
Survival publishes ā€˜Top 5 Hall of Shameā€™ for Columbus Day

Survival International is marking Columbus Day (October 12th/ October 11th in US) by publishing its ā€˜Top 5 Hall of Shameā€™ ā€“ the key companies violating tribal peoplesā€™ rights worldwide.

They are:

- GDF Suez. Part-owned by the French government, energy giant GDF Suez is heavily involved in the construction of the Jirau dam, which will be the largest dam in Brazil. The company is proceeding with work on the dam despite warnings from Survival and others that uncontacted Indians live near the area affected by the dam.

The real police training happened in the bar at night

By ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association

(My response to an excellent article by Chris Graham for the ABC

there are good cops and bad cops and i would even go so far as to say that there are more of the former than the latter. but, and it is a big but, the culture dictates that the good must cover for the bad and that is where the troubles begin.

Animal Rights Zone hits milestone

There is a revolution underway in the world today, a peaceful revolution springing up on every continent on the planet. is proud to announce its reaching a milestone in the service of that revolution.

In just ten short months, ARZone has grown from an initial membership of two, to 1000 committed members, all working together to create a vegan world. Founding director Carolyn Bailey says ā€œThe response to the site has been tremendous, now, with 1000 members across the world, the work being done by hard working people has been more fulfilling than I could have imagined.ā€

Cessnock Council unanimously votes against coal seam gas

At the Cessnock Council Meeting on 6 October 2010, Councillor Dale Troy moved a rescission motion on part of the Cessnock LEP 2010 to put an amendment to exclude mining and extractive activities from the zone containing the vineyards.

This motion, seconded by Councillor James Ryan, welcomed by WAGE and the Hunter Valley Protection Alliance (HVPA) was supported without contest by the Council.


Determined rally condemns Cairns abortion trial. Campaign for abortion rights to continue

Almost three hundred people braved the rain in Brisbane on October 9 to rally against the Cairns abortion trial which is scheduled to start next Tuesday.

Protesters heard from Susan Shaw from the Pro-Choice Action Collective who outlined the background to the Cairns case and the campaign that has called for the charges to be dropped.

Cait Calcutt from Children by Choice spoke about the history of the anti-abortion laws in Queensland.


Why activism matters to me as a First Nation person

by ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association

the article below by [Canadian] first nation activist robert animikii horton succinctly expounds the views and thoughts of every true activist, "why do i care?"

why expend the energy required, battling the excesses of the particular activism not only with governments, bureaucrats, out-and-out racists but also the unwilling and unknowledgable hoi polloi, in what can too often be seen as an unwinnable battle?

why expend your time, energy and health on battles against forces that mostly appear to be insurmountable?

Flashmob protest on 9th anniversary of Afghanistan War

Nine years of Australian defence forces in Afghanistan was remembered by three flashmob die-ins: on the steps of Flinders street station, outside the old GPO, and at the State Library steps today in Melbourne.

Photos | Youtube video: Ninth anniversary of Afghanistan War remembered in Melbourne with a Flashmob protest


Climate protestors descending on Hazelwood power station

Approximately 300 climate activists have converged on Hazelwood Power Station in the Latrobe Valley in Victoria to demand its immediate shut down. The protest is one of the over 7000 thousand protests planned on the 10/10/10 to mark the annual protests. The protestors are planning to build a model of a solar power plant to symbolise how Hazelwood could be replaced to create a carbon neutral future.

For the latest photos see the Switch Off Hazelwood flickr Photostream | Takver's Replace Hazelwood Photostream | Climate Action Moreland | AYCC photostream | Youtube video: Shaun Murray on Replacing Hazelwood | Erecting the solar power tower | 'Switch off Hazelwood' Protest Rally - 10/10/10

To read updates from the day click here.


