Pizza solidarity with the workers of Wisconsin

The workers of Wisconsin are attempting to fight the economic slash and burn policies of the Republican Governor Scott Walker who is planning to slash public sector working conditions and abolish collective bargaining. Amidst their occupation of the Capital building in Madison, an unlikely story of solidarity has emerged involving a small Pizza shop called Ian’s Pizza and a macaroni topped pizza! On the evening of February 20th, one of the protestors rang Ian’s Pizza which is near the protest site and asked if they would donate their leftovers at the end of the night. Word got out and soon enough people were calling Ian’s pizza from all over the U.S. and internationally to order pizzas to be delivered to the protestors. Most inspiringly some were ordered by protestors in Egypt! who recognised the commonality of their struggle. Ian’s Pizza has now had to turn their business over to cooking pizza’s for the protestors full time. If you would like to order one for the protestors visit Ian’s Pizzas website See some of the pizza’s being delivered on this Youtube clip.

In an unrelated but cool solidarity story, check out this Youtube clip of Tom Morello singing the on World Wide Rebel Song


i just called!! if you have gmail ring Ian's for free! Ian's Pizza in Madison, Wis. 608-257-9248