
Boomalli Aboriginal Artists Co-Operative seeks art donations to raise funds for building


The Boomalli Aboriginal Artists Co-Operative are calling for the donation of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal artworks so that we can sell them on to raise funds towards keeping the
Boomalli building as an exhibition space.

You're invited to "BLACK OR WHITE IT JUST AINT RIGHT: EXPO & FUNDRAISER" starting on Saturday, May 1 and 2, at 10:00am, all through the day.

There will also be an official opening for the associated exhibition so please stay tuned.

* Artists Expo:

Australian mining boom leaves Aboriginal town behind

(Permission to post this story here was given by Marc Lavine, Bureau Chief, Australia, of Agence France Presse)

ROEBOURNE, Australia (AFP) - - The windows of Roebourne's once-thriving main street have been boarded up and its pavement is littered with the shards of shattered beer bottles.
Aboriginal elder Peter Jeffries gestures a weathered hand toward the abandoned banks and offices in the Western Australian town, their peeling facades bleached by the desert sun.


The worst drug-criminals are legislators

An Australian court finds that the existing drug laws, by reversing the onus of proof, violate the presumption of innocence. But all convictions stand. To any legislator who willingly allows the reverse onus of proof to continue, I say: May it please God that you become a victim of it. [From OpEdNews, USA.]

Nanny state mp3

Iain Anderson on Drugs, Kevin Country Hospital Holdup, Kevin Rudd with John Clarke and Bryan Dawe, Message for the Australian People, No Clean Feed, What Google says, Angry Aussie on Conroy's net filter, Conroy is a douche bag, UK Digital Economy Act with Nick Doody, Broadband for Seniors with Mark - sounds by supahempadoxical and others...

Public Speak-Out: Free all political prisoners!

Posters featuring “Lynne Stewart, radical lawyer, jailed in New York for fearlessly defending her client; Palm Island Indigenous leader, Lex Wotton, jailed in Queensland for leading a protest against a police killing; Leonard Peltier, Native American elder, framed by the FBI and held in numerous U.S. prisons for 33 years; Mumia Abu-Jamal, framed by racist police and currently on death row in Pennsylvania” formed a backdrop to a rally called by Anarchist Black Cross (ABC), Freedom Socialist Party (FSP), and Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group (MACG) on Saturday.


Bashed Beverley Uranium protesters win $700,000 payout

A South Australian Supreme Court Judge has awared over $700,000 in damages to 10 people bashed with batons, capsicum sprayed and locked in a shipping container at a protest against the Beverley Uranium Mine in May 2000. The judge slammed the “Star Force” special response police for abusing human rights and using excessive force. He also slammed the Deputy Premier and Police Minister for refuseing to mediate a solution and publically calling the demonstrators “feral”.

From The Beverley Blockade | Beverley Police violence victims file suit. | Protest Images


WGAR News (11 Apr 10): Welfare quarantining & the RDA; unrestricted RDA petition

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR website:

STICS Forum (29 Mar): Welfare Quarantining and the Racial Discrimination Act
Petition for reinstatement of an Unrestricted Racial Discrimination Act
Intervention Rollback Action Group April bush tour funding appeal
Other Aboriginal Articles


[STICS - Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney: ]

- Special STICS Compilation

STICS Public Forum:


Anti-racism protest prevents racist rally

Hundreds of anti-racist protestors rallied on the steps of Flinders St on Friday April 9th and successfully prevented a planned racist/fascist rally "Against Immigration and Islam". The protesters from leftist, union and religious groups rallied under the banner "Unite Against Racism".

For more information on the rally click on
The Age Video
Socialist Alliance Blog


WGAR News: National day of action against Muckaty nuclear waste dump: 12th April!

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR website:

National Day of Action against Muckaty Nuclear Waste Dump: 12th April!
Nuclear Waste Dump: Possible Legal Challenge; Tennant Creek Protests


[Please note, WGAR is not the organiser for the National Day of Action. See ASEN link below for details of contacts.]

- Background of Muckaty Nuclear Waste Dump

Beyond Nuclear Initiative’s weblog:

Asylum seekers are not political footballs

By Claire Mallinson, National Director, Amnesty International Australia

I've just heard the most appalling news - the Australian Government has announced a blanket suspension on processing new asylum claims by Afghan and Sri Lankan nationals.

