Aboriginal Senate candidate: "Penny Wong misleading the public on Murray-Darling water"

By Michael Eckford (aka Michael Anderson), Senate candidate for NSW and an executive member of the MDBA Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations.

GOODOOGA, 11 August 2010

When asked why the Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) failed to release its water strategy, Minister for Climate Change, Energy Efficiency and Water, Penny Wong, said (10/8/10) in a media conference in Adelaide with PM Julia Gillard that the Murray Darling Basin Authority is an independent authority which makes its own decisions, not at the request of the Minister.

Michael Eckford said today: “It is a blatant misrepresentation of the truth for Minister Wong to claim she has no power over the Murray Darling Basin Authority and that it is an entirely independent authority. The fact is that Penny Wong has discretionary powers over the MDBA and has used these powers and influence to instruct the MDBA on government policy issues.”

“It is my firm belief Minister Wong has exercised her authority to have the MDBA suppress their water strategy until after the election. To misrepresent the facts to the public during an election campaign is outright despicable.”

“This country is in a crisis over water management and over allocation and we need lively open debate.”

“Living on Country in NW NSW next to Cubby station, I have first hand experience of the water crisis and the destructive impact on natural ecosystems when water is diverted away from wetlands and the floodplains for long periods, in order to supply the commercial needs of large irrigators and mining companies.

“There has to be equity. When elected to the Senate I will work to improve water policies so that big corporations don't have the monopoly over water allocations. We need to spread water fairly and this can be achieved by making smaller allocations available, which will be sustainable for irrigation by encouraging smaller family farms similar to Europe.”

“I will also work towards the health of the Murray Darling Basin, including the implementation of roster flows into riparian areas – our billabongs, swamps, wetlands, lagoons and backwaters, which are integral to the maintenance of totemic, native plants and animals important to Aboriginal culture.”

Authorised by M. Eckford, PO Box 55, Goodooga, NSW 2831 Australia

Michael Eckford (aka Michael Anderson)
Senate Candidate NSW, 2010 Federal Election

Mobile: 0427 292 492
Landline: 02 6829 6355
Email: michael.eckford2010@gmail.com
Website: http://www.michaeleckfordanderson.com

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