
The film Uribe doesn’t want you to see screened on the walls of the Colombian embassy in Canberra

In response to the Colombian President Alvaro Uribe's call to his ambassadors to ban the screening of Insurgency of the 21st Century, Australian activist groups have started promoting the documentary.

The premiere screening took place on March 6, outside the Colombian embassy in Canberra, Australia. This coincided with a national day of protest against state terror in Colombia. Uribe and his supporters say their continuing repression of Colombian people is part of the “war on terror”.

The film Uribe doesn’t want you to see screened on the walls of the Colombian embassy in Canberra

In response to the Colombian President Alvaro Uribe's call to his ambassadors to ban the screening of Insurgency of the 21st Century, Australian activist groups have started promoting the documentary.

The premiere screening took place on March 6, outside the Colombian embassy in Canberra, Australia. This coincided with a national day of protest against state terror in Colombia. Uribe and his supporters say their continuing repression of Colombian people is part of the “war on terror”.

150 German towns want nuclear power ended

By Diet Simon

Local power utilities in Germany have formed an anti-nuclear power alliance saying that planned longer running times for nukes are endangering their plans to invest billions in climate-friendly green energies.

“This is the best news in a long time!” comments Volker Thomsen, Treasurer of the World Wind Energy Association and active in a number of other renewables roles.

“Nothing can be more convincing than 150 local utility companies (in reality 150 cities big and small) protesting nuclear.”

Anti-poverty road trip applications close at 11.59pm TODAY

Applications close at 11.59pm TODAY to join the MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY Road Trip. It’s your chance to be part of a movement of passionate young people, travelling together across Australia to help end extreme poverty. From the 8th – 15th of May it will unite a generation unwilling to accept the extreme poverty existing in the world. What can you expect if you get on board?

Water. The early Christmas present for Melbourne.

Water restrictions have been eased, and there seem to be no critics of this decision. But should this really be the case? Or am I out of touch? The ABC calls it "An early christmas present for Melbourne." In Melbourne water capacity is only at 37.4%. When the catchments are less than half full, is it appropriate that more people should be able to water their gardens? Is this really neccassary? Is it a waste? Our roses will look beautiful again.


Hazelwood's profits jump 40 percent

In another indication of the sorry state of climate politics in this country - the dirtiest power plant in the industrialized world run at near capacity last year boosting profits for British Multi-national - International Power - by 40%. They made $387 million from belching carbon into the atmosphere. The Victorian Government increased Hazelwood's life from its scheduled shut down in 2009 until 2031. Why would the private operators shut up shop when they are carrying off hundreds of millions of dollars in annual profits.


Half a million votes at stake

Nearly half a million Australians -- mostly young, Indigenous or migrant Australians -- won't vote at this year's election unless our political leaders pass electoral reforms in the Senate tonight.

In 2006 the Howard Government passed the misleadingly named 'Electoral Integrity Act'. Now Australians only have until 8pm the day election writs are issued to enrol to vote or change their enrolment details, rather than 7 days. 423,975 people enrolled to vote during that 7 day period in 2004 - but under the current law many of those people will miss out.

Freedom from our social prisons requires a rights revolution

New Zealanders in Australia - New Zealand needs you.

For the Very Urgent Attention of the United Nations Committee on Human Rights 8-26 March 2010.: New Zealand Review

The following submission is from the Human Rights Council Inc. (New Zealand) to the United Nations Human Rights Committee concerning New Zealand’s report due to be reviewed on the 15th and 16th of March, 2010. It is also written for a wider public audience.


Scientists affirm Australia's climate already changing

In a joint statement released on Monday by the CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology the stark facts on global warming were outlined: that Australia's climate has already changed with more extremely hot days, fewer cold ones, wetter in the north and drier in the south-east and south-west. The statement outlined in five sections a snapshot of temperature, rainfall, oceans, atmosphere, and what this means for Australia in coming decades.


Ban duck shooting! The 'Duck Army' mobilizes at Parliament House, 14 March 2010

With the start of the new duck killing season only a week away, opponents of the slaughter of native birds in the name of sport lined the steps of Parliament House on Sunday to condemn the Brumby Government’s decision not only to allow the season to go ahead, but even to increase the allowed catch – this in spite of overwhelming opposition from within the community and the ALP itself, not to mention the near-catastophic drop in bird populations after years of drought.


Sign to stop Africa's vulnerable elephants being wiped out

Dear friends,

Amazing -- in just over 3 days, more than 300,000 of us have signed this petition to keep endangered elephants protected! Help sustain that momentum by forwarding this link to everyone you know right now:

Original email below


Afghanistan's new great game: The undeclared wars within the war

The conflict in Afghanistan has long since taken on a new dimension and spilled over into Pakistan.

Conventional Western public opinion regards the war in Afghanistan as a struggle between NATO and extremist Islamic militants. Since assuming office Barack Obama has redefined the conflict by calling it the Af-Pak war.,,5331876,00.html?maca=en-newsletter_...

Firemen face court over indecent assaults, but not doctors and psychologists at HealthQuest, the N.S.W. government medical office which is complicit in these crimes

Today's rag tells us that several firemen are facing court relating to indecent assaults on a colleague 20 years ago which was part of an 'initiation rite', so it it seems, that was common in N.S.W. fire stations.

How did employees of N.S.W. fire brigades in several locations get away with these crimes against new recruits? How did the cover-up happen?

Protest at Muckaty waste dump nomination - open-air film night at office of Martin Ferguson, 11 March

Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson’s announcement on 23 February of plans to dump nuclear waste at Muckaty Station in the Northern Territory in spite of opposition from a range of traditional owners triggered immediate protests, including one by FoE’s ACE collective on Friday 26th. A further action took the form of an open-air film night outside his electorate office, with films projected on a makeshift screen on the side wall, while the ‘audience’ made themselves comfortable on the footpath opposite...

The following statement was issued by Friends of the Earth Australia:


Science of evil

MNN. Mar. 6, 2010. Evil is man-made immorality and a main influence on Western society. Capitalism and self-promotion are the main values. It is created by psychopaths, based on slavery and "warfare." Warfare is mass murder of those who refuse to fit in. The European Crusades murdered millions.

Does a superannuation fund own Australian National Car Parks?

Recently an irate victim of Australian National Car Parks rang Barkly Square Shopping Complex which has an ANCP car park at the rear and asked them why they are supporting this organization. The complainant was informed that the owner, a 'prestigious' and well known super fund would not be doing anything illegal or wrong.

The complainant was also informed that there is nothing wrong with the way in which ANCP operates, demanding 'damages' from drivers and issuing real-looking fines which are in fact not fines and SHOULD NOT BE PAID.