
Reflections on organising for the S11 Protest, Melbourne 2000

The following is a post from Slackbastard's blog - I thought I would repost it on Melbourne Indymedia given that we are coming up to the 10th of the S11 demo's and Melbourne Indymedia was originally started by a group of people to help cover that historic demo. Would be good to see other reflections about S11 on the site ten years on.

A comrade has written the following and at their request Iā€™m publishing it here to facilitate further disco. Write dr.woooo[at]gmail[dot]com for moar.


Stalin for sale

The decision of Moscow officials to place the image of Stalin on the posters dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Victory in World War II caused a lively discussion among the Russians. Additionally, it turned out that Stalin can be not only hated or admired, but may also serve as a good source of income.

Australian people smuggling laws victimise poor Indonesian fisherman

"The ongoing protests by the young, broke and often illiterate Indonesian "smuggling mules" who earned as little as $50 for sailing a group of refugees to the Indonesian islanders' age-old fishing grounds of Ashmore Reef needs close, thorough and complete scrutiny and a full review under the next Federal Parliament," according to WA Human Rights group Project SafeCom after the recent protest at Darwin Dentention Centre.


500th asylum vessel in 34 years arrives: time to reset the debate

Media Release - Monday August 30, 2010

"The arrival of his morning's asylum boat with 59 passengers off Christmas Island is by all accounts the 500th vessel arriving on our shores for the purpose of seeking protection under the terms of the UN Refugee Convention since April 1976," WA Human Rights group Project SafeCom said this morning...


WA government seizing Aboriginal land for gas project

The WA Government has announced it plans to seize landof land in the Kimberley for a massive liquefied gas project north of Broome. The project will be developed by Woodside, the same company currently planning to cheat East Timor out of billions of revenue. The WA Premier has apparently lost patience after two years of negotiating. The has sparked opposition from local Aboriginal groups, the KLC, the Wilderness Society and the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU).


WikiLeaks' explosive publications masterminded by US administration?

WikiLeaks' Explosive Publications Masterminded by US Administration?WikiLeaks has published a new portion of previously classified military documents. This time, the controversial website has exposed the memo produced by the CIA's Red Cell think tank, which elaborates non-traditional approaches and shares alternative points of view to various issues. The document is titled "What if Foreigners See the United States as an 'Exporter of Terrorism'?"

Brumby acts to neutralise climate change issue for Victorian election

The Victorian parliament tackled climate change on Friday with a climate bill passed in the Legislative Council with support of Liberals and Greens members to set a 20 percent emissions reduction based upon 2000 levels by 2020. "This is a significant Bill which has the potential to stabilise and then drive down our greenhouse emissions, while also creating certainty for investors and industry, and many new jobs across the state," said Friends of the Earth (FoE) campaigns co-ordinator Cam Walker.


Join the ā€œSave the Pinesā€ community picket

For over two months members of the ā€œFriends of The Pines Flora and Fauna Reserveā€ have staffed a community picket to stop the bulldozers destroying an irreplaceable piece of Heritage listed indigenous vegetation at the Westerfield property on the Mornington Peninsula.

Four people have been arrested on the 28th September as bulldozers and police started to move in. Read the story here

The property is slated for destruction to make way for the environmentally destructive and unnecessary Peninsula Link Freeway that has been rammed through without any scrutiny under the ā€œMajor Transports Projects Faciliation Actā€ by the authoritarian Brumby government. Community members have bravely blocked the bulldozers on this site to prevent it going the way of other indigenous vegetation remnants around Frankston that have already been destroyed to make way for another carbon spewing freeway. Please consider donating to the campaign or even better attending the Community Picket which is staffed dawn to dusk each day. For more details of how to get there, news about the picket and about the campaign itself visit or call Gillian Collins on 0414 309 960, picket organiser and coordinator Friends of The Pines Flora and Fauna Reserve


TAFE teachers losing jobs due to fee hikes

TAFE students arenā€™t the only ones losing out as a result of hiked TAFE fees ā€“ teachers are falling victim to redundancies as student enrolments dwindle.