Over 90 per cent of asylum seekers who arrive here by boat are found to have genuine claims for protection.

The situation remains desperate for many people in Sri Lanka and Afghanistan. Activists, journalists, women and minority groups among others face real threats to their lives.


The next three days could be the most important yet in fighting the Gunns pulp mill

GetUp members have been fighting the Gunns pulp mill in Tassie for three years - but the next three days could be the most important yet.

Tasmanians awoke today to a surprise: last night Tasmania's Governor asked Premier David Bartlett to form a new Labor Government, when just 24 hours ago it looked certain that the Liberals would govern. The situation is precarious for the new Government, and for Tasmania's native forests: the green lungs of Australia.

Shocked by YFO workers twice a day, HTC still doesn't mind the labor condition of Its supplier

HTC has been shocked and embarrassed for twice one April 2 by the workers in Young Fast Optoelectronics (YFO), one of its touch panel suppliers who violates the labor laws, exploits the workers and attacks the union.

Video shows U.S. murdering civilians in Iraq

A new video has been posted on Youtube by Wikileaks shows footage from 2007 when U.S. Helicopter crews opened fire on civilians including children in Iraq killing over a dozen people including two Reuters journalists. The callousness of the criminal U.S. occupation is revealed in the laughing soldiers as they gun down people attempting to pick up the wounded


Bulgaria puts nuclear plant project on ice

Bulgaria's government has put on ice a €4 billion project to build a second nuclear power plant, citing lack of funding and turning down a financing proposal from Russia.

The centre-right government of Prime Minister Boiko Borisov has not formally scrapped the Belene project, on the Danube, some 250 kilometres northeast of Sofia. But work on it has stopped and the cabinet has said it will resume only if a strategic international investor turns up.

More at

How the NSW DET ridicules and persecutes whistleblowers

A document leaked by Carenne Public School staff member 'hatho' demonstrates how the Department of Education and Training treats whistleblowers. In the email, school principal Lynette Duncan claims that whistleblower Brian Carter was watching the school. Grant Hatch of the DET media unit replied "... whistle in mouth?" demonstrating the complete and utter contempt staff of the DET have for whistleblowers.

For more stories about how whistleblowers are treated by the NSW government visit

fastBREAK - Are you ready? A review

“fastBREAK is like a 5-cornered ’soap-boxing ring’ where the contestants compete, not with each other but with convention.” – Carmen Bowker

“fastBREAK is an extraordinary event that brings together bright young innovators and tomorrow’s leaders for a morning of fresh ideas, electric connections and inspired community. If you are interested in the future, and the next generation of talent, then you should be interested in fastBREAK.” - Vibewire’s Co-Director Mary Nguyen

Rosemary Milkins former senior executive at HealthQuest, notorious N.S.W. government medical office, appointed Deputy Commissioner of N.S.W. Fire Brigades

The N.S.W. government has yet again shown its willingness to place Labor stalwarts in positions of power at times when government organizations have been accused of corrupt and unethical behaviour.

Rosemary Milkins was formerly on the board of HealthQuest, the corrupt and now extinct N.S.W. Government Medical office. There are many articles on the internet detailing the atrocities committed by HealthQuest, which was used to silence public service dissent in N.S.W. for years, modelling its use of psychiatry on Soviet methods. Some documents can be viewed at


Conservationists criticise government over coal ship grounding on Great Barrier Reef

Conservationists have criticised the Queensland State Government and Federal Government for the expansion of LNG and coal for export without acknowledging the environmental harm that will be caused both on land and sea by these industries. Chinese bulk coal carrier the Shen Neng 1 grounded on a reef, is leaking oil and in danger of breakup in a restricted zone about 70km east of Great Keppel Island. It grounded just after 5pm Saturday April 3, 15km from the nearest shipping channel in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, a World Heritage listed area.


More financial literacy mp3

Conversation about aspects of the dreaded debt finance system and it's repercussions extro with "Investment Banker" by John Bird and John Hunter

length: 32:22 mins 128 kbps stereo 29.7 MB
