protested the illegal logging of a gazetted Aboriginal Place on Mumbulla Mountain, north of Bega last year, were acquitted yesterday when the case was dismissed. Anthony Whan and Scott Daines were in Bega Local Court yesterday. This follows two other cases with the same result.


Emma Haswell puts a face to the food on your plate

Veteran Tasmanian animal rights activist Emma Haswell is delivering a public address at Toorak College Mount Eliza on the 22nd of February at 7pm. Bookings are essential. There is no charge.

Emma Haswell’s work has featured on 60 Minutes, ‘Australian Story’ and the 730 Report. She has appeared on many other current affairs programs and been reported widely by the national and state print media.


The Shortwave Report 02/11/11 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend, 
            The latest Shortwave Report (February 11) is up at the website  in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
   (NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {26.7MB}

     This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and The Voice of Russia.

Stop the internet kill switch!

Dear All,

Have you heard about the “internet kill switch”? It gives governments the technical or legal power to cut off their entire country’s internet access, and it’s no longer just a pipedream of dictators, but a very real threat to all of us who use the internet around the world.