
Bill McKibben and Naomi Klein on Copenhagen

This is a very interesting 15 minute interview with Bill McKibben - creator of the movement and well known Canadian activist and author Naomi Klein shortly after Obama's press conference at Copenhagen where he announced the "accord" between the U.S., China, Brazil and India.

A number of interesting points are made:

"I was picked up while hitchhiking on the Hume Highway in the early 1990s by a dangerous man and it wasn't Ivan Milat"

This article has been re-posted as the original has been lost. It was written by the victim as an email which is reproduced below:


Ivan Milat: The evidence, by the late investigator Brian Raven

Picture: Brian Raven wearing a red
top at a Justice Action demonstration against
Guantanamo Bay shortly before
his untimely death.

Brian Raven was a good friend and fellow investigator. Some years ago his body was found in his home in mysterious circumstances; he had been dead some weeks. I have not heard whether there has been a coronial inquiry. At the time of his death Brian was working on exposing corruption in a number of high profile cases. He set up a website regarding the evidence against Ivan Milat. This is Brian's take on the evidence against Ivan Milat.

HSI warns of pending legal action over japanese whaler spy flights

Media Release - January 6, 2010

Humane Society International (HSI) has warned it is prepared to take legal action against Australian companies that are reported to have been assisting Japanese whalers in the Southern Ocean, by providing their services to operate spy flights.

In January 2008, HSI secured an injunction against Japanese whale hunts in Australia's Antarctic territorial waters.


Legal cases rulings re whaling in Australian Southern Ocean 2008


Are we to be told by the Australian Govt that the Australian Federal court orders about whaling are to be ignored? If this is not reaon enough for Australia to enforce the court orders by the Royal Australian Navy since the duty of patrolling the Australian coastline falls to them.Maybe it's time to create an equivalent to the USA Coast Guard.

Humane Society International Inc v Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha
Ltd [2008] FCA 3 (15 January 2008)
Last Updated: 15 January 2008

Ivan Milat files application for a review to the High Court: Sydney Indymedia exclusive

Ivan Milat continues to state that he is innocent and has been framed in the matter of the Backpacker Murders. He says that he cut off his finger due to refusal of access to necessary law books and a computer to type up his application for a review, not to get attention or to make an escape attempt.

Ivan Milat says: "The High Court informed me they received my application on 18th December 2009 and accepted it. It has been filed and I am applicant No. 356 of 2009. I've sent off the necessary documents to the Respondent in my matter - the Supreme Court."

Sea Shepherd sues Japanese whalers for Piracy in Dutch Court

Sea Shepherd lodged on Friday writs to sue the crew of Japanese whaling ship Shonan Maru 2 for piracy in the Dutch court system for threatening the lives of the six crew members of the Ady Gil and destroying their vessel. Conservation pirates suing pirates of profit and environmental slaughter and destruction.

Other News: Bethune files for arrest of Japanese Captain | Ady Gil commits to fundraising for a new Ady Gil | Bob Brown serves $2million demand on Japan | Australian Government delays legal action decision until after IWC meeting in June | New Video from Ady Gil - final 3 minutes before ramming | How Whaling is Illegal

'Grand Daddy' climate change denier Lord Monckton and aussie celebrity denier Ian Plimer are touring OZ!

sounds like a great presentation to attend!!!!!!!!

Sydney, January 26 & 27,
Newcastle, January the 28th,
Brisbane, January 29th,
Noosa, January 30th & 31st,
Melbourne, Feb. 1st & 2nd,
Canberra, Feb. 3rd,
Adelaide, Feb. 4th & 5th,
Perth, Feb. 8th

Christopher Lord Monckton Tour

Global Warming?
Why did Copenhagen Fail?
Why has global warming science failed?
Why are the alarmists wrong?
Why does the government still want to introduce
a global warming tax which could bankrupt the nation?


