
Carbon Capture and Storage World Conference Protest in Melbourne

A small group of determined protestors crashed the party of the Carbon Capture and Storage World Conference in Melbourne on June 22nd. In addition to protesting at the entrance to Crown Casino, protestors managed to briefly enter the building and a few managed to sneak into the conference itself to heckle the Minister for Energy/Pollution Peter Batchelor. Climate criminals from International Power, TRU energy and even from Canada’s tar sands villains had gathered at the $5000 a head conference to spruik the dirty lie that coal can be “cleaned”.


Protect our native forests

By The GetUp Team

While the media is focused on the political machinations in Canberra, there is a truly transformative moment opening up in the 30 year struggle to protect Australia's native forests.

Would you like to be a part of it?

In an amazing development, the Board of Gunns Ltd no longer includes Robin Gray and John Gay, two of the biggest enemies of forestry industry reform and two of the fiercest champions of the Gunns pulp mill.

Stop the racist intervention – picket of FaHCSIA

On Friday 18th June, protesters held a community picket of the FAHSCIA offices in Melbourne on the 3rd Anniversary of the Northern Territory Intervention. Speakers including Indigenous people suffering the effects of the intervention first hand, Unionists and politicians expressed their disgust with the way the racist intervention, started by Howard, but continued by the Rudd/Guillard ALP controls Aboriginal peoples lives without improving their living conditions at all. The front entrance of the building was blocked, the back entrance closed after protesters almost entered the building and a replica of the Basic Cards as burnt.
Related: Video’s of picket from the Melbourne Anti-intervention Collective - MAIC Facebook Page


Call to protest at refusal to prosecute killers of Mr Ward

"The decision not to charge two security guards over the heat stroke death of West Australian Aboriginal elder, Mr Ward, in a prison van is as outrageous as the cowardly decision taken by the Queensland DPP in the Mulrunji Doomadgee death on Palm island in 2004. To protect then Senior Sergeant Chris Hurley from facing charges the Qld. DPP overturned the recommendations of acting state coroner, Christine Clements, bravely found (some would say foolishly found) that Hurley definitely had a legal case to answer." said Ray Jackson, President of the Indigenous social justice association.


The gap widened under Rudd

By Chris Graham,
former editor and founder of the National Indigenous Times newspaper

There's nothing more Australian than meat pies, Holden cars and Hey, Hey It's Saturday. And maybe racism. And, as it turns out, ex-prime ministers having a bit of a cry.

Bob Hawke, of course, wept for his children. And Tiananmen Square. Rudd, by contrast wept for himself.

Democracy needs reform—The cruelty of poll driven politics in Australia

After a series of sudden and drastic moved initiated by a handful of people within some fractions of the Australia Labor Party on Wednesday evening,  Australians woke up the next morning (24 June 2010) watching their elected Prime Minister (Kevin Rudd) cried in front of the TV screen after he was told by the dozens of his colleagues he was finished as prime minister. (Herald Sun, 25 June 2010)

11 unions back campaign to boycott Israel

The international campaign for boycott, sanctions and divestment against Israel is starting to gain leverage in Australia, especially since the recent killings of nine Turkish solidarity activists.

Since the May 31 attack on the flotilla of peace activists who were attempting to break the siege of Gaza and deliver humanitarian aid, several more trade unions have signed up to the boycott campaign.


