
WGAR News: Nuclear waste dump in the Northern Territory (2 Mar 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR website:

- Background

Beyond Nuclear Initiative's weblog:
"This site is a snapshot of current nuclear free campaigns in Australia, particularly focusing on the proposal for a federal radioactive waste dump in the Northern Territory."

- Media Releases

Aboriginal News Group: Stop Dumping on Aboriginal Rights

Protest to the Danes over regular ghastly dolphin killings - the pictures say it all

Denmark is involved in a shameful practice.

The sea is stained in red from the cruelty of supposedly civilised humans killing hundreds of the famous and intelligent Calderon dolphins. This happens every year in Faroe Island in Denmark. The main participants in this slaughter are young teens.

WHY? A celebration, to show that they are adults and mature!

Everyone participates in one way or the other, killing or looking at the cruelty, “supporting like a spectator”.

Calderon dolphins, like all other dolphin species, are near extinction.

Colombian indigenes and whales in mortal danger - please help protest with your signature

By Klaus Schenck

Dear friends of the rain forest,

We request your help with two protest actions:

In Colombia the military are bombing the Embera indigenes in the rain forest so that foreign companies can mine minerals on Indian land undisturbed. You can protest at, Kolumbien: Hubschrauberattacke auf Embera-Indianer

Mass murder of gays planned in Uganda - help stop it with a donation

Dear friends,

Debate is raging in Uganda on the proposal to execute gay people. We can't let extremists drown out voices of reason -- donate now for opinion polls and ads showing Ugandans choose human rights over violent extremism:

In just two weeks, nearly half a million of us have signed the global petition against Uganda's proposed law to sentence gay people to death and jail their friends.


“How do you listen to the birds or see the blessed dawn? What do you say when there are no words, when the reason for words is gone? Never say goodbye, till we meet again.”

Your loving husband, Archie Roach.

Loved daughter of Geoffrey Hunter and Irene (nee Richards); cherished wife of Archie Roach, mother of Amos, Eban, Arthur, Krissy, Terrence and Nathan, mother in law to Lowanna and Annette and treasured Nan of Wesley, John, Jakarra, Shai, Dakota, William, Janaya, Silvia, Laticia, Wesley, Waru and Gurrenah.

Women's Peace Walk to take people's opposition to nuke dump to Canberra

The Women's Peace Walk “Footprints for Peace” will begin their epic three month trek from Brisbane to Canberra to send a message of peace, sustainability and anti-nuclear proliferation to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.

The Women-organised event is expected to take three months taking in many towns and cities before finishing in Canberra. They will meet with Prime Minister Rudd and deliver a message stick to the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra.

“Aborigines from across the country will fight nuclear dumping”

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 24 February 10 – Aboriginal people will be called from all over Australia to protest in the Northern Territory against any movement of nuclear waste across their traditional lands, an Aboriginal activist says.

Michael Anderson, chairman of an Aboriginal Summit Task Force recently elected in Canberra (click x above for picture), says in a media release: “Nothing will move down the former American Vice-President Dick Cheney’s Halliburton railway line from Darwin to Alice Springs.”


Queensland quarry a horror scenario

A monster quarry soon to start operating in picturesque country behind Queensland’s Sunshine Coast is greatly worrying and enraging local people.

Their immediate and main concern are 40-tonne trucks with dog-trailers that will run every six to nine minutes every day bar Sunday on a narrow, winding, hilly road and pass through the centre of picturesque villages set in pristine countryside.

People fear loss of life, green lifestyle, falling business and dropping property values.

The quarry is at Kin Kin, 150 km north of Brisbane, about 40 km in from the coast.

Age of Double Think and Ignorance is Strength 2 mp3s

samples of "1984" and "Brave New World" mixed with sound by Supahempadoxical -

length: 5:54 min 128 kbps stereo 5.5 MB


Media mash mix collage with orwell, huxley, corporate pr spin and political media mass control, and more...

PR Firms = Propaganda, Silicon Graffiti Totalitarianism With A Smiley Face - both on

most sounds by supahempadoxical

length: 29:56 min 128 kbps stereo 27.5 MB

'Ultimate Fighting' for geeks

Having been on the net for over ten years I witnessed the glorious anarchy of the early(ish) days. I know some people cringe at the raw emotion and crude and unformed opinion and emotion that was vomited into the public domain in those days but I thought it was all quite liberating, enlightening and energising. It was a bit like 'Ultimate Fighting' for geeks. It wasn't pretty but it is was "honest" dirty fighting for space for individual ideas and voice. I felt that despite the spitting, eye gouging and scratching the truth would usually out.


sovereignty, treaties, social justice

an interesting example of a civil disobedience action taken as an anti-olympic protest (the building of the bridge), the destruction of a sacred burial ground (during construction of the bridge) and the interference of the salmon runs and destruction of ancient fishing grounds due to the insensitivity of the canadian govt. and the builders.

there is even recognition of the downside (is there an upside?) of globalisation to first nations and other aboriginal groups around the world.

Frankenstein food remains unpopular.

Public attitudes to genetically modified (GM) agriculture are not changing with most people still uncomfortable with the technology, according to a study conducted by Swinburne University’s Centre for Emerging Technologies and Society.

Related: GM Canola growing in Melbourne suburb


Marine extinction looms with ocean acidification increasing

Scientiists from Bristol University say that ocean acidification is ocurring at a faster pace than anytime in the last 65 million years, raising the possibility of a mass marine extinction event similar to what ocurred about 55 million years ago.

Related: Dr Jeremy Mathis on CO2 acidification threatens northern oceans - (KFSK Public radio audio) | European Project on Ocean Acidification Blog | The Ocean in a High CO2 World | Sigourney Weaver highlights Ocean Acidification in video documentary


NSW Ombudsman confirms maladministration at Canterbury City Council

The investigation by the NSW Ombudsman into the Conduct of Canterbury City Council has concluded and the findings in the Final report state Canterbury City Council FAILED.

Errs, contradictions, improper conduct, etc... at the senior management level and helm of Canterbury City Council.

Notice of the investigation was previously released at Sydney IndyMedia and although the headlines to it and the related issues appear in search engines - the careless, incompetent actions and inactions of the Council over the last near 7 years and earlier have been lost/destroyed.
