
Aboriginal activist slams new body as ā€œjoke of the new millenniumā€

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 5 May 10 ā€“ Aboriginal political activist, Michael Anderson, says the Rudd governmentā€™s attempt to pacify the Aboriginal people by establishing the Aboriginal Congress of First Nations is an absolute joke and a waste of $30 million of public funds.

ā€œWhen the acronym ATSIC was touted by the Aboriginal people as ā€˜Aborigines talking shit in Canberraā€™, this as a replacement is sickening and the waste that people spoke of with ATSIC pales into significance when we look at this organization,ā€ Mr Anderson writes in a media release.


WGAR News: Speeches from National call out by John Pilger & Richard Downs (3 May 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

Public Forum (23 April): The NT Intervention is a fraud
Next Aboriginal summit in Sydney, May 8-9
Jobs With Justice for Aboriginal Workers
Other Aboriginal Articles


- Special STICS compilation on the Forum

[STICS - Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney]

Stop the Intervention:
Forum: The NT Intervention is a fraud
"A National call out launched by

Nimbin Cannabis Law Reform 2010 mp3

Voices: Heidi, video excerpt " Nimbin Marijuana March Mardi Grass 2010", Oz visitors, US visitors, Japanese visitors, Jennifer, act normal mix

check out this video: "Nimbin Marijuana March Mardi Grass 2010"

Length: 15 min 128 kbps stereo 14.7 MB

Zombieā€™s March on on May Day ā€“ subversive or braindead?

On May Day in Melbourne ā€“ the refugee rally was dwarfed by another gathering of largely young people ā€“ about one thousand people took part in the Zombie Shuffle. Is this a subversive cultural statement about the zombification of our corporate, consumerist society? Or is it actually a manifestation of a braindead culture obsessed with meaningless spectacle? What does it say for the left that this ā€œrally of the undeadā€ was much bigger than the refugee rally happening at Trades Hall literally at the same time?


Juarez Femicide - Melbourne Action May Day

Thanks to all those "sew radical" & crafty folks at Loophole & other Melbourne women who protested on May Day on the Library Steps in Swanston Street.

Juarez Girl from Melbourne Action Against Femicide in Mexico


Spanish language videos, audio, photographs

English language


New Melbourne Anarchist Zine - Melbourne Black launched

A new monthly anarchist zine has been launched - Melbourne Black. The free zine is being published in both paper and online form and is free. It aims to be a voice for promoting anarchist theory and to help make anarchists a strong and vibrant part of the Melbourne left. Printed copies will be available in Melbourne from Barricade/Loophole, MARC, New International, Sticky and elsewhere


MayDay 2010 -Aboriginal passports issued to asylum seekers in Melbourne

Melbourne action day 2010. All over Melbourne diverse acitons took place on this traditional day of protest. From BBQs, rallies, placing banners to zombie shuffles Melbourne buzzed with activity.


WGAR News: Update on Muckaty Station nuclear waste dump (2 May 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

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- Background

Beyond Nuclear Initiativeā€™s weblog:

WGAR News: Nuclear waste dump in the Northern Territory (2 Mar 10)

WGAR News: Muckaty Station Nuclear Waste Dump (20 Mar 10)

Tell your MP: put people over politics

By Amnesty International Australia

Our Government recently made the appalling decision to flat out stop processing the asylum claims of people fleeing war in Afghanistan and Sri Lanka.

And despite thousands of you sending messages to Immigration Minister Chris Evans within hours of the decision, party leaders still wonā€™t budge - each side clinging to an ugly game of politics with utter disregard to the cost in human suffering.

As they continue to put politics over people, we must make the human cost of their inaction very, very clear.

Vote for party with the best climate policy


Kevin Rudd and the opposition want to sweep the issue of climate change under the rug this election. We can't let that happen -- sign a petition to vote for party with the best climate policy:

No action on climate change until 2013?!

Kevin Rudd described it best: "What absolute political cowardice; what absolute failure of leadership." That was the old Kevin Rudd, who was actually trying.

Protests against Spanish oil giantā€™s plans for uncontacted Amazon tribes

By Survival International

Demonstrators gathered outside the headquarters of oil giant Repsol-YPF on 30 April to protest at its plans to explore for oil on uncontacted tribesā€™ land. Repsol, holding its AGM today, refuses to accept that the uncontacted tribes exist.

Nuclear dump opposed from Muckaty to Melbourne

Community opposition to Martin Ferguson's nuclear waste dump at Muckaty Station continues to grow. About 40 people convened at short notice outside Martin Ferguson's electoral office on High Street Preston in a colourful protest of speeches, song and street theatre. 'Martin Ferguson' gets 'splashed' with Muckaty nuclear waste in the street theatre performed outside his office.

Related: Traditional owners at Northcote Town Hall | Protest by traditional owners in Tennant Creek | Photos outside Martin Ferguson office on Flickr | Youtube Video


FootPrints For Peace Australia

On 13 March 2010 five women aged from 37 to 69 began walking from Brisbane to Canberra to take a message to the prime minister. The message conveys the hopes and dreams of the Australian people, asking that we take steps towards a nuclear free future.


Diverting attention from addiction to coal

While Kevin Rudd announced a crackdown on tobacco advertising and increased sales tax on cigarettes, attention was diverted from the elephant in the livingroom: climate change and addiction to coal. At the same time Friends of the Earth Australia denounced the development of two new coal export terminals near Bowen in North Queensland, insisting the expansion of Queensland's biggest contributor to climate change must come to an end. Adding an extra $2 sales tax a pack to cigarettes is a diversion from the real problem: Australia's multi-billion dollar addiction to coal. What Kevin Rudd needs to do is put a $35 per tonne carbon levy on coal to send a significant message to business and the public on climate change and public health.

Related: Punishing the people who stand up for the common good | Conservationists and scientists angry at Rudd retreat on climate | Crikey: Pity the coal lobbyists are more powerful than the tobacco lobbyists


Punishing the people who stand up for the common good

"It's a tragedy that the people who are responsible for the climate catastrophe get rewarded, while the people standing up for the common good get punished." said Greenpeace activist Kristen McDonald after leaving a Mackay courtroom this week. She was one of fifteen Greenpeace activists convicted and fined on charges of Unregulated High Risk Activity and other charges during a three day occupation in August 2009 of the Abbot and Hay Point coal terminals near Bowen, Queensland.
