
Goolengook incorporated into new National Park

The Victorian Government officially finally launched on Friday the new East Gippsland National Park. Most significantly it contains the Goolengook Forest, an area where logging protestors maintained an inspiring five year blockade between 1997-2002. The government had announced the inclusion of Goolengook into national park four years ago, leading forest campaigners to accuse the government of "recycling" its announcements but acknowledged the new park was at least "a star". Jill Redwood from the Environment East Gippsland stated


FBI to spy on Facebook, Skype and Blackberry

The FBI wants the power to start spying on users of Facebook amongst others. An elegant example of why sites such as Indymedia which don't log who visits the site are still important to the left in these increasingly undemocratic times.


The Shortwave Report 10/01/10 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (October 1) is up at the website in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
(NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {26.7MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

Time for Australia to man-up in Afghanistan

Australia as a nation should make the decision to man-up and become a mature and responsible partner in the ISF in Afghanistan. It would help raise up our homeland as a nation in the international community as well as in the hearts and minds of the Australian people. As a good start to this I believe we should apply what Lieutenant-General Barno calls the Five Pillars of the ISF”S Counter-Insurgency plan for Afghanistan.

These principles being,
 Defeat terrorism and deny sanctuary.
 Enable the Afghan security structure.
 Sustain area ownership.

Andrew Wilkie blasts the Iraq and Afghanistan wars

In a hard hitting maiden speech as the independant MP for Denison in Tasmania, Andrew Wilkie has hit out at both the Iraq and Afghanistan War. He accused the architects of the Iraq war of not caring about those the war killed and labelled our involvement in Afghanistan as being based on a "great lie".:

In a blunt statement he stated on the Iraq War


S11 / Melb Indymedia 10 year anniversary

S11, the protest against the WEF at the Crown Casino happened just over 10 years ago.

The website has been down for a few years, but it has just been archived at

Melbourne Indymedia was launched a month or two before the protest, so this site has an anniversary to celebrate too.

Congrats everyone.


Upper echelon Aussie cops caught dealing drugs

'Shock and alarm' at secret-papers cache. The Age revealed today a cache of secret files from ASIO, the OPI and West Australian police were uncovered during a drug raid in Melbourne's north.
Read the full story a the link below


The Netherlands: Squatting prohibition

We are squatters from the Netherlands. We are asking you to join us in our struggle against the squatting prohibition. We will have two demonstrations this week, on 1st October in Amsterdam and 2nd October in Nijmegen. This week mayor of Amsterdam said that in coming months 200 squats will be evicted in the city!!! If you can not come to the Netherlands please organize a protests or action in your place against the squatting prohibition that starts on 1st October 2010.

Demo in Amsterdam on 1st October:


Linda Burney continues to terrorise NSW

This woman can not correct obvious errors, has no initiative, doesn't deserve a job at McDonald's but is head of her profession. Inapropriate for her to intervene is an insult, but standard procedure, with desperate pleas from devastated parents to show some common sense. Linda Burney and her cronies are terrorising the state of NSW.


Victorian government launches funding for community climate projects

The Victorian State Government has just announced grants for the community greenhouse programs for local community action on climate change. The O'Hea Biketown Project in North Coburg was used as the flagship for the launch of the program by Victorian Climate Change Minister Gavin Jennings at CERES environmental park in Brunswick today.


Pirate protest: Forbes global CEO conference!

A group of "anti-corporate pirates" protested outside the Forbes global CEO's conference at the luxury Four Seasons Hotel in Sydney on Sepetember 29, 2010. Corporate pirates were plundering and destroying the earth and exploiting the world's majority, said Pirate Paul Benedek. "They are giving us grassroots pirates a bad name!"
YouTube Footage of Pirate Demo


CD review: "A Violent Emotion" by Aesthetic Perception

It is not a comment on society...It is not a forum for philosophy...It is not your new voice...It is not a revolution...Without form, without ego or intention, Aesthetic Perfection is music without a cause...Influences are combined, songs composed...Audio is recorded, edited, arranged, and mixed...Music Designed Without Purpose.

Daniel Graves.....Aesthetic Perfection

Cairns abortion trial: pro-choice campaign gains momentum

Pro-choice supporters are intensifying their campaign in the lead up to the abortion trial which begins in Cairns on October 12. The Saturday before the trial will see a national day of protest aimed at pressuring the Bligh government to have the charges dropped and repeal the anti-abortion laws.

Pro-Choice Action Collective activist, Kathy Newnam said “the Cairns couple should not be facing trial, because the laws under which they are being tried should not exist. Women have the right to control their own bodies.


Shell in row over Brazilian Indian land grab

Brazilian authorities have written to energy giant Shell expressing concern over the activities of its new Brazilian joint-venture partner, which is producing biofuels from land taken from an impoverished Indian tribe.

Last month, Shell signed a $12 billion deal to produce biofuels from sugar cane with Brazilian biofuels giant Cosan. But some of Cosan’s sugar cane is grown on land officially recognized as belonging to Guarani Indians.

Canberra refugee protest outside parliament

Refugee advocates protested today on the lawns outside Parliament House, Canberra, to call on the new federal parliament to introduce humane refugee policies and stop using refugees as political footballs.

About 150 people from Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Canberra, carrying endorsements from over 48 groups across Australia, gathered at the opening of Parliament on Tuesday 28 September.