Protest to IKEA over lives-destroying palm oil candles

IKEA sells vast quantities of candles made of 32,000 tonnes of palm oil a year. People, animals and the climate suffer as a result.

At the latest since a protest campaign in February, driven by the German Rainforest Rescue organisation, IKEA has been fully aware that people and climate are ruined when jungle is destroyed for plantation land.

Yet this transnational home wares giant that touts its environmental "credentials" persists in selling products made from 40,000 tonnes of palm oil.

They argue that the oil they use has the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certification, which ostensibly guarantees sustainable palm oil production.

But it has long been clear that the label is a fraud that doesn't prevent the problems.

You can send a protest mail to IKEA headquarters at The postal address of their national office in Australia is P.O. Box 3365, Rhodes NSW 2138. I don't know why, but I (Diet) tend to think a letter arriving through the post has more impact.

Watch a film about an illegal Indonesian plantation and the misery it is causing to local people at

And if you're up to a dose of IKEA's mealy-mouthed hypocricy about their caring about the environment, tune in to

Sample: "The Earth has existed for billions of years, and throughout that time it has operated on a principle of equilibrium. For every action there is a reaction - ecosystems are not immune to this law. Everything we use comes from the Earth, as do we. We balance our needs with the physical limitations of the Earth and it's resources...IKEA is known around the world for its commitment to the environment. IKEA has a genuine concern for the future of our planet, over and above the single-minded pursuit of profit."


Les dejo el enlace en español que hizo uso parcial de la información que indica, señor Schenk.

I leave hyperlink to a text in Spanish that uses partially the information you highlighted, Mr. Schenk.

Vielen Dank.

M. F.