Speaker of Queensland Parliament

Bullied schoolboy wants independent investigation on judicial corruption

When I addressed Queensland Attorney General Cameron Dick at the 4BC Right to feel safe forum on 17 March 2010 at the Greek Club in South Brisbane, I was wearing the above message on a sandwich board to draw attention to an ongoing travesty of justice.

In the presence of the media and a crowd of several hundred people I demanded to know why the Attorney General had ignored me for so long on this issue. After hearing what I had to say Mr Dick promised me he would look into my complaint.


John Mickel concealing corruption

My political protest outside the electoral office of my local MP, John Mickel Speaker of Parliament has now entered its 9th (ninth) week. And my local elected MP is still denying us electoral representation and continues to pretend my son, a bullied schoolboy and me do not even exist.

John Mickel is still doggedly refusing to acknowledge us and is still refusing to assist us in any way. He has often claimed to be a devout Catholic, who attends Sunday mass at St Bernardine’s Catholic Church.
