
IUCN report: Koalas threatened by climate change

The Koala has been identified by the prestigous International Union for the Conservation of Nature as under threat from climate change in a new report released in Copenhagen.

The report - Species and Climate Change - focuses on 10 species, including Arctic Fox, Leatherback Turtle, Beluga Whale, Clownfish, Emperor Penguin, Quiver Tree, Ringed Seal, salmon and staghorn corals, and the Koala.


Greenpeace evade security for climate banner on Sydney Opera House

Greenpeace today unveiled a message for Prime Minister Kevin Rudd: a banner on the iconic Sydney Opera House saying: "Stop the Politics - Climate Treaty Now". Five Greenpeace activists scaled one of the sails of the Opera House to do the banner drop.

The banner drop ocurred at 9.20am with police quickly sealing off the area to tourists and the banner was taken down by 10am. The activists have each been charged with trespass.

InvestigateWest photographer arrested covering climate protest in Copenhagen

COPENHAGEN — InvestigateWest photographer Christopher Crow was arrested today by police wielding batons and accompanied by police dogs. Crow had been photographing demonstrators trying to shut down Copenhagen’s harbor outside the United Nations negotiations on climate

Crow was taken into custody along with about 275 others. Some 400 to 500 demonstrators had been involved in the protest.

Demonstrators marched roughly six blocks before riot police trapped the group against a metal railing about 2 1/2 miles from the harbor.

Australia's obstructionist role causes developing countries to walk

Copenhagen. Dec 14, 2009. Australia and Japan are currently blocking movement on legally binding emissions reductions for rich countries, which has precipitated in the G77 group of 130 developing countries walking out of climate negotiations unless talks on a second commitment period to the Kyoto Protocol are prioritized ahead of broader discussions under a second LCA track. A Flashmob of support by civil society for the African and island nations walkout was held in the convention centre.


Perth Indymedia reporter arrested with other journalists in Copenhagen climate protests

Alex Whisson from Perth Indymedia, currently in Copenhagen making a documentary on the protests and COP15 summit was detained on Sunday as hundreds of people marched towards the harbor in Copenhagen, chanting and carrying banners reading "Our planet not your business". Several journalists and photographers were targeted by the police and detained.

Australian presence in Gaza freedom March

Canterbury-Bankstown Peace Group member, Marlene Obeid, will be traveling on Christmas Eve to the Middle East to join a peace convergence - the Gaza Freedom March.

Ms Obeid and another 13 Australians will be part of a contingent of approximately 1,000 peace activists who have signed up to take part in this world event called in solidarity with the Palestinian people and to put an end to the Israeli blockade of Gaza.


Mary Valley celebrates this Saturday

The cheers that greeted Peter Garrett’s Remembrance Day “No “ to Traveston Crossing Dam still reverberate around the Mary Valley but this Saturday they’ll be mixed with the sounds of even more celebration.

(Coverage of the celebration by Noosa Community Radio at

From 3pm, the Kandanga Recreation grounds (behind the swimming pool) will come alive with music and festivity as residents and well-wishers celebrate the lifting of a yoke that had weighed them down for the past three and a half years.

DECEMBER SEEDS - An interesting short film about the revolt in Athens Greece December 2008

“December seeds"is a hybrid documentary about the December 2008 revolt in Greece.It consists of images that were shot in the streets as well as material from the greek media.
A strange story about Chris Marker and "The seeds",a film that has never been shot ,unravels as the movie goes on.

Duration:29 min.

you can download from indymedia athens:
(Subtitles in engish included)


World Bank musters USD 5.5 billion for solar energy

The World Bank announced on Wednesday $US5.5 billion ($A6 billion) would be invested in solar energy projects in five countries of the Middle East and North Africa in a bid to combat climate change.

Scientist: Extinction threatens coral reefs unless CO2 limited to 350ppm

COPENHAGEN. Dec 9, 2009. Extinction of Coral reefs and 10-20% of marine species is likely if greehouse gases aren't brought down to 350ppm, warned Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg from the University of Queensland. He gave a presentation (audio 14mins 19s) at the US Pavilion at the COP15 climate negotiations in Copenhagen about the threat of climate change to the world's coral reefs. Over 500 million people living in approximately 90 nations are dependant in some way on coral reefs.

3.4 billion dollars for Native Americans for being cheated out of land revenues

The United States on Tuesday (8 December) agreed to pay 3.4 billion dollars to settle a long-running lawsuit brought by some 300,000 Native Americans who claimed they had been cheated out of land revenue for more than a century. The class-action lawsuit was first brought 13 years ago and has been the subject of 22 judicial decisions. Many past attempts to settle the claims have failed.

Riots and police brutality on first day of Alexandros Grigoropoulos murder anniversary


Riots have broken out in Athens and Salonica during the first day of A. Grigoropoulos murder anniversary with police demonstrating extreme brutality leaving two people seriously wounded by a motorised charge on the Athens march.

Australia part of rich cabal - “Circle of Commitment” trashing climate talks

In a bizarre twist on the second day of Copenhagen talks, it has been revealed that Australia is part of a cabal of rich polluting nations including the UK, U.S. and Denmark called the “Circle of Commitment” planning a new agreement that favours the rich nations and sidelines the UN.

The Guardian newspaper has leaked the contents of the draft final agreement prepared by the Circle of Commitment (which sounds like an evil group of villains from a Bond movie!).


WGAR News: NT govt diverts $2 billion earmarked for Aboriginal and other disadvantage (6 Dec 09)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR website:

NT government diverts $2 billion earmarked for Aboriginal and other disadvantage
Alice Springs town camp residents decide against appeal
Tangentyere Council, Alice Springs
Extension of Welfare Quarantining to Non-Aboriginal People
Council for Territory Co-operation
Will they be heard? report on "consultations"
NT Intervention Articles
Other Aboriginal Articles


- News


Climate science sabotage - donate now!

Dear friends,

Spin by climate deniers about hacked emails between scientists is threatening to drown out the call for a strong climate deal in Copenhagen, but Avaaz is fighting back in media across the planet. Chip in now to stop the deception and help save the climate talks:

Donate now!
Climate deniers and fossil fuel lobbyists are stopping at nothing to kill a Copenhagen deal.

2009 set to become the fifth hottest year on record, in the hottest decade

2009 is likely to be the fifth warmest year on record according to the World Meteorological Organisation, with the current decade being the warmest on record, eclipsing the 1990s, which in turn was warmer than the 1980s.

Above normal temperatures were recorded for most regions with North America experiencing conditions colder than normal in some regions. Global warming is producing more weather extremes, at greater frequency and intensity.