When I addressed Queensland Attorney General Cameron Dick at the 4BC Right to feel safe forum on 17 March 2010 at the Greek Club in South Brisbane, I was wearing the above message on a sandwich board to draw attention to an ongoing travesty of justice.
In the presence of the media and a crowd of several hundred people I demanded to know why the Attorney General had ignored me for so long on this issue. After hearing what I had to say Mr Dick promised me he would look into my complaint.
That was months ago, but he has since continued to be incommunicado on my documented and corroborated judicial abuse and judicial corruption allegations against an unrepresented bullied schoolboy. The mainstream media and my local community papers, the Murdoch owned Logan West Leader and Albert and Logan News have been silent.
This Brisbane Times video clip on the 4BC Right to Feel Safe forum shows me raising the corruption allegations and my related comment no. 13 was published in full by Brisbane Times http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/top-cop-steps-in-to-protect-a...
Another video clip of news footage on the 4BC Right to Feel Safe forum http://vimeo.com/10422613 shows how Attorney General Cameron Dick flees when I again raised the issue of judicial abuse and judicial corruption against an unrepresented Queensland schoolboy with him in front of the media after the forum. “I am just going to get my jacket” he said as he disappeared and never returned.
And Cameron Dick’s Labor colleague, my elected Member of Parliament John Mickel has doggedly refused to assist us in any way and declined to table my corroborated allegations in Parliament. Leaving me with no option, but to stage a protest in front of his electoral office, which has now entered its 9th (ninth) week.
Mr Mickel, formerly Queensland Transport Minister is the Speaker of Parliament and when I went to Parliament on 23 April 2009 to demand to be heard and to get electoral representation on the issue of judicial abuse and judicial corruption, I was violently ejected from the public gallery of Parliament by armed police on Mr Mickel’s very orders.
I was ejected from the people’s house for telling the truth and demanding justice. However, with TV news cameras banned from Parliament by Premier Anna Bligh, who laughed as I spoke, the issue was suppressed by the Courier Mail, the only press present in the press gallery.
Labor MP Annastacia Palaszczuk says “the role of the office of the Speaker is the cornerstone of parliament and respect for the speaker is essential for the power, authority and integrity of parliament”.
Heaven help us!
The Opposition has repeatedly refused to raise this matter in Parliament for the public good. The only assistance has come from Dorothy Pratt, the Independent Member for Kingaroy, who sponsored an e-petition for an independent investigation into the unlawful editing of our courtroom audiotapes and transcripts to pervert the course of justice.
This petition will close on 2 August 2010 and be tabled in Parliament. http://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/view/EPetitions_QLD/CurrentEPetition.as...
Further details:
John Mickel concealing corruption http://indymedia.org.au/2010/07/26/john-mickel-concealing-corruption