Fair Work Australia rejects Bakers Delight Agreement

After a months long process, Fair Work Australia has finally refused to approve a Bakers Delight Enterprise Agreement. The agreement would have covered the Diamond Creek, St Helena and Laurimar stores in Melbourne’s northern suburbs. UNITE, the fighting union for fast food and retail workers, had challenged the agreement in Fair Work Australia claiming that it left the young workforce disadvantaged because it undermined many Award conditions. In her decision Senior Deputy President Drake said: “I am not satisfied that the Agreement passes the Better Off Overall Test. I have residual concerns regarding allowances, accident makeup pay and other award benefits, as well as the loaded rate of pay which compensates for annual leave and personal leave. On balance I am not satisfied that employees would be better off overall under the terms of this Agreement.”

UNITE Secretary Anthony Main said “After failing to negotiate in good faith, the employer dishonestly pushed through this agreement with the help of bullying and lies. UNITE had no option but to challenge its validity.

“The employer wanted a casual workforce without having to pay the casual rates. He tried to remove penalty rates, annual leave and sick pay.

“Even though all of the workers are employed on a permanent basis, they would have had no guaranteed hours under this agreement. To top it all off there were no pay increases included.

“We welcome SPD Drake’s decision but a further problem remains. At the moment these workers are still covered by an old non-union agreement that includes the same disadvantages that were rejected by SDP Drake. Right now these young workers are legally being paid significantly less than the Award.

“While there is a lot of talk about the possibility of Tony Abbott bringing back Work Choices, for these workers Work Choices is still very much in place.

“UNITE has lodged an application for the old agreement to be terminated and for the workers to be brought back onto the Award. We hope that Fair Work Australia recognises that it is in the public interest for these young workers to be afforded industry standard conditions.” Anthony said.

To read SPD Drake’s full decision see:

Article text written by Anthony Main



Just another example of exploitation by Bakers Delight.

Add this to the other cases of Bakers Delight not paying properly, sacking their apprentices because it is cheaper to hire a new first year than pay a third year.

"UNITE Secretary Anthony Main said “After failing to negotiate in good faith, the employer dishonestly pushed through this agreement with the help of bullying and lies. UNITE had no option but to challenge its validity."

Lies and bullying - good on the young staff that took their plight to UNITE. All Bakers Delight employees who are suffering the same injustice should get in touch with UNITE - they may end up with 150% more in their paypackets - that they have rightfully earnt!