
Climate banner at opening of Parliament

As all the members of parliament assembled in front of the House for the Opening of the new government this morning: they could not fail to notice the 10m banner screaming: CLIMATE EMERGENCY. [350] Why were we there, straining with the banner, in the wind? This new parliament has been elected by the Australian people with the expectation they will work at emergency speed to protect our ecosystems and economies from climate change.


Protestors arrested as bulldozers move in at Westerfields

Four protestors have been arrested this morning and charged with trespass on summons as they attempted to halt the bulldozing of a flora and fauna reserve to build the Peninsula Link Freeway in Frankston. Up to a hundred police converged on the site, forcibly removing around 30 protestors and arresting four.


Is Indymedia still relevant in the age of Twitter, Facebook and blogs?

Evgeny Morozov argues that Indymedia is no longer relevant today and "what looked novel in 1999 looks unnecessarily centralized and hierarchical today". He argues bloggers and citizen journalists can now tell their stories directly to "the live news sections of premier American and Europe TV stations" and they don't need any special equipment but cellphones and laptops, and they certainly don't need yet another platform for documenting what they see or what they think - they all have their own blogs and Twitter accounts, to post to." Has Indymedia outlived its usefulness or is it still a crucial central node "Within this 'networked hyper-individualist media environment" allowing co-ordination amidst an "increasingly fragmented audience."


The real story behind terrorism in Afghanistan

Revolutionary Worker #1124, October 28, 2001, posted at

The following excerpt is from a pamphlet titled, "The Real Story Behind Terrorism in Afghanistan," by "A Group of Concerned Afghans Living in the U.S.A."


Red Star over Afghanistan

The Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan has announced that it will wage war against the imperialist occupiers in Afghanistan, as well as reactionary theocratic Islamists.

It seems as though the Taleban and jihadists fighting in Afghanistan will have new partners in their war on NATO and the West judging by the announcement that the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan released on July 15, 2010.

Jobs with Justice! Please support Aboriginal workers in the NT

1. Worse than WorkChoices Statement - Please endorse:
2. Mark Fordham Jobs with Justice Speaking tour 16th -30th October
3. October 29th Rally midday Town Hall - demand Jobs with Justice
4 Get involved in the campaign

1. "Stop the NT Intervention - Jobs with Justice for Aboriginal workers" Statement:

Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney (STICS) and the Intervention Rollback Action Group in Alice Springs are requesting support for a statement demanding 'Jobs with Justice for Aboriginal workers' that will be launched on October 29 with protest rallies around the country.

Climate change activists close Newcastle coal terminals, call for Gillard to act

Climate activists have closed down the three coal export terminals at Newcastle harbour, the world's largest coal export port, stopping all production and loading. "Urgent action against global warming is needed. We have been forced to make our dramatic protest today because the Federal government is failing to take any action." said Anika Dean from Rising Tide Newcastle.

Related: Mining Companies may seek victims compensation from climate activists


No more band-aid solutions: End the housing crisis campaign

Despite being a huge social issue, housing barely rated a mention during the federal election. With the Victorian State election looming, it is crucial that more is done to protect and to win back our housing rights. The campaign to end the public housing crisis being waged by the group "The City is Ours" is stepping up. A Public meeting is being held at 6:30pm Thursday 14th October, at Trades Hall in Carlton and a public rally has been called for November the 12th at Housing Minister Richard Wynne’s electoral office at 112 Smith St, Collingwood from 4.30pm.


The Shortwave Report 09/24/10 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (September 24) is up at the website in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
(NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {26.7MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Netherlands, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

Call for Mary Valley to be made a Queensland food bowl

By Diet Simon and Mark Rodriquez

Queensland's Labor government, one of the biggest backers of coal mining, is calling for public submissions to protect strategic cropping land now under threat from mining.

It is prioritising the fertile country of the Darling Downs around Toowoomba and the Lockyer Valley, closer to Brisbane.

But now an Independent MP, Peter Wellington, who holds the Sunshine Coast hinterland seat of Nicklin that covers Nambour, Yandina, Bli Bli, Woombye, Palmwoods and Eudlo, has sprung a surprise on the government.


BD News: Update on Julia Gillard's proposal for asylum-seeker pocessing in Timor-Leste

BACK DOOR Newsletter on Timor-Leste:

Australian PM's proposal for Asylum-seeker Processing in Timor-Leste:

21 September 2010

A collection of articles and news items about Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard's proposal to establish a processing centre in East Timor for people seeking asylum in Australia.

Please find below the latest twelve articles from the website.
To read the full article click on the relevant link.
Articles are in reverse chronological order.

Territory shame

From "The Catholic Leader", the official newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane.

By Paul Dobbyn

AUSTRALIA'S "shameful treatment" of indigenous people in remote Northern Territory communities has been exposed during a six-day fact-finding mission by local and international visitors, a prominent Aboriginal Catholic leader has said.

German Greens would now win 24%

If an election were held today in Germany, The Greens would win 24 percent of the vote -- an all-time high for the party -- according to a new poll from the Forsa Institute monitoring public opinion.

The Greens are polling even with the Social Democratic Party (SPD), traditionally one of Germany’s two leading parties, and together they would have enough support to form an absolute majority in the Bundestag, the federal parliament (equivalent to our House of Representatives).

New economic measures in Cuba: Statement by the Cuban Federation of Workers

The economic crisis has affected all economies around the world and Cuba is no exception. Despite the seriousness of the crisis and the ongoing illegal US blockade of Cuba, the socialist state protected workers better than their counterparts in capitalist economies. The government has announced a number of important measures to deal with the current situation and deepen the construction of socialism on a more efficient basis. These have been mis-reported in the mass media as signalling the failure of and even abandonment of socialism by Communist Party leaders and the Cuban government.

The campaign to free Ahmad Sa'adat

The Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat demands the release of all Palestinian Authority political prisoners and an end to the policy of security cooperation and calls upon all to rally for Palestinian prisoners

The Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat demands the release of all Palestinian Authority political prisoners and an end to the policy of security cooperation

View in Arabic -

Solidarity actions with the Villawood detainees

This is one reportback about a series of actions that took place in various parts of Sydney today in solidarity with the detainees at Villawood detention center - who were occupying the roof there in an act of defiance at their own incarceration and out of respect for Josefa Rauluni who had committed suicide there yesterday morning.

Afghanistan exit strategy needed

As the U.S. death toll in Afghanistan creeps upward, and the country continues to be ravaged by violence and poverty, an increasing number of voices are warning that, as peace advocate and former California state Sen. Tom Hayden put it, "quagmire is more likely than success in the predictable future."

President Obama's special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke, acknowledged the declining support for the war in Afghanistan, saying recently, "We feel the impatience of the public and the Congress."