Thug war and hemp psychosis mp3

Nimbin village is under heavy police presence once more. Australia's mass media campaign against hemp with the latest twist to link hemp and schizophrenia and psychosis. Dr Mathew Large from University New South Wales, the author of a recently published study linking hemp and schizophrenis speaks with Bob from the Hemphour show aired on 11 Feb 2011

This podcast is an excerpt of the above mentioned show. Music by Spliffmasters, Nimbin --- [ site could be down ]

34:28 mins 128 kbps stereo 31.6 MB



thanks for posting

It is a rare exception to find a psychiatrist who understands war. Most of the flock are useful idiots of the regimes. They would not even be able to distinguish a soul wounded in an attack from one wounded in an accident, let alone recognise a refugee from totalitarian entrapment when they encounter one. It's sad to say, but for challenging totalitarianism they are mostly useless. More than that they require sovereign patients to amend their last will with a prohibition of being force-fed chemical waste. Sometimes even the weakest have real enemies.

When police acts close to or crosses the border between lawful procedure and sexual abuse, this is not just their own fault as the offenders they are, but also that of lawmakers unable to keep government privileges tight enough to prevent such exploitation and judges failing to correct enough cases to make it unattractive to try. How dare these tax money devils do this and imagine they could get away with it longer than a Catholic priest?