Fascist lies directed at using god myth to dictate sex behaviours.

Click this link for the original article from "The Age" online newspaper, 26th July 2010.


I was reading the online newspaper, and amoung the regular societal lies and atrocities that I read about every day, I noticed an article that was especially repugnant and diseased from a Truth-based perspective. It was a blatent soceital fascist dictate, desperately demanding for all citizen-slaves to have sex a exact way. They even had to call in the "god" creature myth to try and convince the citizen-slave idiots that somehow sex had to be done only one exact way, out of millions of possible and legitimate ways. However, they do not stop there. They even use a lie that science can support their position, via absolutely biased and mis-interpreted "scientific studies".

This is utterly laudable to any Seer, and even to some ordinary philosophers. However, despite the obvious intent of these lies, we must remember that most humans are not capable of seeing that these are genocidally harmful and toxic lies. We must acknowledge that society is using the newspaper as a brainwashing medium, and has absolutely malevolent and fascist intent.

Lets take a look at the article, and disect it :
Quote : "WOMEN'S and girls' magazines are full of advice on better sex, from how to catch and hold your man down to detailed instructions on sexual techniques. Now it seems the oldest written recipe, the Bible's, might be the best." - The Age online newspaper article.

This is a very carefully constructed sentence. They open with a lie that womens magazines contain "advice", whereas they contain nothing but fascist instuctions, brainwashing, and perverse, harmful and fascist beauty (and other) standards. It is all designed to appear to be rebellious and "cutting edge", whereas in fact it is nothing more than an add for the malevolent and lie-based societal standards foisted on female humans. Of course, these magazines are always given a "forbidden" mystique about them by society, in order to us reverse psychology to market these magazines to the mentally impoverished slaves that buy them.

Second, we see that the definition of "sex" implied is the lie-based societally dictated one. Sex is NOT a partner activity, it is a SOLO activity. Sex just means "the pleasureable stimulation of the genitals, usually for the purpose of gaining personal pleasure and satisfaction". Remember that definition, because it is the Truth-based one. Masturbation is sex. Intercourse is sex, oral sex is sex. The word-definition-based

brainwashing here is that "sex" is a male and female having sexual intercourse. This is only one form of sex, out of thousands you might do. The reason why this form of sex is promoted as it is the only single one that can lead to pregnancy, and thus more citizen-slaves for your power-mad societal leaders. Society wants to ultimately limit you to one form, and several other "female partner" related forms of sex. It does that because even though it wants only intercourse between the sexes to occur, it realizes this goal is not obtainable, and thus promotes a primary "intercourse" sex, and secondary promoted sex such as "oral" that still requires a partner. Partner-based sex generally leads to intercourse sex, also.

Then, we see that a purpose of sex is given, outside the scope of the Truth-based definition of what sex is.

We see that techniques for "how to catch and hold down your man" are mentioned. This is because intercourse and partner based sex (the ones promoted by society) are designed not only to ger women pregnant, but to enslave them to each other in marriage. If that fails, then we have the "partner"/"de-facto" enslavement systems. Sex is absolutely nothing to do with other people! It is a solo activity, like eating a steak is a solo activity. Sure, you can get into bed and share a steak, but it is still a solo activity. There is absolutely no reason why you just cannot meet your own sexual needs via masturbation. Even if you prefer partner-based sex, there is still no valid and legitimate reason why you should not just have another form of sex and then remain sperate and free people. Society just wants you to become enslaved to each other, to help it monitor and control the citizens-slaves.

Finally, we see a reference to the non-existant god-creature. They are appealing not only to a non-existant authority, but more specifically to the already brainwashed god-addicts. This is the malevolent and sneaky tactic your society uses. It knows that many are already addicted to the god-myth. Societal leaders know that they can use the god-addiction of their slaves to further victimize, brainwash and confuse their citizen-slaves. They realize that their goals regarding sex can be boosted by the insane god myth. Of course, if a god did exist, there is absolutely no reason why he would care about what sexual choices you made. Why would he? It would serve no purpose to him.

Quite a detailed subject, but stay with it folks, because this is one of the most valuable lessons in the Forbidden Truth cannon.

Quote : "Neuroscientific studies suggest that ''life-long heterosexual monogamy'' is most likely to provide both sexual satisfaction and excitement, a Melbourne conference heard at the weekend." - The Age online newspaper 26th July, 2010.

Here, we now see a science-based appeal in addition to the god-creature appeal. This is so that those who do not believe in the god creature, or those who believe in a non-christian version of the insane gof myth, can also be reached. Society is always pretending that science and religion can co-exists, and uses this myth to promote its insane policies.

There is no legitimate scientific study that says that "life-long heterosexual monogamy" leads to better sex. That goes for all forms of sex. This claim is utterly insane, invalid and non-scientific. It is simply a delusoinal invention of societal-whore scientists, who are not only carefully screened as being totally baised towards societal love, marriage, sex values, but paid bribes by society as long as they "find" the societally desired answers, under the guise of a "pay-check". These researchers should not be paid at all, let alone even be given any reasearch task to undertake.

