Etchings Indigenous Project seeks interns

We are delighted to announce that thanks to the City of Port Phillip and Arts Victoria, we will be running the Etchings Indigenous Project again this year. We are currently looking for interns to fill key publishing and marketing roles. The information below will provide an outline for anyone interested in this exciting project.

Etchings Indigenous

Call for Interns

Etchings Indigenous is a publication promoting the work of Indigenous writers and artists. It is modelled on the successful Etchings Creative Journal and designed to help raise awareness of Indigenous culture. Following on from the success of Etchings Indigenous: Black and Sexy, a second issue, Etchings Indigenous: Treaty, will be released in February 2011.

As well as providing a unique opportunity for the writers and artists that fill the pages, Etchings Indigenous is a project that offers Indigenous Australians an opportunity to gain valuable industry specific work experience and publishing credits by becoming an intern and being a part of creating this inspiring publication. Ilura Press is currently looking for individuals with an Indigenous background interested in filling the key publishing positions.

Intern positions:

· Project Coordinator:

The Project Coordinator will need strong skills in organisation and communication and be prepared to work closely with the publishers in all aspects of publishing. The main responsibilities of the Project Coordinator include functioning as a liaison for Indigenous organisations and contributors, coordinating other interns, and keeping the project on track.

· Managing Editor:

The Managing Editor works with the publishers and the Assistant Editor to coordinate the editorial team and to ensure the smooth operation of the editorial process, including handling submissions, overseeing editing and proofreading, liaising with authors and artists, and ensuring that deadlines are met.

· Assistant Editor:

The Assistant Editor works closely with the Managing Editor in a supporting role by assisting in all areas of publishing and editing with particular focus on bringing the work of contributors up to a publishable standard and making the publication ready for printers.

· Promotions and Marketing Manager:

Working predominantly in the areas of public relations and promotions, the Promotions and Marketing Manager will be responsible for heading all marketing and media operations and building important community relationships. Liaising with media organisations, working with media partners, creating media releases, mail outs, and organising the launch are important aspects of this position.

Work load and involvement will vary during the course of the project, but it is estimated that over a 6-8 month period from July 2010 – February 2011 an average commitment will be approximately 4-6 hours per week for each of the above positions. Although internships are unpaid a travel and expenses payment is provided to assist with transport and other expenses.

Applications should include a covering letter and a CV or outline of relevant skills, experiences, qualifications, and interests. Applications can be emailed to or posted to

Etchings Indigenous, PO Box 680, Elsternwick, VIC 3185.

For further information, email or check out last year’s project on our website