G20 countries reject Robin Hood Tax, continue subsidies to Big Oil and Coal amid street protests

The G20 countries have rejected the proposal for a micro tax on large financial transactions - dubbed a Robin Hood Tax - at the meeting in Toronto Canada 25-27 June, while riot police have turned the streets into a bloody battleground with pre-emtive house raids of activists, attacking peaceful protests, baton charges, and over 100 arrests. (See up to the minute reporting from the G20 Alt Media Centre) | Toronto G20 People's March Photos

Update: Jun 29: Over 900 people arrested - Journalists Illegally Detained and Searched en Masse | WWF: G20: long on platitudes, short on delivery | Democracy Now: Naomi Klein: The Real Crime Scene Was Inside the G20 Summit


WGAR News: Programs for Upcoming Events: Gathering in Alice Springs; New Way Summit in Melbourne (27 Jun 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR Website:

Programs for Upcoming Events
Urgent Fundraising Campaign
Aboriginal Articles


Defending Indigenous Rights Land~Law~Culture
[Indigenous & Non Indigenous Gathering]
July 6-9 in Mparntwe-Alice Springs
[Link includes agenda, camping, contact, help needed, transport, donations]:

The New Way Aboriginal summit July 1 - 4 in Melbourne

Brown coal export deal met with protest

A snap protest of about 40 demonstrators on 25th June, greeted Trade Minister Simon Crean as he met at a Melbourne Hotel to approve a deal to export up to 20 million tonnes of polluting La Trobe Valley brown coal to Vietnam. Mr Crean was jostled as he tried to enter the Langham Hotel. The company exporting the coal is ludicrously called “Environment Clean Technologies” whose big claim to fame is that they can brown coal as “clean” as black coal!


New bill threatens the rights of peace campaigners

Following yesterday's announcement of the introduction of a Bill to make Australian military bases more secure (Defence Legislation Amendment [Security of Defence Premises] Bill 2010), the Australian Anti-Bases Campaign has called on Senator Faulkner to give a public assurance that the Bill, in its final form, will not in any way impede the rights of people to peacefully protest against military installations.


Mind control disaster

By Kahntineta Bear, Mohawk Nation News

People have been conditioned to follow orders and not think for themselves. The Nazis and church knew how people could be destroyed for generations by taking children from a natural life and putting them into an artificial world. Mind control is sexual and mental abuse called social engineering.

German Nazi Heinrich Himmler and his researchers studied families who had abused their children for generations. The Third Reich wanted to continue creating obedient masses for the fascist world order.

US support for Somali government raises questions over military aid

By Deutsche Welle

Concern that US military aid and support to the government of Somalia may have breached a number of international laws turns the spotlight on Washington's involvement in a country it was supposed to have left years ago.,,5722273,00.html?maca=en-newsletter_...

Oily Affairs mp3

Oil, Environment, War, Madness, Humor

mainstream media clips and youtube [keywords]: "corporate oil ads", "oil spill", "vintage oil ads", "oil spill parody - spoof - song" --- AC DC sample of "I cover you in oil" --- Sade's sample "Smooth Operator" --- Buttress O Kneel samples "Spoils of War"

[ De ] mp3 Ausflug zum Channon Markt

German language - Deutsche Sprache

Ausflug zum Channon Markt mit Martin und Wolfgang - Lokale Musik, Deutsche Stimmen und Atmosphere von Nord New South Wales Region.

Themen: Bio Dynamische Landwirtschaft, Eco Gemuese und Fruechte Produktion, Eco Haus-Bauen, Selbstversorgung


G20 fenced into ghost city


Activists from all over the world are gathering in Toronto, Canada, to protest against the G20 summit.

The centre of the city is like a ghost town as police from around the country are deployed.

The city has spent more than a billion US dollars on security. It was spent not only on fencing the complete city centre but also to build an artificial lake.

Yet again the heads of dstate and government are walling themselves in to notice as little as possible of the protest in the streets.

New plain language pamphlets to help mental health sufferers and their loved ones

Pet dog stopped depressed woman’s near-suicide

By Diet Simon

When Queensland woman Beck Schmelz was diagnosed with depression and anxiety ten years ago, she could find no information anywhere on how to help herself, or how others could help her.

That experience prompted her to write four pamphlets in plain language to do just that: help sufferers and people close to them to help them.

After being launched at a recent national mental health summit at Sunshine Coast University, the leaflets are now being distributed to health professionals and public places like libraries.