
Democracy needs reform - Australia, China and USA: A tale of 3 natural disasters

This month mark the 5th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, USA (29 August 2005), This remind me the 2nd anniversary of the Earthquake in Sichuan, China (12 May 2008) three month ago and the 1st anniversary of the Black Saturday (Bush fire) in Victoria, earlier this year in Australia (7 February 2009).

Pride of Warriors - Stories from West Papua

Al Jazeerah has broadcast a new documentary by Australian film maker Jono Van Hest which gives an insight into the ongoing West Papua Independence struggle and the repression by Indonesisa. Van Hest smuggled cameras into West Papua and allowed West Papuans to tell their own stories.

Related: Thousands rally rejecting special autonomy and demand referendum on independence


Australian Press Council fails judicial corruption and school bullying victim

The decision by the Australian Press Council to dismiss my complaint (Adjudication No. 1469) about suppression of pertinent fact and misrepresentation is unfair and inaccurate.

In my letter to the Courier Mail on 23 Mar 2010 I complained the article, which mentioned me on 17 March (online) and in print on 18 March was inaccurate, unfair, misrepresents me and suppresses pertinent fact. The APC adjudicated my complaint on 8 July and it was published on 30 July 2010 after the Courier Mail stone walled for months.

Melbourne launch of Nuclear Freeways 2010 - 30 July

Dave Sweeney, Nuclear Free campaigner with the Australian Conservation Foundation, was one of the speakers at the launch of Friends of the Earth Nuclear Freeways 2010.

Pioneering solar photovoltaic centre of excellence loses research funding

Why is a ground breaking solar research facility losing research funding at such a crucial time for transitioning from coal fired power stations to renewable energy? On Monday 26 July Greens staffer Tim Hollo revealed on Twitter that research funding had not been renewed for the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Advanced Silicon Photovoltaics and Photonics based at the University of NSW.

Related: Call for Gillard to install solar panels on the Lodge


Coal is hazardous to health: Residents blockade coal trains in north Queensland

Residents of the town of Collinsville, west of Bowen, have just finished a two day blockade of the train line that is used for transporting coal from the Bowen Basin to the Abbot Point coal terminal in North Queensland. The residents are angry about a proposed increase in rail traffic and the adverse health impacts on residents from the increase in vibrations and coal dust emissions, and the problem of delays for emergency vehicles in a town bisected by the rail line.

Bullied schoolboy wants independent investigation on judicial corruption

When I addressed Queensland Attorney General Cameron Dick at the 4BC Right to feel safe forum on 17 March 2010 at the Greek Club in South Brisbane, I was wearing the above message on a sandwich board to draw attention to an ongoing travesty of justice.

In the presence of the media and a crowd of several hundred people I demanded to know why the Attorney General had ignored me for so long on this issue. After hearing what I had to say Mr Dick promised me he would look into my complaint.


Etchings Indigenous Project seeks interns

We are delighted to announce that thanks to the City of Port Phillip and Arts Victoria, we will be running the Etchings Indigenous Project again this year. We are currently looking for interns to fill key publishing and marketing roles. The information below will provide an outline for anyone interested in this exciting project.

Etchings Indigenous

Call for Interns

John Mickel concealing corruption

My political protest outside the electoral office of my local MP, John Mickel Speaker of Parliament has now entered its 9th (ninth) week. And my local elected MP is still denying us electoral representation and continues to pretend my son, a bullied schoolboy and me do not even exist.

John Mickel is still doggedly refusing to acknowledge us and is still refusing to assist us in any way. He has often claimed to be a devout Catholic, who attends Sunday mass at St Bernardine’s Catholic Church.


Muckaty traditional owners visit office of Federal Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson - 26 July

A group of Traditional Owners from Muckaty are currently in Melbourne in connection with a court challenge to Government plans to build a nuclear waste dump on their land. This morning they attended the launch of a billboard in Northcote funded by supporters of the Australian Conservation Foundation, and this afternoon they followed this up by joining members of Friends of the Earth ACE collective and others outside the office of Federal Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson. They wanted to deliver a letter for the Minister, but the office was locked…

Conservationists halt logging in Tasmania's Weld Valley

On sunday night fourteen forest activists walked into the Barnback Creek area in Tasmania's Weld Valley to protest continued logging of threatened old growth forests. At least one person is pole sitting locked on to forestry equipment.

"Huon Valley Environment Centre is calling for an immediate end to logging of high conservation value forests, urgent protection is vital. We are loosing critical endangered species habitat and forests of immense value," Huon Valley Environment Centre's Jenny Weber said.


ILC causing confrontation, political wrangling, personal angst and social unrest over Aboriginal lands

(You can hear this at

By Michael Ghillar Anderson

The way the government’s Indigenous Land Corporation is handing over land is causing confrontation with Aboriginal communities right across this country. It’s causing all sorts of political wrangling, a lot of personal angst and a lot of social unrest.

2010 Boomerang Election Watch mp3

featuring: Julia and Tony on Masterchef

David, Heather and Graham - ABC and other mainstream media with inadvertent comedic input - youtube - The Abbott Family spoof ad, a spoof vintage UK Labor Party ad, Waleed Aly with political analysis, Moving Australia forward towards Antarctica by Gabby Millgate, Lying Liars by David Mitchell, music by Barry Jones, Frank Zappa


Environmentalists: Fuel emission reduction policy well behind world's best practice

Policy Plans released by Julia Gillard and her Climate Change Minister Penny Wong for mandatory fuel efficiency standards and a $2000 rebate for trading in pre-1995 cars for new fuel efficient vehicles, were cautiously welcomed by environmentalists while being criticised for not going far enough and being funded by cuts to other climate change action programs such as Carbon Capture and Storage and solar energy. "Under this plan, Australia's fuel efficiency standards for new vehicles will be about a quarter of a century behind China's when they are eventually law. We must make our cars cleaner quicker." said Don Henry, Australian Conservation Foundation executive director.


European Climate Exchange website hacked

In a protest against carbon trading as a method for acting on climate change, on Friday, July 23 at just before midnight, the public website of the European Climate Exchange (ECX), the leading marketplace for trading CO2 emissions in Europe, was targetted by hacktivists of the autonomous tech collective *decocidio* (#?).

Sub-metro community radio stations face an uncertain future

Sydney community radio is unique for its non-profit structure and for providing a voice for groups that would otherwise not get access to the mainstream media. But smaller stations in this sector seem to have been completely overlooked as part of Australia’s move to go digital.

With one hundred thousand digital radios being sold in last six months Australians appear to be more keen than those in the US and the UK to take up this new technology.

But with no digital band-width being allocated for the Sydney sub-metro community stations, how secure is their future?


Climate activists protest Julia Gillard over ALP climate change policy

ALP policy on climate change action has been strongly criticised by environment and climate action groups with protests at Julia Gillard's climate change policy launch in Brisbane, and protests at Julia Gillard's Werribee electoral office and her Melbourne Treasury Place office.

Related: Climate activists lock on at Gillard's office to protest pathetic ALP policy | Photos at Treasury Place protest | Environmentalists: Fuel Emission reduction policy well behind world's best practice