Aboriginal woman connected with Nazi killing camp spirits

When Samantha Martin left her tiny Kimberley community as a young woman, she wanted to forget all about being an Aborigine. Now sheā€™s a proud teacher of Aboriginal culture and an energy healer. Her ancestors called her back to her identity, she told me in an interview for Noosa Community Radio. We talked about

Ā· her teaching Outback Aboriginal kids to record their culture with multi-media,

Ā· slumming it with very rich Germans on an exclusive cruise ship

Ā· learning to cook from a Thai master chef

Facebook "friending" lands environmental activist in prison

In another cautionary tale for the Left which is increasingly becoming dependant on Facebook - remember that your "friends" are not the only ones watching this corporate site. A U.S. environmentalist activist has been jailed for four months for breaking his parole conditions after "friending" an Earth First activist on his Facebook page. The U.S. Government is moving to formalise its powers of surveillance over Facebook and other corporate social networking sites too.

Police taser taming called for as indigenous man is tasered 13 times in Western Australia

By Samantha Donovan

Western Australia's Attorney-General wants a review of police disciplinary procedures after two officers escaped prosecution despite tasering a man 13 times in a Perth watch-house.

The call comes as New South Wales Police investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of a man who died after being tasered by officers during a domestic dispute in Sydney overnight. (Video

Osama bin Laden to be replaced with US-born Yemeni

The world may have established another "terrorist number one." Saudi Osama bin Laden was replaced (or is about to be replaced) by U.S.-born native of Yemen Anwar al-Awlaki.

Some European sources reported that the CIA compiled a new list of persons subject to immediate elimination because of emanating threats. Such a document surfaced before. Osama bin Laden was always at the top of the list. But now "terrorist number one" is 39-year-old Anwar al-Awlaki.

Hugo Chavez: Nuclear blackmailer in American backyard

It seems that the United States has yet another problem: Venezuelan nuclear program may be added to the Iranian and North Korean nuclear programs in the near future. The announcement was made the other day by "fierce" Hugo Chavez. Expert Vladimir Khrustalev spoke of the reasons of such intentions and the prospects of a nuclear project in Venezuela with


WGAR News: World Council of Churches visit to NT Aboriginal communities (5 Oct 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR Website:

National Council of Churches in Australia:
NATSIEC - National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission
WCC Living Letters: Visit concludes with release of statement

Coal is a dead end! Community demonstration at HRL office with mock 'clean coal' technology launch

Today members of the Cross Campus Environment Network (CCEN) held a demonstration at the Melbourne office of HRL with the mock launch of a new 'clean coal' technology. The building went into lock-down when the protesters arrived at the steps of the office with a ramshackle 'state-of-the-art' coal cleaning machine.


Breaking news: Indonesia shoots 3, 1 dead in Wamena

Nick Chesterfield,

Monday, October 4 1800 AEST: Information has just been received from sources in Wamena that Indonesian security forces have shot dead three West Papuan men who were part of the newly formed civil peopleā€™s guard. Members of Petapa, the indigenous non-violent security force formed by the Papuan Customary Council to protect West Papuan people engaging in peaceful free expression, were attempting to defuse a tense situation caused by an Indonesian police raid at 0800 local time this morning.


Protest in solidarity with Maribyrnong hunger striker

The Refugee Action Collective (Vic) has organised a lively protest in solidarity with Tamil refugee Leela Krishna outside Maribyrnong Detention Centre on Sunday October 3rd. Leela Krishnan, has been locked in detention for 12 months, began a hunger strike on October 1st to demand his immediate release. Leelaā€™s application for refugee status has been approved based on the discrimination and violence he experienced in Sri Lanka because of his sexuality ā€“ he is gay. But he remains in detention because ASIO has not completed its security check. Despite repeated attempts to get information from the Immigration Department about the status of these checks, he has not been able to find out why he has not been released. After spending almost a year at Christmas Island and Villawood detention centres, Leela was moved to Maribyrnong in the last 2 weeks.


Afghanistan: Bring the troops back.

Stop the War Coalition today said the charging of three Australian commandos over last yearā€™s killing of six Afghan civilians, including children, sheds light on the reality of this nine-year war ā€“ a war in which no-one knows how many Afghans have been killed.

News that the International Criminal Court was likely to lay war crimes charges if the commandos were not brought to book underscores the seriousness of the charges. Five children and a woman were killed after Australian troops threw a grenade into an Afghan home.