This is simply a blatent lie, designed to promote vaginal sexual intercourse and marriage societal institutions. The studies are being deliberately mis-interpreted by societal leaders. The fact that such a study can only be illegitiate does not penerate the skulls of the thick citizen-slaves. Is is impossible to determine a "best" or even a "more likely" form of sex. It is a personal preference, not a scientific fact.

Further, it is a Truth that repetitive actions are often boring. That is why "affairs" are so good. That is why sad human slaves who stick to one "partner" are aleays in need of "spicing up" things, in need of silly costumes and so on to try and bring interest back into their sex. Of course, all they need to is have sexual freedom, which they do not have.

We also see that it is suggested that only long-term marriage between couples that can have children are promoted. Sex is nothing to do with marriage, being married cannot effect the reality of what sex is. Masturbation, gay sex, and even casual sex are claimed as inferior forms of sex, where as they are all Superior to the form being promoted - the most inferior form of sex of all.

Quote : "In a joint paper with her son, Sydney Presbyterian minister Kamal Weerakoon, she said non-religious people expected the church to be fearful, ignorant, defensive, repressed and hypocritical with only one message about sex: don't do it............ while also being honest about human imperfections and limitations. "

The church IS trying to use fear, ignorance and it IS repressed and hypocritical. It has one message about sex. Do it. But only in a exact and precise way as we fascistly dictate to you.

There is no honesty about lies and myths, people. Anything that springs from them is also a lie or a myth. God-myth peddlers are never honest with themselves, they therefore cannot be honest with you.

The sick and perverse lie continues.... Quote : "Mr Weerakoon told the national conference on religion in the public square that neuroscientists working in sexology - which studies gender and sexuality - showed that sexual activity had three stages: lust, love and bonding. Each stage had its own particular hormones, including ''feel-good'' at the second stage, and ''cuddle'' hormones at the third.

In the lust or desire stage, the dominant hormone was testosterone. In the second stage, involving attraction to a specific person, the ''feel-good'' hormones of dopamine, serotonin and adrenalin came into play.

In the third stage, of long-term bonding, the ''cuddle hormones'' or oxytocin and vasopressin, played a bigger role.".

They just had to bring in the romantic love myth to try and sell you their lies. One lie leads to another, and the astute reader of My texts will see quickly that there is a common thread to all soceital issues. Those who read My texts on marriage and love know that humans are stripped of the only legitimate form of love - Self-Love. They cannot love. They feel physical lust, they feel attachment because they need someone because they cannot love themselves. They cannot take care of their own emotional needs.

The hormones are nothing to do with being married at all. The mere suggestion is ludicrous. You can get horny and masturbate, with no partner, let alone marriage. There is no hormone as the "feel-good" or "cuddle hormones". All that happens at the so-called "cuddle-stage" (which presumes the conclusion that sex requires a partner) is that the non-Self-Loving human feels better, feels loved and wanted and thus his or her delusion of being loved is satisfied.

Final Quote : "Biologically, we are wired to desire sex, to fall in love with the person we desire sex with, and for that love to develop into deep attachment. Our bodies are wired to operate best with one sexual partner for life,".

There is no wiring to have sex a certain way, let alone with a certain exact and single human being. And there is certainly no wiring that makes it natural to be married. There is no love at all, folks. No scientific test is capable of interpreting itself, they interpret the data in the way that suits what they want to believe. The last statement that sex is best, and somehow relate to the body alone, if you are married and stay with a single partner is a blatent lie. It does not even fit the facts about the boredom of couples who stick to each other.

Travis concludes : Well, any sane thinker can see this article is nothing more than an add designed to mis-inform, brainwash and enslave human beings via insane societal institutions such as marriage. It is a multi-tiered lie - it involves so many of the myths and lies of society - romantic love myth, god myth, marriage, partner-system, sexual fascist dictates and so on.

The Forbidden Truth is that sex is a solo activity, and the most safe, controlled, available and rebelious form of sex is masturbation. That is why society demonises masturbation. The demonised "virgin" who only chooses to masturbate as his chosen form of sex is being demonised because of societal fear. Societal leaders fear the Truth - they desire more citizen-slaves, they desire more control over the lives of the citizen-slaves.

This is not a harmless lies, nor are these lies and myths just limited to toxically ensalving you. These fascist lies about sex and love are causing genocide. I mean that literally. Human females die every year because of the sexulization of women, marriage, female appearance standards and so on. We have self-murder by society, or "suicide", we have spouses hurting and even murdering each other (now there is love for you...they hate each other so much they want to attack and even kill the other one...and sometimes act on these desires). We have the inability to make decisons based on Truth, to know the Truth, to experiance legitimate freedom. A perverse, insane, malevolent standard that requires several essays to reveal its scope of illegitimacy.

Of course, feel free to EMail Me with any questions or comments via the EMail page.