
Coalition Climate Policy just "tinkering at the edges" say academics and scientists

While the politicians debate 5% emissions reduction under Kevin Rudd's Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme or Tony Abbott's incentive based Emissions Reduction Fund, it may be instructive to go back to what the scientists say we need:
25-40% reduction in emissions by 2020 for a reasonable chance to avoid dangerous climate change and stay under 2 degrees warming.


54 billion dollars from Obama for new nuclear power stations

President Obama will make 54 billion dollars available to support the building of new nuclear power stations. This is the crowning of ongoing lobbying by the nuclear industry. Environmentalists are enraged.
Report in German at

Aboriginal sovereignty to go to the Senate

Canberra, 1 February 2010 – The Aboriginal assertion of sovereignty is to be put to the Federal Parliament by the Greens Senator Rachel Siewert at the request of the New Way Summit convened here.

Senator Siewert made the pledge to about 120 Aboriginal delegates from across the continent.


WGAR News: National Day of Action - Saturday, 13 February 2010 (2 Feb 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR website:

National Day of Action - Sat 13 Feb
Prescribed Area People's Alliance Meeting - 12 Feb
Ampilatwatja – Celebration and opening of Protest House - 14 Feb
Proposed National Congress of Australia's First Peoples
Indigenous progress report delayed by PM
January 26, a.k.a. Invasion Day / Survival Day
Other NT Intervention Articles
Other Aboriginal Articles


Politicians Fuels Racism - Are You “Mainstream” Australians?

Racism is a die hard issue in Australia. While the racism against Indians across the country over the last two years has yet to show any sign of winging down,  the new opposition leader Tony Abbott begin the 2010 election year with Howard’s style racism on the issue of Immigration.


Submissions call-out for Australian activist hystory anthology

Call-out for submissions - Reflections on moments in Australian activism, an anthology

Were you at Woomera, Baxter, Pine Gap, APEC, S11, G20, Climate Camp? Have you been involved in the struggle for old-growth forests, land rights, attended a coal port blockade, an activist conference / convergence, or been involved in a solidarity campaign? Did you write about your personal experiences? Journal entries, blogs, zine pieces, jotted down thoughts, articles for Indymedia?


WGAR News: New Way Aboriginal Summit about to begin in Canberra (29 Jan 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR website:

Background to New Way Summit 30 Jan - 1 Feb
Draft Agenda for New Way Summit
Support needed for New Way Summit
Live Streaming of New Way Summit


WGAR News: Call to an Aboriginal Summit in Canberra (13 Jan 10):

WGAR News: Update on Aboriginal Summit in Canberra (23 Jan 10):

Asylum seekers protest long processing delays on Christmas Island

"The mass protest of 350 Sri Lankan asylum seekers that has continued overnight in the Christmas Island detention centre can be directly traced back to the lowest political behaviour of all time by Prime Minister Kevin last year when he started a nasty period of political posturing, and when he started playing "refugee football" with the asylum seekers on the Oceanic Viking," WA human rights group Project SafeCom said.


An abuse of privilige.The DET can now diagnose mental illness and reject professional expertise stating otherwise

Imagine you are sane . You share the same stresses as anybody in the community...possible more because you have 2 children with types of Autism as do other members of your family but beyond this you are mentally well and have a high IQ. Now picture this strange and insane scenario. The Principal of a school decides you are insane and that your parenting is responsible for your children's Autism. Now imagine being held responsible for behaviours that are typical of a child with Aspergers.

The Left and Racial Domination in France: An Interview with Sadri Khiari (MIR)

The Left and Racial Domination in France: An Interview with Sadri Khiari (MIR)
by Danièle Obono

Who wants to know the truth about Piles Creek Somersby?

Five people died in Piles Creek Somersby. They died because Gosford City Council failed to repair and maintain those corrugated steel culvert pipes which it became responsible for maintaining when the road became councils responsibility. The latest news is two eight foot diameter steel pipes in the upper reaches of Mooney Mooney Creek where it runs beneath Peats Ridge Road. These two pipes have been lined with concrete twice to protect the bottom of the pipes from rotting away with rust.


The ABC takes a long summer break

I was barely awake, but even so I recall the unmistakable voice of the ABC summer presenter mouthing polite platitudes of sympathy for the thousands of Haitians killed in the massive earthquake which hit the capital, Port-au-Prince on the 13th January. The journalistic imperatives of what, where, and who were barely mentioned, with the crucial how and why, the object of neglect. In their place, the summer listeners were urged to partake in an aural orgy detailing their own most frightening life event.


Mildura solar power plant languishes while coal gets funding

About 50 people attended a rally Saturday 23 January 2010 on the Victorian parliament house steps to Save Solar Systems and build the Mildura Solar Thermal Power Plant.

Related: Save Solar Systems Blog | Photos by Takver | Melbourne Protests


WGAR News: Update on Aboriginal Summit in Canberra (23 Jan 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR website:

Aboriginal Summit in Canberra
Making a submission on the NTER legislation amendments by 1 Feb 2010
Ampilatwatja Walk-off
Racist Website
Peace Walk for Aboriginal Sovereignty: 25, 26 Jan Canberra
Loan shark lends to Aboriginal Centrelink clients
UN Report on conditions of world's indigenous peoples
Recent attacks on Indian students in Melbourne
Other NT Intervention Articles


"NEW WAY SUMMIT: Our Way or No Way

Rwanda's 1994 genocide and 2010 election

The memory, consequence, and disputed histories of the 1994 Rwanda Genocide, loom large in Rwanda's memory. Whether openly discussed or not, they will hugely influence the nation's 2010 national election.

Let’s close Guantanamo Bay

One year ago we were celebrating.

When President Obama put pen to paper on the closure of Guantanamo Bay we thought we'd finally put an end to seven disgraceful years of failed detention policies. Instead, a year later, our disappointment only deepens as we watch Obama's own deadline to close the prison pass us by.