NMIT land management and conservation teacher Sebastian Buckingham was recently made redundant.

"Due to the State Government's Skill Reform, enrolments across the institute and in particular this department are well down," agriculture and animal science department head Phil Tripp is said to have told land management students. (Whittlesea Leader)


Greens sell out big time to federal ALP

In return for the ALP "considering" policies such as a free dental system, fortnightly meetings with the PM and most ludicrously a committeee to "investigate" a carbon price the Federal Greens have entered into a formal partnership with the Gillard led ALP. Given the ALP has already stated it will not be introducing any price on carbon until after the next election, the Greens have sold their soul for less than crumbs!


We support the Darwin breakout!

Yesterday people gathered at Central Station Tunnel to show solidarity with the courageous protest of 92 detainees who broke out of Darwin Detention Centre on Wednesday. The snap-action response in Sydney, called by the Anti-Deportation Alliance (ADA) focused on encouraging people to take actions to force the Federal Government to close the detention centres, and inviting people to join the Refugee Action Coalition protest today, Friday 3rd of September.


ASIO's worst nightmare Greens elected to government

IT must be ASIO's worst nightmare -- the meddlesome Greens finally are set to have a meaningful say in governing Australia.

Not just from a token MP or sympathiser in the House of Representatives but from next July 1 when the Greens take the balance of voting power in the Senate.

The spy industry in Australia was going from strength to strength until election weekend. Trying to stay in step with the huge expansion of the spying business in the United States.


Could this envelope solve the mystery of the DNA found in Belanglo Forest? The killer who is still out there...

The discovery of human bones this week in Belanglo Forest has reignited interest in the Backpacker Murders.

Ivan Milat continues to maintain his innocence and he and most of his family believe he was framed. There is much evidence to support this which can be found in various articles on this website:

The DNA of the killer which was found under the fingernails of the victims does not match either Ivan Milat or any member of his family.


Afghan asylum seekers break out of Darwin detention centre

The second protest by inmates at the Darwin Detention Centre in a week saw 92 rejected Afghani asylum seekers break out and hold a peaceful protest along the Sturt Highway before being arrested by police after seven hours. A solidarity protest was later held Sydney. In a punitive move, the Afghan protestors have now been moved to the remote Curtin Detention Centre.


ā€˜concerned Australiansā€™ welcomes the report from the UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

MEDIA RELEASE ā€“ ā€˜concerned Australiansā€™ 28 August 2010
ā€˜concerned Australiansā€™ welcomes the report from the UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.
The report calls for numerous changes to the way Australia deals with ā€˜entrenched discriminationā€™. One Committee Member, Patrick Thornberry, referred to, ā€œstructurally embedded discrimination in the way the Aboriginal intervention was being handled in the Northern Territory.ā€

WGAR News: UN CERD recommends negotiation of a treaty (1 Sep 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR Website:

- UN CERD's Report on Australia

Advance Unedited Version - 27 August 2010 - Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

UNITE wins Bakers Delight workers penalty rates!

There has been another victory in the campaign by the UNITE union to win fair working conditions for the workers at the St Helena, Diamond Creek and Laurimar stores in Melbourne.

The workers in these stores voted on a new Enterprise Agreement in late 2009. The agreement that was put forward by the employer sold off many entitlements like sick pay, holiday pay and penalty rates in exchange for a tiny bit extra in the base rate.


Detainee dies at Curtin detention centre

The World Socialist Web has written a good analysis of how the racist mandatory detention policies of the Rudd/Gillard government contributed to the death of an Afghan detainee on August 22nd at the recently re-opened Curtin Detention Centre in remote WA. read the article at the WSWS or the text below

Australia: Detained refugee dies in Perth hospital
By Leticia Marshall
31 August 2010
