
Brown Mountain win for forests in Victorian Supreme Court

In a landmark decision today, the Supreme Court has found that the government has a responsibility to look for and protect endangered wildlife before logging in the contentious Brown Mountain forests of East Gippsland.
“This judgment has implications for all native forests that are set to be destroyed by logging,” said EEG spokesperson Jill Redwood.
“If we hadn’t sued VicForests, Brown Mountain would have been illegally logged by now. And Brown Mountain is just one area. The government is logging publicly owned forests every day without endangered species surveys.”


Aboriginal Senate candidate: "Penny Wong misleading the public on Murray-Darling water"

By Michael Eckford (aka Michael Anderson), Senate candidate for NSW and an executive member of the MDBA Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations.

GOODOOGA, 11 August 2010

When asked why the Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) failed to release its water strategy, Minister for Climate Change, Energy Efficiency and Water, Penny Wong, said (10/8/10) in a media conference in Adelaide with PM Julia Gillard that the Murray Darling Basin Authority is an independent authority which makes its own decisions, not at the request of the Minister.

Vagmag video on campaign to replace Hazelwood

Follow this link to a new video on Youtube from Vagmag on the efforts from the Climate Action Moreland to campaign to get rid of the Hazelwood Powerstation.

Below is the text from Vagmag from their Youtube posting describing their video - Volunteers from near and far join forces to demand that Hazelwood coal-fired power station be replaced with renewable energy. 1300 homes in one afternoon!



World Peace

World Peace

World Peace:
World peace is a future ideal of freedom, peace and happiness among and within all nations.
So says Wikipedia.

A future ideal! Get real, what do we want, we want World Peace Now!!

Well I grew up thinking that Peace was a right that every citizen had, but that was way back in the fifties.

Today Peace is an elusive state of being.

We can achieve personal Peace, that is a individual state of being, something that we all have a choice on how we create our own personal Peace.

But Peace in our world, our nations seems to be unreachable.


Refugees – ‘What would you do in their shoes?’ – 9 August 2010

That was the question put by students from Kilbreda College, Mentone, today in an action organised by the Refugee Action Network on the steps of the old GPO in Bourke Street. They mimed the arrival of a boatload of asylum seekers, followed by their reception, processing and eventual fate. At the same time, volunteers from the ASRC and others handed out fact sheets to passers-by, and Pamela Curr went on to recount some recent case histories and set out some facts to counter the current widespread misinformation in the community.


GetUp! wins High Court challenge on federal voting - just turn up with your ID

Posted Aug 06 2010, 02:29 AM by Lawyers Weekly

Mallesons Stephen Jaques has successfully acted in a High Court challenge to amendments in the Electoral Act.

In a majority decision, a full Court of the High Court found that amendments made to the Electoral Act by the Howard Government in 2006 were invalid.

In 2006 the Howard Government amended the Act by closing the electoral rolls at 8pm on the day election writs were issued. Previously voters had one week to enroll or change their details with the Electoral Commission.

Request for full investigation into 'unseen' major New Zealand tragedy.

Request for full investigation into ‘unseen’ major NZ tragedy.

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council Inc. (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd.
Auckland City.
Ph: (0064) (09) 940 9658

(Our Council’s aim is to have the human rights excluded from domestic and international human rights law included because it is causing massive social class discrimination in many States).

Attention: New Zealand’s Chief Human Rights Commissioner
Dear Rosslyn Noonan,

Hiroshima Day in Melbourne - 6 August 2010

Evening rush-hour crowds at the Flinders Street/Swanston Street intersection were met by a large banner yesterday reminding them of the 45th anniversary of the destruction of Hiroshima with its attendant loss of life. The event was organised by Friends of the Earth’s ACE (Anti-Nuclear and Clean Energy) collective, who were also promoting the new Choose Nuclear Free website, while handing out leaflets inviting people to take part in ICAN‘s Million Pleas campaign…


Threatened Borneo forest dwellers appeal for your signature

For four years the indigenous people of the Indonesian province of West Kalimantan on the island of Borneo have been fighting against destruction of their forest habitat through clearance logging.

Their demands have been ignored by the government and the logging company.
Now the Dayak communities are pleading for international support. You can give yours by your signature to an appeal at; the technicalities for signing are shown below.

WGAR News: Alice Springs gathering resolutions; New Way Summit presentations (6 Aug 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR Website:

Alice Springs Gathering Resolutions
Media about the Alice Springs Gathering
Melbourne New Way Summit Presentations


Rollback the Intervention: Statements/Reports
Resolutions from the Defending Indigenous Rights Conference Alice Springs. 6-9 July 2010.
[Click on link to read statements]

About Language mp3

public funded media samples, Al Jazeera, youtube

Peter Sellers, Adam Hills, David Mitchell, Chaser, Flying Tadpole, for Expert Village, Small Poppy, The Fascist Party, Suzlon Energy

"Tampa Song" by 2 Cents Worth and Friends B. Browne, moving forward remix MMM, Julia sings Dolly Parton, "Oralie" by Soda Cake

Cyclists upstage Alan Jones anti-cycling rally

Tuesday evening was supposed to be a rally with 2GB conservative radio shock jock Alan Jones railing against Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moores plans for expanding cycling infrastructure and the recently completed Bourke Road Cycleway. However, cyclists from Bikesydney organised a counter event at the Sydney Town Hall in support of cycleways which drew up to 300 people. Alan Jones was nowhere to be seen.


Choose Nuclear Free


Choose Nuclear Free is an initiative of the Medical Association for Prevention of War, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, and Friends of the Earth, Australia.

The website contains a wide range of resources − details of political parties' nuclear policies and an animated policy graphic; a summary of key nuclear issues; videos, cartoons and music; and election resources to help Australians to 'Choose Nuclear Free'.


Farmers and conservationists protest coal and CSG expansion

Farmers and conservations took to the streets of Brisbane protesting the increasing encroachment and damage to prime agricultural farm land and the environment by the rapacious coal mining industry. While the rally proceeded outside Parliament House, two activists managed to evade security and to unfurl a banner from high up on the Parliament House facade that said "Don't undermine our farms"

Youtube Video: Our Land, Our Water, Our Future


Supporting the homeless in Melbourne - 4 August 2010

With as many as 200 people sleeping rough in Melbourne's CBD on any given night, a group calling itself Homelessness Front - Stop the Suffering organised a protest outside the Smith Street office of Victorian Housing Minister Richard Wynne.

Related: Youtube Video


Australia subsidises US assault operations

The Stop the War Coalition (StWC) condemns the latest Australian government’s purchase of 18 drones (Shadow 200) and training packages worth $175 m.

Ms Marlene Obeid, spokesperson for the anti-war group, said “the drones are part of an offensive weapons system that, almost certainly, will be linked to US systems in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

“In other words, Australia will be subsidising US assault operations, which are more than likely to result in the death of more Afghan women and children.
