Tell your MP: put people over politics

By Amnesty International Australia

Our Government recently made the appalling decision to flat out stop processing the asylum claims of people fleeing war in Afghanistan and Sri Lanka.

And despite thousands of you sending messages to Immigration Minister Chris Evans within hours of the decision, party leaders still won’t budge - each side clinging to an ugly game of politics with utter disregard to the cost in human suffering.

As they continue to put politics over people, we must make the human cost of their inaction very, very clear.

Write to your local MP right now with a direct message: this is a slap in the face for human rights in Australia. And it will cost real lives, not just points in an opinion poll.

We know there’s widespread dissent from within the Labor ranks on this [1]. In fact, we know this reprehensible move is opposed by representatives in all parties. But unless MPs hear directly from their constituents, they won’t have the support they need to go back to their Party rooms and push harder for a sensible, fair approach to refugees that doesn't sink to new lows in an election year.

Last week the Government announced that it would be reopening the ‘hellhole’ of Curtin detention centre to house Afghans and Sri Lankans affected by the new policy [2]. Australia's place in the world stage is one of integrity, compassion and leadership - not arbitrary discrimination, imprisonment and fear-mongering.

If you do one thing today - please give your MP that reminder, because the lives you defend today are right on our doorstep, relying on your voice.

As the world’s largest human rights movement, we began almost 50 years ago with the simple but powerful act of ordinary people writing letters on behalf of those who could not defend themselves. Today, I’m asking you to once again create a personal message in defence of human rights - only not to a distant dictatorship or military regime, but to your very own MP.

Graham Thom
Refugee Coordinator
Amnesty International Australia

PS. Our campaign doesn't end here. Join us for pro-refugee rallies in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney on Saturday 8 May. Write to your MP then register for the event.



Write to your MP now and pass this on to others you think might also do so.