Protect our native forests

By The GetUp Team

While the media is focused on the political machinations in Canberra, there is a truly transformative moment opening up in the 30 year struggle to protect Australia's native forests.

Would you like to be a part of it?

In an amazing development, the Board of Gunns Ltd no longer includes Robin Gray and John Gay, two of the biggest enemies of forestry industry reform and two of the fiercest champions of the Gunns pulp mill.

The forestry industry - in Tasmania and elsewhere - are finally recognising that their destructive practices can't continue forever. They're ready to sit down with the conservation movement, including our friends at The Wilderness Society and Environment Tasmania, to talk about transitioning to a more sustainable future.

But there are still those in industry and government resisting reform, which is why we need a show of strength to support our partners in these once in a generation talks. We need to build a mass movement -- imagine 50,000 Australians behind a set of Forestry Principles to guide the industry, retailers and all levels of government to a sustainable future:

Show your support here:

The Forestry Principles call for a swift transition away from the industrial logging of our precious native forests and for the establishment of 'protected areas' for all of our high conservation value native forests.

The forestry industry will be walking into these talks with their corporate wealth and power. But imagine our negotiating partners walking in with 50,000 Australians right at their backs, along with the support of a united environment movement. After decades of conflict, you can help seal the deal on reform, just by adding your name.

9 out of 10 Australians are in favour of protecting the high conservation value native forests of Tasmania, New South Wales and Victoria (1). And according to our regular surveys, native forest protection is one of of the most important issues to GetUp members. But nothing will change unless we stand up and be counted.

These negotiations between industry and conservation groups are an extraordinary development. We have been fighting for this chance for too long--don't let it pass us by.

Thanks for standing up for our forests,
The GetUp Team

PS - Ready for more action to protect native forests? It's coming, but it can't happen without a strong movement united behind the Forestry Principles--sign up here. And don't forget to tell your friends--just send them this email and tell them to take just one moment to protect an Australian legacy for generations to come.

(1) Galaxy Omnibus Poll of 1,100 respondents aged 16 years and older, conducted 28-30 May 2010.


GetUp is an independent, not-for-profit community campaigning group. We use new technology to empower Australians to have their say on important national issues. We receive no political party or government funding, and every campaign we run is entirely supported by voluntary donations. If you'd like to contribute to help fund GetUp's work, please donate now!

Authorised by Simon Sheikh, Level 5, 116 Kippax St, Surry Hills NSW 2010