Pro-whaling New Zealand PR Group

After some work i have found the details of the PR group working for the Japanese whalers or the institute of cetacean research. The groups name is Omeka and is ran out of New Zealand, there main spokes person is Glenn innwood. If you would like to tell Mr Innwood and the good people of Omeka what you think of there bosses the ICR. Please tell them at the following infomation.
For life in our seas

Omeka Public Relations
PO Box 12-490 Thorndon, Wellington
New Zealand
Ph +64 21 498 010
Fax +64 21
787 570
E-mail omeka AT


“Australians no longer need to hide their racism”

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 8 January 2010 -- An Aboriginal activist, who was once engaged by the Australian government as a consultant on special race relations matters, says Australians are so racist that they cannot recognise it anymore because racism is so pronounced and active here.

“Australians no longer have to be covert about racism, they show it publicly,” Michael Anderson, leader of the 3,000 Euahlayi of northwest NSW, writes in response to the recent murder of an Indian student in Melbourne.


Climate tipping point: Global Atmospheric Methane on the rise

The concentration of methane in the atmosphere is rising, according to measurements made by the New Zealand National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (Niwa) at its Baring Head Station near Wellington.

Methane (CH4) is a greenhouse gas whose affect on climate is 21 times stronger than Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and is the second most important contributor to global warming behind carbon dioxide. It is produced naturally mainly by biological breakdown of organic substances in oxygen-deficient conditions, such as the digestive system of ruminant animals and the decay of plant material in swamps or landfills. It is also prevalent in fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas (which is mainly methane).

Ramming the Ady Gil - real reasons for weak Australian Government response

The Sea shepherds need to enlighten the public on the economic issues to explain the Luke warm response by the Australian Govt. re the recent ramming of the Ady Gil.
Put the Australian Government on the spot and show how impotent they are.
usefull FACTS from Japanese embassy website follows:
Japan has been, and still is, Australia’s largest export market. Australia’s trade surplus with Japan amounts to 15 billion US dollars.


Ady Gil sinks, Sea Shepherd pursuing Whaling Fleet

The Sea Shepherd high speed powerboat, Ady Gil, has now sunk according to Paul Watson interviewed on ABC morning radio. The stationary ship was purposefully rammed by a Japanese whaling security vessel endangering the 6 Sea Shepherd volunteers on board.

Final statement by John August, President Humanist Society of NSW, regarding Humanist House and the PIF

There's been controversy around hiring practices at Humanist House. We've recently had a Special General Meeting to give control of day to day operations of the Society to the Executive. It was a very difficult meeting, and I thank everyone who turned up and supported the resolutions, and I particularly thank those members who helped with meeting process.


Sea Shepherd vows to continue campaign after destruction of Ady Gil by whalers

Yesterday was a hectic day in Commonwealth Bay, near Antarctica, in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. The Ady Gil, while stationary, was puposefully rammed at speed by the Japanese whaling security vessel, the Shonan Maru 2. And the Japanese whaling fleet, and the world discovered Sea Shepherds surprise new conservation ship, the Bob Baker, an ex-Norwegian Antarctic ice-class whaling vessel that was bought in 2009 and secretly refitted in South Africa.

Updates: Ady Gil sinks, Sea Shepherd pursuing Whaling Fleet | Sea Shepherd sues Japanese whalers for Piracy in Dutch Court | Real reasons for weak Australian Government response | Legality of Whaling | Legal action over spy flights


Two climate prisoners released but still facing charges

Climate activists Australian Natasha Verco and American citizen Noah Daniel Weiss were released from a Copenhagen prison but are still facing charges of attempted assault of a police officer and planning to disturb public order. Their case has been adjourned until March 16.

Related: Natasha Verco being interviewed on ABC radio

Financial Literacy Lessons mp3

Pretext of Money with David Icke, Monetary system explained with excerpts of I.O.U.S.A. and Zeitgeist Addendum, Money as Debt II, Hynkel speech [ Charlie Chaplin ] excerpt, Krishna Murti, South Park, media samples - sounds by George Duke, The Bakery, Supahemp, others

money as debt II -

Zeitgeist Addendum

Bernard Lietaer

length: 54:25 min 128 kbps stereo 50 MB

Aboriginal struggle like those in China and Iran

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 3 January 2010 - - A NSW activist likens the struggle for Aboriginal rights to the uprisings to win freedom in China and Iran.

“The repressive and discriminatory laws that we are subject to here in Australia would not be tolerated anywhere else in the free world,” Michael Anderson writes in a media release (full text below).

Related: Call to an aboriginal summit in Canberra
